Full Moon Ritual May 2012 T

Ritual Template
Cleansing Bath Prior to RitualThoroughly clean your altar and/or temple room. Do a self-purification rite with Elemental tools
-- cleanse your body with salt (Earth), your thoughts with incense (Air), your will with a candle
flame (Fire), your emotions with water (Water), and your spiritual body with a healing crystal
Arrive and Setup –Arrive 15 mins early at least!
Items Needed:
For the ritual:
Four Candles: one for each quarter, red, yellow, green and blue
Decorate with spring items…flowers, bunnies, colored eggs,
For the Act of Power:
Seeds and something to plant them in
Assign Roles
Assign and brief quarter callers and any other roles
HPS, Co-HPS, Air, Fir, Water, Earth Quarters,
Pre Ritual Prep
HPS says:
Host calls everyone to gather.
I ask everyone to respect the circle, which we are about to make and not break it. If you must
leave, please let me know prior to leaving so I can open a doorway for you to exit.
Anything you have which would be distracting, such as phones, fax machines, or TVs turn them
off and keep your computer muted until you are asked to speak.
After the ritual, sometime will be allowed to share thoughts and questions
you may have. You will be asked to leave comments, please do so.
Co-HPS: Rings the bell 3 times
Co-HPS says: Hear ye Hear ye, circle round, only those of their own free will may stay. As
taught by our teachers, we will gather, in perfect love and perfect trust. We will forget about the
day, and quiet our mind and voice. Ritual has begun, welcome, and know the Ancient Ones are
Guided Meditation and Grounding
Brief introduction about the Sabbat
HPS says:
Ostara is the Latin name for the spring goddess, Eostre. Her counterpart in ancient Greek was
Eos, also Aurora. The vernal equinox is a time of balance when day and night are equal. It is a
day to celebrate the earth and sun. Our ancestors included the symbolic sexual union of God is,
and God in their rituals and honored about of all things: female and male, spirit and physical. In
Celtic Cornwall and Wales, Ostara called Lady Day, celebrates the return of the goddess after
her winter hibernation.
In the maiden- mother- crone cycle of the goddess and seasons, the maiden phase is now
unfolding as the earth renews herself. Signs of reawakening life can be seen everywhere as
snowdrops and crocuses emerge and trees come into bud. This season brings freshness into our
lives and new perspective as we shed heavy winter clothes and feel the warmth of the sun on our
One of the most well known stories of the Maiden Goddess is of Demeter and her daughter
Persephone. Persephone felt that it was her calling to go to the underworld to comfort and guide
the spirits of the dead to their rest. Even though Demeter knew her daughter would return, she
put her life on hold and waited. During this time grain and other plants did not grow and the
weather was cold. When Persephone would return bringing warmth and love for her mother, the
entire Earth came alive again. Later the ancient Greek version of this story added violence by
which Persephone being kidnapped to the underworld by Hades and Zeus bargaining with
Demeter to bring the plants back to life. Happily, the earlier gentler version is gaining
Eggs, symbolize sacred life to our ancestors, were decorated to honor the goddess given as gifts.
In the Middle Ages, decorated eggs were used as Easter tithes to parish priests. Present day
Wiccans and Pagans decorate eggs with symbols such as circles and spirals, the sun, and the
Tree of Life.
Admittance into the CircleEveryone standing hand in hand in a circle.
HPS says: Prepare to be admitted into our circle.
The HPS will turn to the Co-HPS
HPS says: (state name) how do thee enter?
Co-HPS says: In perfect love and perfect trust
HPS says: Merry Meet, I bid thee Enter.
Co-HPS will turn to next person and say: _____, how do thee enter?
Next in line: In perfect love and perfect trust.
Co-HPS say: Merry Meet, I bid thee Enter.
This procedure continues around the circle and goes in alphabetical order of who is at the ritual.
It will end with the last person asking the HPS. The list of names will be posted in the Skype
window at the time of Ritual
HPS says: I pick up my athame and begin walking deosil from the east cutting our sacred
Circle one (Everyone hand in hand walking the circle)
HPS says:
Hand in hand, we circle round,
Make no opening to be found.
Power within and evil out,
Thrice we walk the circle bout.
Co-HPS says:
(Circle 2)
Equal day and equal night
Welcome now spring’s warm light
With an athame, I cut this space
With love and light, make a holy place
HPS says:
(Circle 3)
All be here by freedom of wills,
Within the circle to practice their skills.
