HPC/01/07/14 Minutes of the meeting of Hartshill Parish Council held on Tuesday 1st July 2014 at 3:00 p.m.in the Friends Meeting House, Castle Road, Hartshill Councillors: Randle (Chairman), Roberts (Vice-Chair), Jagger, Ormerod, Sharp and Wykes In attendance: Tricia Wood 1. Welcome and apologies The Chairman opened the meeting, apologies received from Councillor Thomason and Borough Councillor Johnston 2. Procedural items Councillors are minded that they must act solely in the public interest and should never improperly confer an advantage or disadvantage on any person, or act to gain financial or other material benefits for yourself, your family, a friend or close associate Noted 3. Declarations of Interest In accordance with the Local Government Act 2000, s81 and the Parish Councils (Model code of Conduct) Order 2001, members are asked to declare any personal interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting as well as any gifts or hospitality received. This requirement applies to elected members and co-opted members None declared 4. Report from County & Borough Councillors Email – Funding Opportunities – WCC County Councillor Funds 2014 WCC has launched its’ Councillor Grants Scheme’ for 2014. Each Councillor has £5,000 to allocate to local community projects in their ward. Details of the scheme and the application form are available at http://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/fundinglocalprojects or ring the Localities Team on 02476 375700 or email northernareateam@warwickshire.gov.uk As County Councillor Clark was not present at the meeting, it was resolved to write to him highlighting problems faced within the Parish. 5. Minutes of the last meeting/s The Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June 2014 were signed as a true and correct record 6. Matters arising Overgrown land off Mancetter Road - Email response from Mark Kennell, Alethea Wilson is on leave until 23.06.14 – A response is expected on her return Missed refuse bin collections - Email to/from NWBC, unfortunately the email from NWBC did not contain any text so has been returned to the refuse manager for a response. 3 Bay notice board for frontage of Holy Trinity Church – An inspection has been made of the existing leg supports and they will be unsuitable for the new board, so will need replacing 7. Cemetery matters & memorial applications Memorial applications; 1435a – White marble vase, C.427 – Black granite book memorial and C.406a – Black granite book memorial. No objections Minor incidents of damage reported by the Cemetery Manager. The hedge works should be completed by the end of the week. The extension of burial land will continue to progress when the mowing season permits. HPC/02/07/14 8. Correspondence Programme Officer for North Warwickshire Borough Council Notification of additional hearing on Affordable Housing, 19.06.14 at the offices of NWBC Public Scrutiny Meeting – 25th June 2014, 6.30 p.m. at Lawrence Sheriff School, Rugby NALC – Policy Consultation on underground drilling access and payments for access Rural Housing Review – Questionnaire for Parish Councils – Response deadline 25/07/14 Questionnaire completed WCC – Open discussion event on ‘Are Parish Councils willing to fill the gap?’ Invitation to attend a meeting on Monday 14th July 2014 – 7.00 p.m. at Dunchurch Village Hall The Chairman agreed to attend this meeting. The Chairman referred to his correspondence with NWBC and WCC regarding the lack of good quality grass and hedge maintenance. The Margaret Bell School – Letter of Thanks for the donation from Fare Share Table and update on achievements Empowering Parish Councils to sell electricity – Email from Steve Shaw @ Local Works asking Parish Councils to submit a proposal under the Sustainable Communities Act asking for the government to give all Parish & Town Councils the right to sell electricity that they generate from local schemes WCC/SMBC/CCC Local Access Forum Agenda for meeting Thursday 3rd July 2014 at the Serenity Room 1, The Welcome Centre, 47 Parkside , Coventry – 7.00 p.m. start WCC – Promoting compost bins English Table Tennis Association – Offer of support to apply for funding streams to obtain indoor/outdoor table tennis tables, bats/balls, coaching support 9. Accounts for payment Proposed by Councillor Ormerod, seconded by the Chairman and agreed the accounts be paid 10. Snowhill Recreation Ground The erection of the illegal fence has now been resolved and the fence/posts removed off site, as a result Lindley Hall Farms were requested to mow and strim the area that had been fenced off. Syston Fencing has been instructed to erect the remaining palisade fencing. Councillor Roberts reported on how the palisade fencing and pitch barriers are to be erected. Dog walkers will have to be encouraged to keep off the pitches. The football pitch has been treated with weed killer and the drainage scheme is to commence in the near future. Cocks Lloyd Solicitors have requested payment of £240.00 for charges in relation to the illegal fence, it was resolved that this payment be made to Cocks Lloyd. 11. Community Centre The Chairman reported that the block paving has been completed. Arrangements had been made with GS Window Cleaning services to clean the centre interior and exterior windows, however to date; this arrangement has not been fulfilled. Councillor Wykes offered to make enquires with another window cleaner. HPC/03/07/14 The Chairman is in the process of compiling a Job Description for the position of centre manager. It was resolved to keep this matter on the next agenda for further discussion. Councillor Ormerod reported parking congestion on the car park of the Holy Trinity Church and Community Centre/Library. The Chairman responded to the report by stating that the Church will not agree to marking out parking bays. 12. Hartshill Community Library The Chairman reported that the annual meeting of WCC librarians had been held and there has been an increase in footfall. Volunteer numbers remain constant. A request has been received from the library volunteers asking the Council to consider the purchase of book shelving from ESPO with payment made by the Council from the £2,000 allocated to the library per year. The Chairman proposed that the order be made and the Council meet the expenditure, seconded by Councillor Wykes and agreed. 