LITTLE BADDOW PARISH COUNCIL An Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on September 4, 2014. The Meeting commenced at 7:30pm. In attendance:Mr P Willington - Chairman Mr R Barrett Mrs M Buckley Dr N Cooper Mr K Ferguson Mr P Irvine Mr M Richmond Mr J Robinson Mr R Shepherd Members of the Public – 8 Mr R Upward (Clerk) The Chairman welcomed County Councillor John Spence and the members of the public. 114/14 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None. 115/14 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Councillor Willington declared an Interest in all planning applications. Councillor Ferguson declared a Personal Interest in the Planning Application for Little Baddow Hall Farm. Councillor Shepherd declared a Personal Interest in the same Planning Application and left the meeting for the discussion of this item. 116/14 MINUTES The Council resolved that the Minutes of the Council Meetings held on July 10, 2014 and August 14, 2014 are accepted as correct records of the meetings. 117/14 MATTERS FROM PRIOR MEETINGS Minute No/Date/Councillor 94/13 Hall operating costs June 6, 2013 Councillor Cooper Subject Benchmark hall letting fees and develop proposals for improving revenues and reducing operating costs Status Flyers printed and ready for distribution 146/13 Memorial Hall October 3, 2013 Councillor Ferguson Change name to Village Memorial Hall on website and all advertising material. Ensure links from central website. Proposals for website to be reviewed with Webology Sept 8. 30/14 (2) Memorial Bench February 6, 2014 Councillors Barrett/Shepherd Develop policy for residents wanting to add plaques to the memorial bench in Heather Hills. 64/14 New location for bench April 3, 2014 Councillor Barrett Investigate new location for bench currently located in Heather Hills April. Draft policy circulated to councilors for review. July. Replies received from all councilors showing diverse opinions. Councillors Shepherd and Willington to meet to agree proposal to be brought to Council. Proposal to be brought to the October meeting. 75/14 (2) Village clean up May 8, 2014 All Advise list of potential clean up items that could be handled by the Rapid Relief Team Proposal for Highways pilot scheme expected during September. 85/14 Holybred Wood June12, 2014 Councillors Willington/Shepherd 101/14(8) Wickhay Green July 10, 2014 Councillor Richmond Damage in Holybred Wood – contact resident believed to be responsible Councillor Shepherd has met with complainant. Establish costs of returfing the football pitch at Wickhay Green. Cost of astroturf to be established. 1 118/14 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Councillor Spence gave an update on Essex County Council, namely the blitz on road repairs during the summer, the major program on schools providing additional places and meeting the free meals requirements, the bus service review which does not affect Little Baddow and the excellent rating achieved by Children’s Services. Members of the public raised questions on the late cut of the grass at Cock Farm, the need to update the history section on the website, an overgrown footpath at Little Baddow Fruit Farm and the need to update and reprint the footpath maps. Objections to the Planning Application at Jarvis Field were made. 119/14 DEVELOPMENT IN THE VILLAGE Application Number Name of Applicant Location and nature of the Proposed Development to which the application relates 14/01318/FUL A & M Sargeant Sweeps Hill, Spring Elms Lane, Little Baddow Demolition of existing dwelling and garage and construction of replacement dwelling and detached double garage. 