MINUTES OF THE HOLTON-LE-CLAY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE MEETING ROOM, VILLAGE HALL, PINFOLD LANE, HOLTON LE CLAY ON MONDAY 15th DECEMBER 2014 AT 7.00 PM Present: Councillor C. Blacklock (Chairman), Councillor Mrs J. Johnson (ViceChairman),Councillor B. Clifton, Councillor T. Henderson, Councillor P. Pike, Councillor Mrs. H. Reynolds, Councillor P. Rowntree, Councillor J. Willingham and Councillor W. Wright In Attendance: Lucy Waller Clerk to the Parish Council. 14/337. CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS: The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting and wished everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 14/338. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND REASONS GIVEN: Apologies for Absence were received from Councillor Mrs. E. West and Councillor D. Greetham and also from Councillor T. Bridges of Lincolnshire County Council and Councillor T. Aldridge of East Lindsey District Council. 14/339. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Councillor P. Pike declared that in relation to minute 14/350 he was a holder of a Parish Garden and would therefore abstain from voting in regard to the adoption of the new fee structure. 14/340. TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 17TH NOVEMBER 2014 AS A CORRECT RECORD: It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the last Meeting of The Parish Council be confirmed and signed as an accurate record. (Proposed by Councillor C. Blacklock and Seconded by Councillor P. Rowntree, VOTE: 1 abstention, 9 in favour) 14/341. TO NOTE THE PROGRESS OF THE ACTIONS ARRISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING/S: Members noted that the Actions were either complete or in hand with the exception of Bus Shelters and the Ashes bed for which more information was required and the Byelaw in regard to parking on grass verges which had yet to be dealt with. These items were to remain on the Action sheet. 14/342. TO ADJOURN THE MEETING FOR THE PUBLIC FORUM: The Public Forum opened at 19:14 and closed at 19:16. Reports were received in regard to inoperative street Lights. 14/343. TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE: The report was noted and further information was tabled by Councillor B. Clifton. 14/344. TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM THE COUNTY COUNCILLOR: Councillor T. Bridges sent his apologies for absence. 14/345. PLANNING MATTERS EAST LINDSEY DISTRICT COUNCIL: a. Planning Applications. PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER: N/085/02363/14 APPLICANT: Mr. & Mrs. N. Plaskitt PROPOSAL: Planning Permission: - Extension to existing dwelling to provide a ground floor sitting room. LOCATION: 58 SOUTHFIELD ROAD, HOLTON-LE-CLAY Members discussed the above planning application and it was proposed and seconded that the Parish Council Support the application. (Vote all in favour.) RESOLVED the application receive the support of the Parish Council. b. Planning Permissions and Refusals (for noting). Approval outline planning permission: PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER: N/085/01286/14 APPLICANT: Mr. S & M Hewson PROPOSAL: Outline planning permission erection of a bungalow. LOCATION: 33 TETNEY LANE, HOLTON-LE-CLAY Members noted the planning permission decision. 14/346 PROPOSED BY COUNCILLOR CLIFTON THAT THE COUNCILLORS JOB DESCRIPTION BE ADOPTED (Subject to legal advice): Councillor Clifton informed Members that he felt clearer guidance was needed for councillors regarding their role and he proposed the adoption of the Job Description he had compiled. Members noted: Councillor Clifton had used a variety of sources to compile the document. The Chairman had entered the caveat “Subject to Legal Advice”, as both himself and the Clerk felt that the introduction of the document as policy could resort in legal difficulties. The Clerk was of the opinion that while the document had worth, it would be better placed informally in the guide for New Councillors Pack under an alternative title. Some work would be needed to eliminate duplication within the document and to change wording to plain English. An amendment was proposed by Councillor C. Blacklock that he consult The East Lindsey District Council Monitoring Officer on the matter, this was seconded by Councillor B. Clifton and carried. (Vote all in Favour.) RESOLVED legal advice be sought regarding the proposed Job Description. 