Church Roof Appeal

St.Peter’s Church
Dear Friend
Whetstone’s oldest building, the Parish Church of
St.Peter, built in 1335, in the reign of King Edward lll
needs your help.
In order that this building is preserved we need urgently to
● Re-roof the south aisle. Water has been coming in for some time and we
must act urgently to avoid any further damage to the fabric.
● Replace the guttering on the north side of the church. At the moment
leaks mean that rainwater is falling on the stone work and the
north side is gradually being damaged.
The estimated cost is £29,200. We have to raise this sum ourselves either
by fundraising or securing grants. Local giving and generosity has already
provided us with reserves earmarked for this purpose and we are very
grateful to those who have already supported us in our efforts. Now we are
launching an appeal to the whole community.
For seven centuries, previous generations have ensured that
this church has been preserved and enhanced. Let’s make sure
that we will not let it fall into disrepair.
We must ensure that this building is preserved as part of the heritage of
Whetstone and the county of Leicestershire. We need to act now to ensure
that this church remains available for the purpose for which it was built, as
a place where the community can gather together to worship, to be
instructed, and to celebrate national, local and family events.
Money well spent now will ensure that problems are nipped in the bud and
that the church is watertight and comfortable for everyone who wishes to
use it.
Let me express my gratitude to you all for your support.
Christopher Allen
Vicar of Whetstone
The Vicarage
Church Lane
0116 2866329