Friday Traditions *** Sean Briggs —Chair Mr. Blough—Advisor Jacob Tasma, Racynda Corlis, Samantha Snyder, Hanna Liu, Bryleigh Loughlin, Taylor Flanagan Objective: Your group is responsible for organizing the Parade that occurs on the Friday of Homecoming week and to oversee the construction, judging, and demolition of the Floats. NOW *Contact Lowell Police to reserve parade route and time NOW *Brainstorm every conceivable and relevant entry for the parade think big**** *Contact groups/organizations inviting them to participate --This needs to start, BUT you must have information nailed down to give to people you’d like to include…Even if you’re sending a form letter to all at once later on is OK…but what will you say on this first contact? Now *Who will be the parade’s Grand Marshall? Perhaps the person providing the motivational address during our Formal assembly? SOON *Provide specifications/guidelines to these groups SOON *Create a Parade Line Up SOON *Advertise NOW *Create Rules/Guidelines to Classes regarding floats NOW *Determine how much guidance to give classes regarding connection to theme, ”The Goodies NOW *Contact Fairgrounds for construction space/Restrooms? Electricity? Start now*Chaperones/Supervision? Start now*Rules/Times SOON *Clean up—Get a dumpster from a waste removal company and clean up on Friday after the game near Loading Dock. SOON *Create a Handout for participants IN the parade, so they know where to go, how to progress…all of the answers to questions you can anticipate…including those pulling floats. Be as specific as possible SOON *Signs for the sides of vehicles announcing the passengers NOW *Contact Fire Dept., Vet. Groups, and other traditional parade participants SOON *How/Who/When will the floats get judged? --anything else? **We’ll revise this as we go, but this gives you a place to start. Assignments: On the back of this page, write down the name of each member of the group. Each member needs to have a specific responsibility, and if someone is absent, he/she must be assigned and communication must take place. All Things Formal ***Sierra Moore & Hannah Oberlin--Chairs Mrs. Harlow—Advisor Leigha Boogard, Emily Jelsma, Kendall Solon, Racynda Corlis, Laura Blanton, Jess Wehby, Dakota Bunn, McKenzie Keith, Cassie Miles, Jenna Sullivan, Rachel Copeyon, Brynlee Pomper Objective: To oversee the nomination and election of the Homecoming court; to organize and execute Friday’s formal assembly; to plan and present the Halftime presentations: to carry out the semi-formal dance, including ticket sales, decorations, and clean up. NOW NOW NOW SOON SOON SOON SOON Start now SOON SOON Start now NOW SOON SOON NOW NOW SOON SOON SOON *Court Nomination/Election Schedule *Contact a DJ for the dance *Building Use Forms *Will Mr. Hommowun be able to print out tickets? *Refreshments *Tickets *Advertising *Decorations *Chaperone Communications/refreshments…Thanks for being here… *Clean Up Crew/Set Up Crew *How are you going to make this dance classy, memorable, and special? *Discuss/Decide Special Homecoming program --communicate with athletic office --past programs coordinated with Hooper Printing *Will you need flowers? *Scripting the Formal Assembly and halftime show *Who would be a dynamic Keynote speaker? *Communicate with necessary individuals regarding the role of music *Contact the photographer…Should we provide a photo of court members At halftime? *What happens when court members are elected? Do they get anything? A Letter? A Schedule of expected events and dress code? *How much to rent a spotlight? **We’ll revise this as we go, but this gives you a place to start. Assignments: On the back of this page, write down the name of each member of the group. Each member needs to have a specific responsibility, and if someone is absent, he/she must be assigned and communication must take place. : Fun Times ***Griffin Brenk & Emily Jelsma—Chairs Mr. Beel—Advisor Morgan Nelson, Kayla Barr, Kandice Olthof, Rachel Copeyon, Jenna Sullivan, Cassie Miles Objective: To Plan and carryout an exhibition touch football game between girls of the senior class and girls of the junior class on the Wednesday of Homecoming Week and to organize the special lunchtime schedule for Homecoming Friday. --how do we keep the emotions in check for this event? This is supposed to be fun. How do we insure that the competition doesn’t get out of control? Homecoming is about increasing student spirit and achieving unity, not creating animosity between classes or girls. How will you make this event fun and fair? *Reserve the Space *Contact Athletic Office for advice/support/times *Get Coaches *Get Officials *How will Rosters be determined? *Who orders Jerseys? *Is there a cost to play? *Cheerleaders…what role should they play? *Officiating Supplies *Coordinate Concessions *Tickets *Takers at the door *Announcer in the booth/scoreboard *Advertising *Halftime show? *Inventory Flags Lunch *We’ve Used Eccentric Entertainment every year. Our contact has always been Joe Walters. Hard sell the most fun stuff for $4,000. Past issues—not enough workers to properly supervise features, not enough generators to maintain power, popularity of some of the features…. *Let’s try to keep the features in place for Tailgate…though some might have to get moved *Wristbands? It’s not about making money; it’s about getting kids to participate. $1 for a wristband? Who’s selling? Will there be help for the tailgate? *Rain Plan—the gyms? Towels? Huge Tents? *Special Food or vendors? **We’ll revise this as we go, but this gives you a place to start. Assignments: On the back of this page, write down the name of each member of the group. Each member needs to have a specific responsibility, and if someone is absent, he/she must be assigned and communication must take place. Class Competitions ***Jon Woods--Chair Mrs. DeJonge—Advisor Jillian Griffin, Samantha Snyder, Whitney Bunn, Mackenzie Carlson, Krystal Troyer, Emma Duvernay, Hannah Vanderhorst, Summer Moore, Brianna Richardson Objective: Organize daily competitions where classes can earn points toward the final announcement and prize during halftime of the football game of Homecoming Week. Activities include Spirit days, the change war, Lunch Games, and the Rowdy Assembly. *Generate a daily schedule of the various competitions *Brainstorm various Ways to compete…games, fundraising, attendance, *Brainstorm SPECIFIC contests *Determine Spirit Week—NO CHEESY DAYS!!! Least disruptive/easy to Participate…get permission from the boss *Assign Points to activities *Create/Construct Scoreboard for cafeterias *Advertising *Create a Master List of the Total Points Activities *Maximum/Equal participation is key *Jugs for change war need to be labeled *Schedule for taking change to bank for a count *Halftime presentation of Lancaster Cup/Engraving **We’ll revise this as we go, but this gives you a place to start. Assignments: On the back of this page, write down the name of each member of the group. Each member needs to have a specific responsibility, and if someone is absent, he/she must be assigned and communication must take place. The Big Picture ***Brynlee Pomper—Chair Miss Ellis--Advisor Objective: To engage the community participation through a Charity partnership and Tailgate party using creative and effective communication methods. *Coordinate/Brainstorm fundraising events with proceeds to benefit our partner. *Map out communication strategies with schools/community members. *Who are our contact people? *How do the other schools wish to celebrate Homecoming, and how can Help? *What role can alumni play? *Are there key community stakeholders who should be involved? *Tailgate tent and fencing were provided by Cascade Rental. Worth doing again? *Who will work the tailgate? *How will the tailgate party be promoted and advertised? *Will there be a fee for the tailgate activities? *Where’s the best location for the tent? Inside the gate? *Communications-email, web page, newsletters, local paper…?? *Alumni activities during game? During the week? **We’ll revise this as we go, but this gives you a place to start. Assignments: On the back of this page, write down the name of each member of the group. Each member needs to have a specific responsibility, and if someone is absent, he/she must be assigned and communication must take place.