14/01398/FUL Mr & Mrs Cowley 12 Jarvis Field, Little Baddow Two storey rear extension, single storey side and rear extension with raised rear patio 14/01393/COUPA Mr S Johnson Barn, Little Baddow Hall Farm, Church Road Determination as to whether prior approval of the Local Planning Authority will be required for the conversion of Agricultural Building to Class 3 (Dwelling Houses) comprising one dwelling. Result No objection Objection No objection subject to similar response from LB Hall 120/14 CORRESPONDENCE Writer 1. ECC 2. ECC 3. Chelmer Canal Trust 4. Mrs Anna Crosby 5. EALC 6. CCC 7. CCC 8. RCCE 9. EALC Subject Sustainable Drainage System – legislation in progress to require sustainable drainage application to accompany every planning application. Essex Minerals Plan formally adopted on July 8, 2014 Notice of AGM on September 16 commencing at 7:30pm Complaint about activities at the Hurrels Ford/Waterhall Meadow. Notice of AGM on September 18 commencing at 1:30pm Confirmation of May 7, 2015 as the Local Election Date 14/05205/TPO – Tree works at the Sports Ground at the boundary with The Thatched Cottage. Active Communities Coffee Morning on October 30 commencing at 10am – information on community led projects Training Days -New Financial Regulations Nov 11 2 Outcome Noted Noted Noted Councillor Barrett to follow-up for response from police. Noted Noted Noted Noted Parish Clerk to attend 120/14 CORRESPONDENCE (cont) Writer 10. CCC 11. Intelligent Cardio Ltd 12. Mrs S Philpot 13. CCC, Director of Public Places Subject Consultation/review of polling districts and polling stations – until October 24 Automated External Defibrillators for community use. Overgrown trees at Aldermanburgh Green obstructing vision when leaving The Rye Field. Footpath clearing to be undertaken by CCC. Grass cutting responsibilities in the village – no transfer of costs 121/14 ACCOUNTS PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS - September 4, 2014 Cheque Payee Description Subject **DD British Gas Memorial Hall Supply **DD Talktalk General Phone **DD Anglian Water Memorial Hall Supply **DD Anglian Water Pavilion Supply **0905 Golding Catering Memorial Hall Crockery **0906 J & L Rymill Memorial Hall Caretaker **0908 Mr R A Upward General Salary " Printware Memorial Hall Paper-flyer " PC World General Lam Pouches " Vax Memorial Hall Supplies " Superrugstore Ltd Memorial Hall Mat **0909 Mr R Perry Memorial Hall Furniture **0910 Mrs M Jarvis Spring Close Supervision **0911 RitchComm Ltd Pavilion Cleaning **0912 DW Maintenance General Grass cutting **0913 BG Commercial Pavilion Repairs **0914 Chelmer Canal Trust General Membership **0915 Mr J A Sheriff Memorial Hall Maintenance **0916 Interserve Fire Service Pavilion Inspection **0917 J & L Rymill Memorial Hall Caretaker **0918 Webology Solutions General Updates **0919 Interserve Fire Service Memorial Hall Inspection **DD British Gas Memorial Hall Supply **DD British Gas Memorial Hall Electricity **DD Talktalk General Phone 0920 Mr R A Upward General Salary 0921 Mrs M Jarvis Spring Close Supervision 0922 RitchComm Ltd Pavilion Cleaning 0923 DW Maintenance General Grass cutting 0924 Mr J A Sheriff Memorial Hall Maintenance " " Wickhay Grn Cut hedge " " Pavilion Maintenance 3 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Outcome Councillor Ferguson Parish Clerk to respond declining offer Parish Clerk to take appropriate action. Parish Clerk to obtain quote for grass cutting all area that are the responsibility of CCC/ECC. Cost 245.83 30.45 189.99 222.15 221.19 651.12 575.44 49.20 16.65 18.33 64.95 40.00 28.00 195.83 246.40 57.43 20.00 150.00 30.00 610.76 15.00 30.00 245.83 145.62 30.45 597.64 28.00 195.83 157.60 160.00 75.00 296.00 £ VAT 49.17 £ 44.24 £ £ £ 9.84 3.33 3.65 £ 11.49 £ 6.00 £ £ £ £ 3.00 6.00 49.17 7.28 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Total 295.00 30.45 189.99 222.15 265.43 651.12 575.44 59.04 19.98 21.98 64.95 40.00 28.00 195.83 246.40 68.92 20.00 150.00 36.00 610.76 18.00 36.00 295.00 152.90 30.45 597.64 28.00 195.83 157.60 160.00 75.00 296.00 121/14 ACCOUNTS (cont) PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS - September 4, 2014 Cheque Payee Description Subject 0925 B G Services Pavilion Maintenance 0926 B G Services Memorial Hall Maint. Contr. 0927 D & LB WEA Memorial Hall Repl. Cheq. 0928 J & L Rymill Memorial Hall Caretaker 0929 Open Spaces Society General Membership £ £ £ £ £ £ Cost 6.25 406.53 5.00 681.51 45.00 1,144.29 £ £ VAT 1.25 81.31 £ 82.56 £ £ £ £ £ £ Total 7.50 487.84 5.00 681.51 45.00 1,226.85 It was proposed by Councillor Shepherd and seconded by Councillor Cooper that the accounts are approved for payment. The proposal was carried. 