Forest Hills Elementary PTO Minutes March 19, 2012 The meeting was called to order at 7:03PM by Mindy Rok, PTO President. Mindy welcomed everyone in attendance and the previous meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes as presented was given by Alyson Richardson and seconded by Deanne Platt. All were in favor. Mr. Lashinsky then gave the Principal’s Report. Mr. Lashinsky reviewed the number of school activities during the last few months of school. He also indicated that the PSSA’s were taking place and that there were still a number of field trips coming up. Mr. Lashinsky thanked everyone for the huge amount of support that has been given during this school year. Next, Laura Docherty, Treasurer, reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. Laura indicated that a total amount of $25,553.42 was still available to spend. The Box Top income was $5,671.03 and the Santa Shop income cleared $6,000.00. There was a small amount of Box Top expenses that was credited to shipping and prizes. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted by Lindsay Norman and seconded by Janine Parks. The motion passed unanimously. Then, Jess Wingard discussed the Santa Shop income. She explained that a total of $14,133.10 was earned during Santa Shop 2011 and $6,000.00 of that was the profit. Jess also informed the group that she has already shopped for next years’ Santa Shop. Then, Jackie Flick discussed the February Box Tops results. She indicated that the February collection was the best collection ever and a total of $5,830.70 was submitted. However, a total of $5,844.00 was processed by the Box Tops Company. Jackie explained that the grand total for the 2011-2012 school year was $11,667.92. Then those in attendance voted that for the May Box Tops collection it would be better to send home Box Tops (as done previously during the school year) with volunteers rather than counting them at a May meeting. Wanda Webb then reviewed the Campbell’s Labels. She explained that she did not submit the labels in December 2011 because we did not have enough labels to make the bonus. Wanda decided it would be better to save all the labels and put them with the April collection in hopes to make the bonus. Wanda then informed the group that the last collection for Campbell’s Labels was going to be April 13, 2012. Next, Alyson Richardson gave a brief overview of the year end Giant Eagle points. She indicated that we have accumulated 617 Giant Eagle points. She also said she was planning to fill out a short survey for an additional 20 points. Mindy Rok asked Alyson to bring the prize catalog to the April meeting so the group can determine how to use the Giant Eagle points. Then the Student Appreciation Week Theme Days were decided as follows: 5/21: Hat Day; 5/22: Crazy Hair Day; 5/23: T-Shirt Day (Carnival); 5/24: Mis-Match Day; 5/25: Favorite Team Day. All were in favor of these selections. Mindy Rok then reviewed the upcoming school Carnival and various inflatable options. It was decided that the Field House location would include the mechanical bull, surfing machine, a giant slide, a bungee run, a maze, and an obstacle course. It was decided that the Gym location would include the Cars slide, speed pitch, NASCAR crawl, a western theme obstacle, the Atlantis bounce, giraffe bounce, and the dump truck slide. It was also decided that the carnival day would include a chalk area, a hula hoop activity, relay games and a wet/dry inflatable slide in the physical challenge area. (**Note on March 21, 2012 Mr. Lashinsky called Mindy Rok and indicated that we had to cancel the Wet/Dry slide. After more thought, Mr. Lashinsky and Mr. Jacob's decided to not allow the slide.) Mindy Rok then reminded everyone that the Carnival Volunteer forms would be sent home with the April PTO newsletter and anyone wanting to volunteer should fill out the form and come to the April meeting. Mindy Rok then discussed the 6th grade dance. The date of the dance had been changed from May 25, 2012 to May 29, 2012. It was explained that the theme would be Glow in the Dark and the 6th grade shirts would be black with a neon print. Mindy then reassured that everything was on task for the upcoming dance. Mindy Rok then explained that the PTO board nominations were due before the April meeting. She encouraged everyone to consider a position and fill out a nomination form. Next on the agenda was discussion about the extra funds that had been raised this year. Mindy Rok explained that as of March 18, 2012 there was a total of $3,700.00 “extra” cash in the PTO account and there were several ideas on how to use this money. Idea #1 was to buy a quantity of 1,200 “Why Ties”. Mindy went on to explain that “Why Ties” are curly shoe ties and we could give a set to each student in the school for exceeding the school Box Tops goal this year. The cost of this would be about $2,100.00. Idea #2 was to divide the money between the Art, Music, Gym, and Library Departments and then let the teachers of these departments decide how they would use the money to benefit all students. Idea #3 was to purchase Ranger clothing (short/long sleeved shirts and hooded sweatshirts) to have on hand in the PTO room for school spirit sales. It was explained that the PTO would not actually advertise a sale of this merchandise, but rather, mention it in the PTO newsletter and give detailed information on the PTO website. Idea #4 was to provide each student in the school with an end of year treat (Ranger ice cream cone) or each student could receive a prize of some sort. It was decided by the group in attendance that the PTO would give $400.00 to each special (Art, Music, Gym, and Library) and Mr. Lashinsky would speak with each teacher in those departments to see how they could benefit from this gift. It was also decided by the group in attendance that part of the $3,700.00 could be used to purchasing the Ranger merchandise to sell in the PTO room and the PTO would also provide each homeroom with money toward the end of year trip to the Ranger for ice cream. All were in favor of these decisions. There was no new business. Then there was a drawing for door prizes. Winners were: Tammi Carr, Kim Brown, and Betty Parizack. Mindy Rok thanked everyone for coming and asked everyone to stay after the meeting to sort the Student Appreciation T-Shirts in the Multi-Purpose Room. A motion to adjourn was given by Sandy Bambino and seconded by Lindsay Norman. The meeting ended at 8:21PM. Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Amy Docherty PTO Secretary