EXAM REVIEW Topic 2: The ecosystem 2.1 Structure Assessment Statement 2.1.1 Distinguish between biotic and abiotic (physical) components of an ecosystem. 2.1.2 Define the term trophic level. Notes Abiotic (physical; non-organic) soil, oxygen, light, temperature, pH Biotic (living; organic) biomass, organisms 2.1.3 Identify and explain trophic levels in food chains and food webs selected from the local environment. Relevant terms (for example, producers, consumers, decomposers, herbivores, carnivores, top carnivores) should be applied to local, named examples and other food chains and food webs. 2011 2011 2013 2013 2.1.4 Explain the principles of pyramids of numbers, pyramids of biomass, and pyramids of productivity, and construct such pyramids from given data. Pyramids are graphical models of the quantitative differences that exist between the trophic levels of a single ecosystem. 2011 M1 3a 3c 3d 2012 M1 3a 2011 N2 2013 M2 A feeding level in the food chain. A pyramid of biomass represents the biomass of each trophic level measured in units such as grams of biomass per square metre (g m–2). Biomass may also be measured in units of energy, such as J m–2. Numbers and quantities of biomass and energy decrease along food chains; therefore the pyramids become narrower as one ascends. HOWEVER, Pyramids of numbers can sometimes display different patterns, for example, when individuals at lower trophic levels are relatively large. Similarly, pyramids of biomass it is possible for greater quantities at higher trophic levels because they represent the biomass present at a given time (such as seasonal variations). Both pyramids of numbers and pyramids of biomass represent storages. Pyramids of productivity refer to the flow of energy through a trophic level and always show a decrease along the food chain. (2nd Law) Biomass, measured in units of mass or energy (for example, g m–2 or J m–2), is different from productivity measured as a rate (amount per unit time) in units of flow (for example, g m–2 yr–1 or J m–2 yr–1). 2.1.5 Discuss how the pyramid structure affects the functioning of an ecosystem. 2.1.6 Define the terms species, population, habitat, niche, community and ecosystem with reference to local Include concentration of non-biodegradable toxins in food chains limited length of food chains vulnerability of top carnivores. Species – a group of organisms that interbreed and produce fertile offspring Population – a group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time, which are capable of interbreeding 2011 M1 3e 2012 M1 2d 2011 N1 2c(iv) 2013 M2 1b 2012 M1 3b examples. Habitat – the environment in which a species normally lives Niche – where an organism lives and everything it does. No two species have the exact same niche. Community – all the populations interacting in the same habitat. (Living parts of an ecosystem) Ecosystem – the interaction of a community and the physical environment they inhabit 2.1.7 Describe and explain population interactions using examples of named species. Include competition, parasitism, mutualism, predation and herbivory. - Competition – occurs when species niches overlap. - Mutualism ( +, +) is an interaction in which both species benefit. Example: Oak tree and squirrel, who “plants” acorns) - Parasite (+, – ) Example: trematodes embedded in frogs during development cause deformities but do not kill the frog) Notable interactions: the influences each species has on other species’ population size and on the carrying capacity of the others’ environment. PRACTICE The following graphs represent the changes in population density of two species: Population Density Species Y Species X Time Which of the following most likely represents the relationship between these two species? X Y A. predator prey B. prey predator C. parasite host D. host parasite Continued Below 2010 N2 2011 N1 2013 N1 2013 N1 PRACTICE 1. Net Productivity of carnivores 12 In the diagram all values are in kJ m –2 yr −1 Carnivores Respiration and other losses Z The values of W, X, Y and Z are W X Y Z A. 72 000 8400 720 92 B. 8000 8400 720 92 C. 8000 7600 80 92 D. 8000 7600 80 68 Consumed by carnivores Y Decomposers and other losses 320 Net Productivity of herbivores 400 Herbivores Respiration and other losses X Consumed by herbivores W Decomposers and other losses 32 000 Net Productivity of producers 40 000 Producers 2.2 Measuring abiotic components of the system Assessment Notes 2.2.1 List the significant abiotic (physical) factors of an ecosystem. 