神的愛和祝福 Love and Blessing of God 詩篇Psalms 65 敬拜最重要的是什么? 次序是什么?(第1节) What is most important in worship? What is the priority? (v.1) 为什么基督徒要到圣殿聚集? (第2节) Why do we go to worship in the church? (v.2) 诗人来到 神的面前,第一件他 注意到的事情是什么?(第3节) When the psalmist came before God, What did he first notice? (v.3) 谁是 神所拣选,叫他可以亲近 的人呢?他将要怎样?(第4节) Who has God chosen to draw near to Him? What become of him? (v.4) 神我们的拯救者以怎样的行事方 式应允我们的祷告呢?(第5节) In what way will God, our Redeemer, answer our prayer? (v.5) 神只是以色列人所认识的吗? (第5节) Is God known only to the Jewish people? (v.5) 在 神的能力和威严面前,诗人 的感觉怎么样?(第6-8a节) How does the psalmist feel standing before the majestic mighty God? (v.6-8a) 神怎样使地和其上的万物唱歌 (欢呼)呢?(第8b-13节) How does God enable all things on earth to rejoice and sing? (v.8b-13) 您能分辨一张蒙福和一张沮丧 的脸吗? Can you differentiate between a face that is blessed and one that is depressed?