122/14 MEMORIAL HALL Councillor Ferguson presented a paper from the Hall Management Group proposing the following -Replacing the high level windows on the south side with double glazed units and replacing the cladding beneath the windows with UPVC -Install a second roof above the existing roof to eliminate long term maintenance concerns -Replace the high level fascias and guttering with UPVC -Replace the atrium glass roof with modern double glazed units It was agreed to obtain the necessary 3 quotes to replace the upper windows with double glazed units and replace the cladding with UPVC. Sufficient information is to be obtained for each quotation to allow meaningful comparison and a proposal brought to the next meeting. The Parish Clerk will ask Mr Sheriff to board and insulate the high window at the side of the stage. It was agreed that Councillor Cooper would arrange a meeting with Barker Associates to establish a professional opinion on the secondary roof proposal with a view that they may manage the project. It was noted the proposal to replace the upper windows would need to be completed prior to the winter due to the deteriorated state of the window frames and wooden cladding. The remaining items will be progressed once a decision is made on the roof. The proposal to install an emergency light in the disabled toilet was deferred to the next meeting. It was agreed to install a transparent box on the wall outside the entrance to make flyers available when the hall was closed. 123/14 ACTION PLANS All the Action Plans were reviewed. The plan to encourage new councillors will be reviewed at the next meeting. 124/14 WELCOME PACK Councillor Shepherd presented a number of options for the Welcome Pack. Councillors Ferguson, Buckley and Robinson will form a working party to finalise the content, costs and logistics. 125/14 SPORTS GROUND Councillor Shepherd presented a detailed paper regarding the options to prevent cricket balls entering the complainants gardens. After careful consideration of the options, the Council did not agree with extremely high nets installed on the cricket ground as it was judged that these would not be acceptable to residents following the experience with the tennis courts proposals and would not be granted planning permission by CCC. The Council therefore supported the Cricket Club proposal for nets to be installed in the gardens of the complainants which also would make a much more effective protection. The Parish Clerk will prepare a response to the Cricket Club. 4 126/14 NEWSLETTER AND PARISH ASSEMBLY It was agreed that the Assembly will be held on Wednesday April 15, 2014. Timing for the Newsletter was agreed and the Chairman will bring a proposed content list to the next meeting. 127/14 STANDING ORDERS Councillor Buckley tabled proposed changes to Standing Orders regarding notice periods for resignation of the Chairman and Vice Chairman and the nomination process for these positions. After discussion, Councillor Ferguson agreed to draft modifications which the Parish Clerk would review with EALC. 128/14 INFORMATION ITEMS Councillor Buckley had received a complaint about the number of cars parked near Fir Tree Lane due to building work on two houses. Councillor Barrett advised that this concern had already been passed to the police who had visited the area and spoken to the vehicles owners. Unfortunately, there are no alternative places for the builders to park. Councillor Ferguson advised that the new village sign for Church Road is being manufactured. Councillor Irvine reported that Riffhams Chase was completely blocked by parents collecting children from Elm Green School. If this is not resolved shortly, Councillor Shepherd agreed to talk to Mrs Milner at EGS. 129/14 NEXT MEETING The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on Thursday October 2, 2014 commencing at 7:30pm. The meeting closed at 10:35pm Chairman October 2, 2014 5