14/347. PROPOSED BY COUNCILLOR ROWNTREE AND SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR BLACKLOCK THAT A SANITARY BIN BE PROVIDED BT TULIP HEALTH CARE FOR THE DISABLED TOILET. Councillor P. Rowntree informed Members that this facility was required to prevent blockages caused by members of the public attempting to flush inappropriate items down the toilet. Councillor Rowntree proposed an amendment to the proposal that a larger Nappy Bin be provided in place of a sanitary bin, this was seconded by Councillor Blacklock. (Vote all in favour) RESOLVED a Nappy Bin be installed by Tulip Health Care. 14/348. PROPOSED BY COUNCILLOR BLACKLOCK THAT THE COUNCIL MEETING ROOM BE HIRED OUT TO A PARCHMENT CRAFT GROUP ON SATURDAYS: Members noted that this would be on a temporary basis pending the availability of a smaller meeting room in the Village Hall following completion of Stage Three of development. Councillor Blacklock informed members that he was happy to open and close the meeting room on a Saturday until May 2015. The Proposal was seconded by Councillor J. Willingham. RESOLVED the meeting room to be used by the group for four hours on a Saturday. 14/349. TO DISCUSS THE LOCATIONS OF ANY ADDITIONAL GRIT BINS REQUIRED IN THE VILLAGE. Members suggested that areas requiring Grit Bins were: Edinburgh Drive, in particular the turning circle. The bend in Tetney Lane. Pelham Road The junction of Carmen Crescent and Louth road. It was requested that Members bring final suggestions to the next meeting, to be forwarded to Lincolnshire County Council Highways Department. It was asked that Members highlight existing Grit Bins, which could if necessary, be relocated. 14/350. TO ADOPT THE NEW PARISH GARDEN FEES: PAGE 21 Members noted the new fees. It was proposed by Councillor W. Wright and seconded by Councillor P. Rowntree that the fees be adopted. (Vote 8 in favour, Councillor P. Pike abstained as per minute item 14/339.) RESOLVED the new Parish Garden fees be adopted. 14/351. FINANCIAL MATTERS: a. To consider accounts for payment. The Accounts to be paid as per the published Agenda with the addition of the Supplementary cheque (Burial Board Account Cheque no:065 Payee Anglian Water re: Cemetery Water Bill 27 Aug- 20 Nov £26.08) Proposed by Councillor Mrs H. Reynolds and seconded by Councillor P. Rowntree. (Vote all in favour) It was RESOLVED that the accounts be paid. b. To receive a report from the RFO on the PC finances. Members noted the report included in the supplementary Agenda. (Appendix A to these minutes) 14/352. CLERKS CORRESPONDENCE: Members noted the Clerks Correspondence, and raised the following points. The Bottle Bank facility located at the shops on Pinfold Lane was full again, it was requested that the Clerk consult with East Lindsey District Council regarding larger bins or more frequent emptying. Information to be sought regarding the commencement of the cutting of grass verges. 14/353. TO RECEIVE REPORTS ON OUTSIDE MEETINGS: None were received. 14/354. TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: a. Cemetery/Burial Matters and Parish Gardens: Members noted the new Parish Garden Fees. b. Emergency Planning and Planning and Development: Councillor B. Clifton informed Members that a meeting had been arranged with Steve Harris, of the Fire Department, for the New Year to discuss emergency planning. c. Personnel and Finance. No report was received. d. Highways and Environment Wards – All Members if necessary. No report was received. e. Reports from any other Committees – If necessary. Junior Playing Field - Councillor P. Rowntree informed Members that the committee were awaiting phase 2 of the Awards for all grant, which was due in early January 2015. The Clerk was to contact the committee once the funds had been received. 14/355. REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES AND OUTSIDE BODIES: To receive a report from the two District Councillors. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor T. Aldridge of East Lindsey District Council. Councillor C. Blacklock informed Members that there had been a delay in regard to the East Lindsey Core Strategy being submitted for approval. He went on to inform Members that himself and Councillor T. Aldridge had used part of the Community Grant monies available to them to fund referees for local football teams, he highlighted that the remainder of his grant funding had been used for L.I.V.E.S and the local Camera Club. To receive reports from Council representatives on other outside bodies: a. Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group. Councillor B. Clifton informed Members that the recent representation of the Neighbourhood Development Steering Group at the MERC Christmas Fayre had been well received that 130 brochures had been distributed and the opportunity had been used to answer questions from members of the public. Members were also informed that a public presentation was being planned with regard to future development plans for the North Field Farm Site and it was likely this would coincide with a Neighbourhood Development Plan open day. b. Joint Management Committee: Members noted future plans for a Committee meeting and requested that financing of upkeep for the Eight Acres field be addressed. It was also requested that information regarding ending the Chance to Share agreement and any implications be sought from Lincolnshire County Council. c. Reports from any other outside body. None were received. 14/356. MEMBERS’ POINTS OF INFORMATION: Councillor Clifton requested that Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group information be placed on the Parish Council website. It was requested that the Clerk contact British Gas in regard to the Solar Panel feed in tariff. 14/356 a) (AS PER SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA) PROPOSED BY COUNCILLOR B. CLIFTON THAT COUNCILLORS I.D BADGES BE INTRODUCED: Seconded by Councillor P. Rowntree. Following discussion it was agreed that I.D badges be produced including Councillors details but not photos. It was noted that the I.D badges would not constitute security clearance for secure public buildings such as schools and verification would still be required and that Councillors were still advised not to make site visits alone. (N.B Chairman’s Note: I.D badges to be introduced in May 2015) (Vote all in favour) RESOLVED Councillor I.D badges be issued. 14/357 CHRISTMAS OPENING: Members noted that the Parish Council Offices would close at 2.30pm on 23rd December and reopen at 9.30 on the 2nd January 2015. 14/358. DATE, TIME AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETINGS: 19th January 2015. Finance Meeting 12TH January 2015. 14/359. TO RESOLVE THAT THE PRESS AND PUBLIC BE EXCLUDED FROM THE REMAINDER OF THE MEETING OWING TO THE CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED. Members noted information in regard to a personnel matter. (N.B the meeting closed at 21:16) APPENDIX A HOLTON-LE-CLAY PARISH COUNCIL Village Hall, Pinfold Lane, Holton-le-Clay, GRIMSBY, Lincolnshire DN36 5DL Lucy Waller - Clerk to the Council Telephone and Fax 01472 825467 E mail: HLC.PC@btconnect.com Website: http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/holtonleclay Full Council 15th December 2014 Supplementary Information. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM: 14/356 a) PROPOSED BY COUNCILLOR CLIFTON THAT COUNCILLORS I.D BADGES BE INTRODUCED. 14/351 FINANCIAL MATTERS A) ADDITIONAL ACCOUNT FOR PAYMENT Burial Board Account, Cheque no:065 Payee Anglian Water re: Cemetery Water Bill 27 Aug-20 Nov £26.08 B) Bank Balance per Cash Book 30 November 2014 Balance at Bank 30 November General Opening Balance 43,063.03 General Account 54373.65 Burial Account Opening Balance 4971.15 Less u/c cheques 383.80 TOTAL 48034.18 Receipts not cleared - Add General Receipts 16144.18 TOTAL 53989.85 Burial Account 4753.70 Less u/c cheques - Add Burial Account Receipts Less General Payments 5217.36 Less Burial Account Payments 217.45 TOTAL 58743.55 58743.55(a) Expenditure Balance Byatt & Board retention payment March 2015 +/- Current Balance £4,975.98 ( b) £4,975.98 November income Balance +/- Current Balance Balance +/- Current Balance ELDC RDG £18,000.00 £16,200.00 £1,800.00 LCC grass cutting 2015 6106.29 6106.29 VAT quarterly return Oct 2014 1095.89 1095.89 VAT quarterly return Jan 2015 tbc VAT return VH project retention fee March 2015 £995.20 Burial Board Income due £995.20 TOTAL £9997.38 (c) Earmarked Funds – November 2014 Balance +/- Current Balance Clerks office equipment £1,000.00 £50.00, 51.45, 220, 471 £207.55 Public Works Loan Board £18,417.00 Village Hall Project £989.69 £18,417.00 £989.69. Remaining monies held in Parish Council after final renovation payments. NB. (Parish Council transferred £2,000 to HLC MERC (solar panels)). TOTAL £19,614.24 (d) Monies available £58743.55,(a) - £4975.98 (b) + £9997.38 (c) - £19614.24 (d) = £44150.71 December cheque payments £1627.33 TOTAL FUNDS £42523.38 N.B SMART Wind Offshore Windfarm Income £8000 (£4000 on entry to lay cable and £4000 on completion.) Not shown in above figures.