Testimonials - T (See) Home Inspections LLC

*Thanks for getting this out so fast Tim!! Also, thank you for being so thorough with everything, this is
Nice meeting you and have a good weekend!
*You made a really good impression on them. They would highly recommend you to others!!! They really
thought you did a good job!!
Thanks Tim!!!
Thank you for the email and attachments! I have printed them off and put in the book!
You were very thorough and we greatly appreciate your time and expertise.
Let us know when the Radon test is complete
Thank you for the attachment on contractors. We are looking into it right now!
I am soooo glad we decided to do the Radon Test too…wow…with 2 little kids that
could have been a bad deal!
Thank you for your help and we will be referring people to you. I already contacted 1 of
my friends about conducting a Radon test on their house.
Feel free to use my email and the previous as a testimonial!
Have a great day,
*Thanks Tim, got it. I will go over the report with Andy and also send it to him. He mentioned that you 2
hashed out you coming to pick up the radon kit on Saturday. Thanks again for doing a great and
thorough job. I will recommend you to others in the future.
*TimThanks so much for all your help!! The inspection was so informative and you had so many
helpful hints and advice! We can't begin to say thanks for all your hard work and follow through!
We have received all the information you have sent us, and it will help us to create a great new
home for us!! Thank-you again for all your hard work and useful information!
Terrah and David
Thank you very much for the updated report.
Your work is outstanding, you have my highest recommendation.
Don Burkit