Safe and secure I will it be
Seal this circle So Mote It Be
All say: So Mote It Be
Calling of Quarters
Co- HPS says: Quarter Callers please begin
North Caller says:
Lighting the green candle I draw the invoking pentagram for Earth. (You may use your athame,
sword, wand, or finger)
Come ye spirits of the north, powers of earth hold us rooted by tree and flower. Bring us the
beauty of your lush green meadows. Be with us this day.
All say: Be with us this day.
East Caller says:
Lighting the yellow candle I draw the invoking pentagram for Air. (You may use your athame,
sword, wand, or finger)
Come ye spirits of the east, powers of air, sail on golden wings of dawn. Blow away the staleness
of winter. Be with us this day.
All say: Be with us this day.
South Caller says:
Lighting the red candle I draw the invoking pentagram for Fire. (You may use your athame,
sword, wand, or finger)
Come spirits of the south, power of fire, bring the heat of noon to warm our days. Coax the seeds
from the womb of the earth. Be with us this day.
All say: Be with us this day.
West Caller says:
Lighting the blue candle I draw the invoking pentagram for Water. (You may use your athame,
sword, wand, or finger)
Come spirits of the west, power of water, let our souls flow with the beauty of your tides. Bless
the land with dew-filled mornings. Be with us this day.
All say: Be with us this day.
Invoking the Goddess/God
Co-HPS says: Lighting the God candle…
Prince of Light, Lord of spring, you wax to the fullness of youth and bless the world with your
bright spirit. Join us in this sacred circle. Be with us this day.
All say: Be with us this day.
HPS says: Lighting the Goddess candle ….
Great Mother who gives out world from, as your web of life renews the earth, light that spark
within us to awaken our souls. Join us in this sacred circle.
All say: Be with us this day.
Act of Power
HPS says:
Hold the seeds in the palm of one hand, then cup your other hand over it. Close your eyes. At
winter solstice, we made wishes and set forth intentions for the New Year. Now is the time to
start bringing those wishes and intentions into the physical world.
Fix those wishes or intentions in your mind. Let the energy and visions flow from you into the
seeds. Visualize your wishes coming to fruition. Once you have clearly seen what you want to
achieve or receive, open your eyes and then place the seeds into the cup and cover them lightly
with soil. Put it in a place where you will see it frequently and be reminded of your intention.
Thanking the God/Goddess
HPS says: I put out the goddess candle
Great Mother, we ask that your blessings remain in our hearts and that we live in harmony with
all that dwell in this earth. We thank you for your presence this day. Stay if you will; go if you
must. We bid you farewell.
All say: Hail and Farewell
Co-HPS says: I put out the god candle
Lord of the spring and budding new life, we welcome he growth and beauty that you bestow upon
the greening land. We thank you for your presence this day. Stay if you will; go if you must. We
bid you farewell.
All say: Hail and Farewell
Close the quarters
West Caller says: As I put out the blue candle and draw the banishing pentagram.
Spirits of the west, of waters that nourish the land, we thank you for your presences this day.
Stay if you will; go if you must. We bid you farewell.
All say: Hail and Farewell
South Caller says: I am putting out the red candle as we all draw the banishing pentagram.
Spirits of the south, of fire that provides new beginnings, we thank you for your presence this
day. Stay if you will; go if you must. We bid you farewell.
All say: Hail and Farewell
East Caller says: I am putting out the yellow candle as we all draw the banishing pentagram.
Spirits of the east, of air and precious breath, we thank you for your presence this day. Stay if
you will; go if you must. We bid you farewell.
All say: Hail and Farewell
North Caller says: As I put out the green candle and draw the banishing pentagram.
Spirits of the north, of earth that brings forth new life, we thank you for your presence this day.
Stay if you will; go if you must. We bid you farewell.
All say: Hail and Farewell
HPS says: Please take this moment to ground and release and thank any guides for their help
this evening. You can save a bit of the energy for yourself. Let us know when you have finished.
Opening the Circle
HPS says:
No more circle to be found
Only magick is abound
Dance and sing and merry be
this circle is open Blessed Be
All say: Blessed Be!
Our lovely rite draws to its end
Blessed Be!
Written by: Crystal Moon
Edited by Autumn Winds