March 10, 2014

Village of Orchard Park
Board of Trustees
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Orchard Park was held on
Monday, March 10, 2014 in the Municipal Center, 4295 South Buffalo Street, Orchard
Park, New York. Mayor Wilson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag.
Members present:
Others present:
Mayor John B. Wilson
Dir. Of Public Works Andrew J. Slotman
Trustee Francis T. Hogenkamp
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Kelly Stressinger
Trustee David A. Rood
Building Inspector Jeffrey Sweet
Trustee Joseph R. Wales
Trustee Jo Ann Litwin
Mayor Wilson made the following announcement:
“Fire exits are located at the rear in the Board Room and at the doorway to the lobby. In
the event of a fire, you will be notified by announcement on the public address system.
If notified, please move in a calm and orderly fashion to the nearest exit.”
Moved by Trustee Wales, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp that the minutes of February
24, 2014 be approved as received.
On the question:
5 voting “Aye”
0 voting “Nay”
Moved by Trustee Rood, seconded by Trustee Litwin that the vouchers numbering
11119 to 11137 in Abstract #17 of 2013-2014 in the amount of $49,148.06 be paid as
On the question:
5 voting “Aye”
0 voting “Nay”
Comments from the floor of items not on the agenda.
Tom Morrow (4233 Freeman Rd) mentioned he was here with his grand-daughter who
had a school project to attend a government meeting.
Jacqueline Briggs (4391 S Buffalo St) commended Mayor Wilson on the letter he
submitted to the Buffalo News opposing the tax freeze.
Howard Rost (300 S Lincoln Ave) is waiting for spring…also agrees to the letter
opposing the tax freeze. In regards to the tax rebate “take a hike and keep your
Mayor Wilson mentioned he is also the President of the Erie County Village Officials
Association and the Governor is trying to consolidate Villages and put them out of
Moved by Trustee Rood, seconded by Trustee Wales that the reports of the Village
Justice, Acting Village Justice, Water Department and Treasurer for the month of
February be received and filed.
On the question:
5 voting “Aye”
0 voting “Nay”
Building Inspector Sweet had nothing to report unless there were questions from
the Board.
Mayor Wilson mentioned he read in the Bee that SPoT Coffee will be opening in
Director of Public Works Slotman reported:
o He recently received the annual update letter from Erie County Water. We
did complete all testing required in 2013. We do have lead and copper to
test this year.
o DPW is ready for spring. We are working with the Garden Club and will
plant the baskets on April 24th.
o Parking restrictions are still in place for a couple of weeks.
Tom Morrow (4233 Freeman) thanked him and his crew for the fix on the Freeman
Road water break on Saturday.
Trustee Wales reported:
o BOP fund is looking for donors. They pay for hanging baskets, flowers.
o Mentioned on Saturday a gentlemen said how great the flowers look every
year and gave him $5.00 towards the BOP fund.
Trustee Rood had nothing to report.
Trustee Hogenkamp had nothing to report.
Trustee Litwin had nothing to report.
Deputy Clerk Treasurer Stressinger had nothing to report.
Mayor Wilson reported:
o He is President of the Erie County Village Officials Association and also
involved in New York Conference of Mayors. A couple years ago the
Citizens Empowerment Act was the first of the Laws passed to help Villages
go out of business. After that the tax cap was limited to 2%. And now the
tax freeze is being proposed by Governor Cuomo. Governor states
homeowners will receive tax credits administered through Erie County and
the County would determine if the local government is under the freeze and
if they consolidated services.
o The Village and Town of Orchard Park have worked together for years. We
have reduced costs. The DPW in the 1990’s had 16 employees and now has
7 employees. We used to pick up garbage and now have found contracting
it out has been more beneficial and a cost savings to residents. The Village
will soon have recycle totes and garbage totes in a couple years.
o Resolution to follow.
Moved by Trustee Hogenkamp, seconded by Trustee Wales that an amount not to
exceed $150,000.00 be expended from the Reserve for Equipment Fund to purchase a
new Wheel Loader 444K, subject to permissive referendum.
On the question:
5 voting “Aye”
0 voting “Nay”
Moved by Trustee Litwin, seconded by Trustee Rood that an amount not to exceed
$2,000.00 be expended from the Reserve for Equipment Fund to purchase a new trailer,
subject to permissive referendum.
On the question:
5 voting “Aye”
0 voting “Nay”
Director of Public Works Slotman explained in the fall they purchased a lawn
mower. This trailer will be used to haul the mower as well as other supplies
needed for grass cutting.
Trustee Rood mentioned before making this next motion, we are required to pass this
prior to finalizing our budget.
Moved by Trustee Rood, seconded by Trustee Wales that a public hearing be scheduled
and advertised for March 24, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. to hear public comment on Local Law
#2, 2014, overriding the tax levy limit established in General Municipal Law §3-c.
On the question:
5 voting “Aye”
0 voting “Nay”
Trustee Wales noted we will try to keep under the cap.
Trustee Hogenkamp mentioned each one of the Board Members doesn’t want to
raise taxes. Unfunded mandates from the State are what drive our taxes up. It is
not possible in most cases to keep the same costs.
Moved by Trustee Hogenkamp, seconded by Trustee Litwin that an amount not to
exceed $70,000 be expended from the Reserve for Public Improvement to purchase
1000 recycle carts, subject to permissive referendum.
Trustee Rood explained under the new Contract we will purchase recycle carts and
they will be the property of the Village. We hope to generate less trash. Board
Members have been “test driving” totes for a while now and have enjoyed them.
On the question:
5 voting “Aye”
0 voting “Nay”
Other Business:
Mayor Wilson mentioned the Village Officials Association met a couple weeks ago to
discuss Governor Cuomo’s proposed tax freeze. Representatives from NYCOM attended
the meeting as well as having representation from every Village in Erie County (one who
couldn’t make it, submitted a letter in opposition of the tax freeze).
Mayor Wilson then read the following letter and Resolution (attached).
Moved by Mayor Wilson, seconded by Trustee Hogenkamp that the Village of Orchard
Park adopts this resolution.
Before voting on the Resolution, the Trustees voiced many favorable comments, some of
which include:
o In the Village of Orchard Park, citizens’ concerns are addressed and/or resolved
in a very timely manner.
o If New York State gets their way, who will represent the residents?
o Other Villages that voted to keep their Villages, won by 80% or more.
o Any tax revenue goes to the State if there are no Villages in existence.
o Our Village has reserve funds to take care of future equipment expenses, this way
we don’t have to borrow and pay interest.
o We asked the Town a couple years ago if they could perform our services for the
same cost, they said no it would be more costly.
o “Villages built this State of New York”.
o Our Village has the lowest tax rate in Erie County.
o We will be punished for already consolidating our services.
o Suddenly the State has billions of dollars to give away – where did that money
come from? Taxpayers!!
o What we generate in revenue is less than what the State is charging us.
o Interest generated from our reserves and general fund used to be $113,000 in
2005 and now we earn less than $5,000 in interest on the same amount.
o Governor is passing along bad information, claiming there are 10,500 local
governments when there are actually 1,607.
On the question:
5 voting “Aye”
0 voting “Nay”
Howard Rost (300 S. Lincoln Ave.) stated his family has lived here for 94 years. Has
three generations buried here and he also wants to be buried in the Village of Orchard
Park. He will speak with Senator Grisanti when he is here next for his Town Hall
The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 24, 2014.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Kelly Stressinger
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer