WATFORD RURAL PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING of the COUNCIL MEETING held at the Parish Hall, Oxhey Drive on WEDNESDAY 4th NOVEMBER 2015 @ 8.30PM Ahead of the meeting Alan Head from Three Rivers District updated the Parish Council on matters concerning the South Oxhey Initiative. This update was not open to the public. The public exhibition will be held on 13th/14th November 2015. Attendance: Councillor Valerie Coltman (Chairperson) Councillor Ty Harris (Vice Chairperson) Councillor David Coltman Councillor Yessica Gould Councillor Joan King Councillor Pam King Councillor Shanti Maru Councillor Sean McCluskey Councillor Brendan O’Brien Councillor Alison Scarth Councillor William Waite Police: Not in attendance Officer: Michele Fundrey – Clerk Public: 0 Apologies: Councillor Terry Dos Ramos Councillor Ann Grant Councillor Angela Roberts 209. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The apologies were noted and accepted. 210. DECLARATIONS No declarations were received. 211. POLICE MATTERS The Police were unable to attend, but sent the latest newsletter which was distributed. The contents of which were noted. 212. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There were no members of the public present. 213. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Council Meeting Minutes of 7th October 2015 were approved as a true and correct record, with the following amendment. Minute 194.2, 2nd line – change “daughter” to “grand-daughter”. The Chairperson signed the minutes. Council Meeting 2015/2016 86 214. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING(S) 214.1. Minute 203. – Gas & Electric Contracts The Clerk reported that quotes were received from Powerhouse, but the quote from e-on was still the cheapest supply. Therefore, it was agreed to go ahead with the e-on 3 year contract. RESOLVED that we enter into a 3 year contract for the gas and electricity supply with e-on. 214.2. Minute 203.5 – TRDC Invoice for 2011 Election Costs The Clerk reported that a meeting with TRDC and the Parishes was held in relation to the election costs. TRDC agreed to review the costs. TRDC have now revised the figures and these are 50% less than the original figure. The 2011 election costs to the Parish Council are now £7,936.15 (previously £15,872). It was unanimously agreed to settle the account based on the revised figure. The Clerk advised that Freddie Alnutt has now retired and a Mr Richard Harris will be taking over his role. Mr Harris will be requested to look at a new formula for calculating the 2015 and future election costs. RESOLVED that the TRDC 2011 elections costs of £7,936.15 are paid upon invoice. 215. CORRESPONDENCE FOR CONSIDERATION 215.1. Hertfordshire County Council – Transport Vision 2050 The contents were noted. 215.2. Hertfordshire County Council – Primary Support Base Closure, Highwood School This item was discussed at some length. Due to the timescale of the consultation closure date, Members agreed that they would individually look further into the Primary Support Base and send their comments directly to HCC. The Clerk is to request clarification on the 2 conflicting paragraphs on page 1 and 2, as firstly HCC state that it is a review and secondly the Governing Body states that they cannot offer this provision once Highwood School has converted to academy status. 215.3. Grant Request – Oxhey Jets Football Club Consideration was given to the grant request for £500 towards the cost of hire of the astro-turf area for the Youth & Academy team members training. RESOLVED that the Oxhey Jets Football Club be granted £500.00 towards the funding of the astro-turf hire for training. 216. PLANNING/LICENSE APPLICATIONS The planning applications for October were noted with no comments. 217. SOI UPDATE Update received from Alan Head prior to the meeting. 218. COMMITTEE MEETINGS / REPORTS 218.1. Events Committee Minutes 13.10.15 The minutes were noted. 218.2. F&A Committee Minutes 21.10.15 218.2.1. The recommendation that the “Welcome to South Oxhey” sign is replaced by TRDC at a cost of £100.00, is approved. Council Meeting 2015/2016 87 218.2.2. RESOLVED that the “Welcome to South Oxhey” sign is ordered and replaced by TRDC. The minutes were noted. 218.3. Community Bus Working Party Minutes 21.10.15 The minutes were noted. 219. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 219.1. Accounts The schedule of accounts for October 2015 were noted and approved. 219.2. Dog Bags The Clerk reported that some residents are abusing the dog bag scheme by requesting bags 2/3 times per week. Each pack contains 20 individual bags and should last at the very least just over a week. The Clerk also reported that it appears that some people requesting dog bags are from outside the Parish but work in the vicinity. It was agreed that a notice is to be placed in reception advising residents that only 1 pack of bags per person per week will be given out and proof of residency in the Parish may be requested. Bags will not be given out for neighbours or friends. Only personal callers will receive the bags. RESOLVED that a notice be placed in reception advising the above. 220. CHAIRPERSON EVENTS The events were noted. 221. OUTSIDE BODY MEETINGS – COUNCILLOR UPDATE Cllr. Y Gould attended the last Environmental Forum and updated the Members on the discussion held. Cllr. Y Gould advised that the it was reported at the Environmental Meeting that there is an increase in North American Minks. The Minks are eating the local water voles. Last year was the highest number of Mink caught, but they are still spreading very fast. Cllr. Y Gould was thanked for the update. 222. URGENT MATTERS agreed by Chairperson 222.1. Festive Drinks Depending on a booking in the diary, the Festive Drinks will be held on Thursday 17th December. If this date is not available, the F&A Committee will be moved and the Festive Drinks will be held on Wednesday 16th December. The Clerk will confirm. 222.2. Christmas Tree Lights The Clerk received information just before the meeting that there appears to be a problem with Ringway allowing Christmas lights to be placed on the Christmas tree. The Clerk is not aware of the full details, but it seems that we are no longer allowed to run the cable from the street lights to the top of the tree. The Clerk will enquire further and report back. 179. CLOSURE There being no further business to be considered, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.42pm. ......................................................... Chairman, 2nd December 2015 Council Meeting 2015/2016 88