Panhellenic Executive Council Application 2016

Panhellenic Council
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
17 Bartlett Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1191
Phone: 848-932-7692
Panhellenic Council
Executive Board
2016 Election Packet
Congratulations on your interest in serving on the Panhellenic Council’s Executive Board.
Holding a position on the Panhellenic Executive Board requires a great deal of commitment and
demands a certain caliber of leadership and responsibility. Women interested in applying for
executive positions must understand there are no exceptions to our expectations. This packet
contains all of the information you’ll need to prepare and apply for a Panhellenic Executive
Board position.
Enclosed you will find the following:
 General qualifications for office
 Election timeline
 Officer position descriptions
 Election guidelines
 Application
Women interested in running for a Council office must understand there are no exceptions to
these qualifications. Failure to meet the expectations outlined here will disqualify you from
participating in the election. Candidates must possess the following qualifications:
1. Candidates must be in good standing with Rutgers, enrolled for at least 12 credits and
have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
2. Candidates must maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA for the length of her term.
3. Candidates must have been initiated on/before Spring 2015.
4. If elected, you may not serve as your chapter’s President, Recruitment Chair, or
Panhellenic delegate due to the potential conflict of interest.
5. If elected, you must attend biweekly Panhellenic Council meetings, Tuesdays at 9pm, as
well as weekly Executive Council Board meetings determined by the newly elected
6. Elected women shall not participate in her chapter’s recruitment activities and shall
assist in the Panhellenic Recruitment process.
7. Your chapter must be in Good Standing with Panhellenic and OFSA before the election
meeting is called to order.
Panhellenic Council
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
17 Bartlett Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1191
Phone: 848-932-7692
8. All candidates for the Executive Board must be available over the summer to attend
New Student Orientation Social Events occurring in the evening.
9. Candidates for PH President:
a. Must have served as a chapter president and/or a member of the PH Executive
Board, Recruitment Team, or Greek Week Committee; or Submit a letter of
recommendation from two women serving on the executive board of their
perspective chapters within the Panhellenic Community.
Election Timeline
October 16th: Candidate packets available at OFSA and at
November 6th: Candidate packets due to OFSA by (4pm)
November 10th-11th: Candidate Interviews
November 20th: PH elections Livingston Student Center Coffee House (2pm)
December 11th: Officer transitions-location TBD (10am)
January 10th- 12th : Officer retreat- YMCA Camp Bernie
January 13th- 15th: On campus officer training
Once again, thank you for taking the time to apply for a Panhellenic Executive Board position. If
you have any questions concerning job descriptions, qualifications for office or the election
guidelines, please feel free to contact us. Good luck!
Erin Kearns
Panhellenic Council President
Kendall Niccum
Panhellenic Council Advisor
Panhellenic Council
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
17 Bartlett Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1191
Phone: 848-932-7692
Position Descriptions
Call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the Rutgers University Panhellenic
Coordinate Panhellenic Executive Board meetings.
Meet weekly with the Panhellenic Advisor and keep the Panhellenic Advisor informed
on all Panhellenic Business.
Represent the Greek community and meet regularly with various University and
community constituents, including chapter Presidents.
Interpret and enforce the Panhellenic Constitution, Bylaws, Recruitment Rules, and
other Panhellenic policies.
Maintain a complete and up-to-date President's file which will include a copy of the
current Rutgers University Panhellenic Association Constitution and Bylaws, the current
Panhellenic Association budget, current NPC Manual of Information and related
materials, current correspondence and materials received from her NPC Area Advisor,
copies of the College Panhellenic reports to the Area Advisor, and other pertinent
Coordinate and chair officer elections.
Coordinate the Northeast Greek Leadership Association and National Panhellenic
Conference award applications.
Vice President of Finance and Communication
Perform all duties of the President in her absence or inability to fulfill her duties.
Take minutes at all meetings of the Panhellenic Association and send copies to the NPC
Area Advisor, distribute to all chapters, officers and OFSA.
Meet biweekly with the Panhellenic Advisor.
Create, edit and distribute an electronic newsletter for Panhellenic women each
Manage the Panhellenic Website and social media accounts.
Maintain a general ledger of all Panhellenic transactions, supervising all
reimbursements, cash payments, deposits, and transfers.
Collect dues from all Panhellenic Chapters.
Be responsible for the prompt payment of all bills of the Rutgers University Panhellenic
Association and work directly with the Student Activities Business Office (SABO).
Provide monthly financial reports to the Council and an annual financial report at the
close of her term in office.