13. Date of next meeting and start time for future meeting Next meeting - Tuesday 2nd September 2014 Discussion took place on the start time for future Council meetings; Councillor Jagger proposed that the start time remain at 3.00 p.m. Seconded by Councillor Wykes and agreed by Councillor Ormerod – Chairman, Councillor Roberts and Councillor Sharp against the proposal. The Chairman proposed an amendment to Councillor Jagger’s proposal to a 6.30 p.m. start in the summer months of April, May, June, July (no meeting in August) and September with public question time being held at the start of the meeting and a 3.30 p.m. start in the winter months of October, November, December, January, February and March, with public question time being held at 5.30 p.m. – Councillors Roberts and Sharp in favour of the amendment – Councillors Jagger, Ormerod and Wykes against. The Chairman used his casting vote and his amendment was carried. The Chairman added that his decision was made on the basis of providing a benefit to residents wishing to attend Council meeting. Councillor Roberts requested that an invitation be sent to the new Principal at Hartshill School, Mr A Fisher to attend the September meeting. 14. Any other business Councillor Ormerod reported continuing problems with the man hole cover at the bottom of Clock hill. The cover lifts from the ground during heavy rainfall. Councillor Ormerod reported that the hedge on the corner workshop property at The Green is overgrown and causing visibility problems. The Chairman reported that the previous tenant used to cut back the hedge, but the property is currently vacant. Councillor Jagger reiterated the problems motorists encounter with poor visibility at the junction of School hill and Coleshill Road. Councillor Jagger spoke on the matter of bus passes; in some boroughs the pass permits you to use trains. However the pass issued by NWBC/WCC does not permit this. It was resolved to bring this matter to the attention of the County Councillor. Councillor Roberts reported that the Ofsted excellent rated Links Nursery is bursting at the seams and that the Borough and County Councils need to be aware that a new building is needed. HPC/04/07/14 Councillor Ormerod asked if the Links Nursery was a company and did they make £profit? Councillor Roberts replied that it was but would like to see a space included in a Neighbourhood Plan for a new nursery building. Councillor Roberts reported that on an annual basis she has to contact Jane Pritchard at WCC regarding overgrown grass/hedges at Grange Road. The height of the grass/hedge is a danger to motorists/pedestrians and as a result she will be contacting Jane Pritchard again this year. Councillor Roberts asked that County Councillor Clark be made aware of the proposed development at Galley Common and the effect that is would have on the parish infrastructure. Clerk to request that NBBC include the Parish Council in their consultation process. Councillor Wykes asked that Councillor Clark be informed on the excessive number of HGV’s travelling through the village. The through road is unsuitable for this type of vehicle and signage ‘Access Only’ should be considered. 15. Review of Parish Notice Boards As per agenda item no: 6 16. Grass cutting As per agenda item no: 8 17. Planning applications PAP/2014/0261 – Retrospective application to erect a detached double garage at 98 Victoria Road PAP/2014/0080 – Amended plans/description for new kennel block, dog run and car parking, to replace existing stables and paddock 18. NWBC Site allocations plan North Warwickshire Borough Council is now consulting on the Draft Pre-Submission version of the Site Allocation Plan. The purpose of the Site Allocations Plan is to allocate sites for housing, employment and other land uses and to identify these and other planning designations such as Open Space, on the Proposals Map. This document allocates site throughout the Borough. The Site Allocations Plan will identify sites required to meet the strategic objectives of the Core Strategy. More information is available on the North Warwickshire Borough Councils website/ planning page. Comments must be received by no later than 5.00 p.m. on Thursday 21st August 2014. The NWBC Forward Planning team will be hosting ‘drop in sessions’ at Hartshill Community Centre on Tuesday 8th July 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. A further session will be held on Wednesday 9th July 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Information on the consultation has been posted on the parish council website and in the parish notice boards. Inception Meeting held Tuesday 1st July 2014 at 10.30 a.m. at Hartshill Community Centre The Chairman, Councillors Roberts, Jagger, Sharp and the clerk attended the meeting – also present were members of the Hartshill & District Residents Association, two Councillors from Ansley Parish, Michael Wellock and Louise Kirkham from Kirkwells Planning Consultancy. The Chairman reported on the meeting, the first point of consideration for the Council is whether or not to proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan. Councillor Jagger stated that a Neighbourhood Plan would place the Parish is a better position and proposed that Kirkwells be instructed to provide the Parish Council with a full package of support at £7580.00 (exc. HPC/05/07/14 VAT) seconded by Councillor Wykes and agreed. Funding - The Chairman and Vice-Chair agreed to seek funding for the plan via Localities £7,000 should be available, it was resolved that the Parish Council would meet any expenditure over the £7,000. Boundary Designation – It was resolved that the Parish Council start the process by submitting a map and letter to NWBC formally applying for the designation of a neighbourhood area and giving reasons for the application. 19. Public Question Time NWBC – Site Allocations Plan Tricia Wood reported to the council that the Hartshill & District Residents Association had approached residents of Ansley Common in an attempt to work together but had received a negative response, with Ansley Common wishing to remain separate from Hartshill. The meeting closed at 5.00 p.m. Chairman………………………………………………………… Date………………………………………….