Week November 3-7, 2014 Subject: 6th Math Words of the week: Rate, Ratio, Proportion, Prediction List Resources and Materials Assignment Textbook Quizlet (Vocab builder) Best buy worksheets Study vocab (HW) Watch instructional videos (HW) Problem solving with ratios worksheets Textbook Quizlet (Vocab builder) Best buy worksheets Study vocab (HW) Watch instructional videos (HW) Problem solving with ratios worksheets Textbook Quizlet (Vocab builder) Math rocks task cards Study vocab (HW) Watch instructional videos (HW) Ratio quiz (one of letter A-D) Test review Fri- Thur.- Wed Tue.- Mon.- Teachers: Alexander, Godwin, Carrion, Reed, Marks Johnston Middle School Essential Questions: How can you use ratios and rates to make comparisons and predictions? Da ELP TEK Student Objectives Teaching and Enrichment Activities y S S C1A 6.4C Students will be able to apply Warm up (Get to Know) C1E 6.4E qualitative & quantitative Using rates to compare prices C1F 6.1A reasoning to solve prediction Textbook pgs 187-192 C3E 6.4D and comparison of real world Exit ticket / journal entry C4F problems and Give examples of rates as the comparison by division of 2 quantities. C1A 6.4C Students will be able to apply Warm up (Get to Know) C1E 6.4E qualitative & quantitative Using rates to compare prices C1F 6.1A reasoning to solve prediction Textbook pgs 187-192 C3E 6.4D and comparison of real world Exit ticket / journal entry C4D problems and Give examples of C4F rates as the comparison by division of 2 quantities. C1A 6.4B Students will be able to apply Warm up (Get to Know) C2H 6.1D qualitative & quantitative Using ratios and rates to solve C3B 6.4D reasoning to solve prediction problems C4D and comparison of real world Textbook pgs 194-198 C4F problems and communicate Exit ticket / journal entry mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using Think Through Math multiple representations. (Double Block 2/5) C1A 6.4B Students will be able to apply C2H 6.1D qualitative & quantitative Warm up (Get to Know) C3B 6.4D reasoning to solve prediction Using ratios and rates to solve C4D and comparison of real world problems C4F problems and communicate Textbook pgs 194-198 mathematical ideas, reasoning, Exit ticket / journal entry and their implications using multiple representations. C1A 6.4C Students will be able to apply Warm up (Get to Know) C2H 6.4E qualitative & quantitative Ratios Rates and Proportion practice C3B 6.1A reasoning to solve prediction Review - Reteach C4D 6.4D and comparison of real world Exit ticket / journal entry C4F 6.1D problems. Think Through Math (Double Block 2/5) Textbook Quizlet (Vocab builder) Math rocks task cards Textbook Are you ready to go on? Texas test prep Quizlet (Vocab builder) Froot Loop proportions Study vocab (HW) Watch instructional videos (HW) Ratio quiz (one of letter A-D) Test review Study vocab (HW) Watch instructional videos (HW) Test review