Panhellenic Council
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
17 Bartlett Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1191
Phone: 848-932-7692
Vice President of Recruitment
Have overall responsibility for planning, execution and evaluation of all member
chapters’ recruitment process, with the assistance of the Recruitment team.
Review and develop recruitment rules by submitting them for discussion and approval.
Meet biweekly with the Assistant Dean of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs.
Meet with Panhellenic chapter's Recruitment Chairs.
Serves as the Chair of the Recruitment Team.
Provide an objective liaison between the chapters and the potential members as an aid
to effective communication.
Provide support for potential members and encourage their participation throughout
the Recruitment process.
Vice President of Programming
Coordinate the overall Panhellenic Calendar.
Serve as the primary contact for chapter delegates.
Meet biweekly with the Panhellenic Advisor.
Plan the Annual Delegate Retreat and assist with the planning of the Executive Board
Assist in the planning of large scale Greek Community events such as Hazing Prevention
Week and National Ritual Week.
Assist in the review of applications for the Greek Week Committee.
Serves as the Chair of the Programming Team.
Panhellenic Council
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
17 Bartlett Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1191
Phone: 848-932-7692
A slating committee will be formed by current chapter delegates and chaired by the
current Panhellenic President. The slating committee will submit a slate to be voted
upon by the delegates of each chapter. All slated candidates will be given the
opportunity to speak to their qualifications and ideas for the position. Additionally, all
candidates will be asked a series of questions by the Panhellenic President and the
Panhellenic Advisor.
All candidates may have a member of their chapter or another organization speak on
their behalf to introduce the candidate for up to 1 minute.
All slated candidates for a specific position will speak first, followed by any candidates
running from the floor. Each candidate has up to 5 minutes to speak regarding her ideas
for the position, followed by questions.
Delegates will be allowed to discuss each candidate’s ideas and qualifications for 1
minute after the candidate has concluded her speech and left the room.
Questions will be made available to candidates prior to elections, however all voting
members are encouraged to ask questions from the floor the day of the elections.
In the case that only one candidate is slated and no one wishes to run from the floor, a
vote of confidence will be taken regarding that specific position.
The order of elections shall be as followed: President, Vice President of Finance and
Communications, Vice President of Recruitment, and Vice President of Programming.
Candidates are encouraged to wear professional dress.
Voting Delegate Guidelines
 Delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions to each candidate.
 Delegates will be allowed to discuss each candidate’s ideas and qualifications for
position in which she is running for.
 Each chapter must be in good standing with PH and OFSA to cast a ballot in the election.
 All chapters are encouraged to bring the chapter president and up to 2 additional
members of their organization for the elections. There shall be no more than 4 members
of one organization present during elections.
 Each chapter is entitled to one ballot to be cast by the Chapter Delegate or her
approved substitute. Voting shall be conducted by written ballot.
 Candidates must win by a simple majority vote of the member chapters present and in
good standing.
Panhellenic Council
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
17 Bartlett Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1191
Phone: 848-932-7692
Panhellenic Council
Executive Board Application
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Organization: ____________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: _______________________ Email: ________________________________
Major: ___________________________ Cumulative GPA: ________________________
RU ID: ___________________________ Net ID: ________________________________
Semester joined chapter: _________________ Anticipated Graduation: _____________
Please indicate which position(s) you wish to be considered for, in rank order (please list
no more than two positions)
_____ President
_____ Vice President of Finance and Communication
_____ Vice President of Recruitment
_____ Vice President of Programming
Panhellenic Council
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
17 Bartlett Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1191
Phone: 848-932-7692
1. Completely fill out this sheet. Be sure to print neatly.
2. Submit this completed application and your resume to OFSA no later than Friday,
November 6th by 4pm.
3. Interviews: Once you submit your application, you will be asked to schedule an
interview with the PH Slating Committee. Please note, not all applicants are
guaranteed an interview.
4. Attach a personal statement (no more than 500 words), indicating your
qualifications for the position(s) that you are seeking and the reasons why you
wish to serve on the PH Executive Board.
Important Information
If elected to the Executive Board, you must agree to the following:
To attend the PH Executive Board retreat and training from January 10th-15th
To attend summer Executive Board meetings, once per month.
To attend weekly Executive Board meetings.
To attend Panhellenic Council meetings, held biweekly on Fridays at 3:00 PM
To schedule regular one on one meetings with the PH Advisors
The term of office begins at Officer Transitions on December 10th 2015 and will
conclude December 2016.
I am aware of the qualifications for office and attest that I meet each requirement.
Should I be elected, I understand and am able to attend the Council Officer Retreat:
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________