2.2.2. Describe and evaluate methods for measuring at least three abiotic (physical) factors within an ecosystem. Know methods for measuring any three significant abiotic factors and how these may vary in a given ecosystem with depth, time, distance. For example: • marine—salinity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, wave action • freshwater—turbidity, flow velocity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen • terrestrial—temperature, light intensity, wind speed, particle size, slope, soil moisture, drainage, mineral content. 2012 N2 1a 2010 M2 4a 2012 N1 6d 2.3 Measuring biotic components of the system Assessment Notes 2.3.1 PRACTICE: Make a dichotomous key for a bee, an ant, a spider, a sparrow, a robin, an earthworm, Construct simple keys oat grass, and a radish plant. and use published keys for the identification of organisms. 2010 M1 2a 2012 M1 3d 2.3.2 Describe and evaluate methods for estimating abundance of organisms. (size of populations) Methods should include capture–mark–release–recapture (Lincoln index) and quadrats for measuring population density, percentage frequency and percentage cover. The Lincoln Index (capture – mark – release – recapture) is a mathematical model used to estimate the size of a population. Scientists capture a sample of the population they want to measure. They mark these individuals and release them. Later, the scientists return and capture another sample. Some of the individuals in the second sample will carry the mark from the first sample. The scientists then use the following formula to estimate the size of the population: Where N is the total size of the population n1 is the size of the first sample captured n2 is the size of the second sample captured m is the number of marked individuals recaptured in the second sample 2010 M1 2b 2012 M1 1b, 1c N = n1 x n2 m PRACTICE: In the first sample, 23 pheasants were captured and marked. A week later, 21 pheasants were captured in the same area, and of these 8 were marked. What is the estimated size of the population? (Ans. 60 pheasants) Quadrat sampling is a method to determine the percentage frequency or cover of each species. Used for plants. Often used along environmental gradients, such as the edge of a forest, or a beach or streamside. 2.3.3 Describe and evaluate methods for estimating the biomass of trophic levels in a community. 2.3.4 Define the term diversity. 2.3.5 Apply Simpson’s diversity index and outline its significance. Biomass is the total mass of living matter within a given unit of environmental area. Examples: plant material, vegetation, animal waste used as fuel) - Used to calculate the total energy in an organism or at atrophic level. Dry weight measurements of quantitative samples can be used to estimate total biomass. (Water must be removed for valid comparisons.) Diversity is considered BOTH the number of different species (richness) and the relative numbers of individuals of each species (abundance) 2012 M1 3c Students are not required to memorize this formula but must know the meaning of the symbols: D = diversity index N = total number of organisms of all species found n = number of individuals of a particular species (Greek Epsilon =”sum of”) A high value of D suggests a stable and ancient site. A low value of D could suggest pollution, recent colonization or agricultural management. PRACTICE: In a field experiment 60 edible dormice (Glis glis) were captured using Longworth mammal traps laid out in a grid within a 500 m × 500 m quadrat. Each individual was marked and released. Two days later a second trapping exercise caught 50 edible dormice, 15 of whom were previously marked. Calculate the Lincoln index for this population. PRACTICE Figure 3 below shows the species composition of two areas of forest. There are 100 trees in each area of forest. The Simpson’s diversity index for Ecosystem A is 1.38. Calculate Simpson’s diversity index for Ecosystem B. 2.4 Biomes Assessment Statement Notes 2.4.1 Define the term biome. A biome is – An area distinguished by the environment of a particular climate and the community or organisms adapted to it. 2.4.2 Explain the distribution, structure and relative productivity of tropical rainforests, deserts, tundra and any other biome. Refer to prevailing climate and limiting factors. Example 1: Tropical rainforests are found close to the equator where there is high insolation and rainfall and where light and temperature are not limiting. Example 2: Temperate grassland or a local example. Climate: temperature, precipitation and insolation. 2012 M2 1a 2013 N1 1a 2010 N2 2010 N2 2010 M2 2012 N1 2013 N1 2.5 Function Assessment Statement Notes 2.5.1 Explain the role of producers, consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem. 2.5.2 Describe photosynthesis and respiration in terms of inputs, outputs and energy transformations. 2.5.3 Describe and explain the transfer and transformation of energy as it flows through an ecosystem. Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide, water, chlorophyll and certain visible wavelengths of light to produce organic matter and oxygen. Transformation of light energy into the chemical energy of organic matter. Respiration requires organic matter and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. Without oxygen, carbon dioxide and additional waste products are formed. Energy is released in a form available for use by living organisms, but is ultimately lost as heat. (2nd Law) Explain pathways of incoming solar radiation incident on the ecosystem including: • loss of radiation through reflection and absorption (loss of ice) • conversion of light to chemical energy • loss of chemical energy from one trophic level to another • overall conversion of light to heat energy by an ecosystem • re-radiation of heat energy to the atmosphere. Storages of energy are illustrated by boxes in energy-flow diagrams. The flows of energy or productivity are shown as arrows. 2011 M1 4d 4e 4f 2010 M1 4a 4b 2013 M1 5a,b,c Processes involving the transfer and transformation of carbon, nitrogen and water as they cycle within an ecosystem should be described, and the conversion of organic and inorganic storage 2010 M2 Construct and analyze simple energy-flow diagrams illustrating the movement of energy through ecosystems, including the productivity of the various trophic levels. 2.5.4 Describe and explain the transfer and 2013 M2 1d transformation of materials as they cycle within an ecosystem. noted where appropriate. 2.5.5 Define the terms gross productivity, net productivity, primary productivity and secondary productivity. Productivity is production per unit time. Construct and analyze flow diagrams of these cycles. Gross productivity = (GP) -the total gain in biomass or energy per unit area per unit time. (kj m-2 yr-1) Gross primary productivity (GPP) is gained through photosynthesis Gross secondary productivity (GSP) is gained through absorption in consumers 1b 2012 N1 1b 2011 M1 4a 4b 2010 N1 4c Net productivity (NP) - the total gain in biomass or energy in producers remaining after respiratory losses (R) Net secondary productivity - (NSP) - the gain by consumers in biomass or energy remaining after respiratory loss (R). 2.5.6 Define the terms and calculate the values of both gross primary productivity (GPP) and net primary productivity (NPP) from given data. Use the equation: NPP = GPP – R where R = respiratory loss 2011 2010 2012 4a 2012 3a,3b The diagram below shows the main energy flows through an ecosystem. Respiratory loss 13 000 Energy input 21 000 Producers 4200 2200 3300 Herbivores 720 270 380 X 90 Decomposers 1960 Respiratory loss –2 –1 What is the net productivity of the decomposers in kJ m yr ? A. 1 960 B. 3 050 C. 5 010 D. 6 970 2.5.7 Define the terms and calculate the values of both gross secondary productivity (GSP) and net secondary productivity (NSP) from given data. Use the equations: NSP = GSP – R GSP = food eaten – fecal loss R = respiratory loss NOTE: The term “assimilation” is sometimes used instead of “secondary productivity”. k j 2. Net Primary Productivity (NPP) is A. b – c – d. B. d + e + f. C. e. D. e – d. carnivores h g i herbivores e R E 1. Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) is A. b – c B. b – a. C. b. D. b – c – d. D E C O M P O S E R S S P I R A T I O N The diagram below shows the flow of energy through a food web. d sunlight not used in photosynthesis f producers b c sun a 3.The net productivity for the consumer community is A. e + h. B. e + h g j k i. C. e g j. D. e g j i k. (Ans. 1. A, 2. A, 3.C ) The diagram below shows energy transfer in a cow. energy respired, lost as heat R secondary productivity SP energy assimilated Secondary Productivity (SP) is A. C + R. B. C – (R + U + F). C. C – (U + F). D. C+R+U+F energy consumed C energy lost in urine U energy lost in faeces F energy consumed C 2.6 Changes Assessment Notes 2.6.1 Explain the concepts of limiting factors and carrying capacity in the context of population growth. Limiting factor – single factor that limits the growth, abundance, or distribution of a species in an ecosystem. Carrying capacity – maximum population that a given area can support over time. 2.6.2 Describe and explain S and J population curves. Explain changes in both numbers and rates of growth in standard S and J population growth curves. Population curves should be sketched, described, interpreted and constructed from given data. 2013 M1 3b(i) 2.6.3 Describe the role of density dependent and density independent factors, and internal and external factors, in the regulation of populations. 2.6.4 Describe the principles associated with survivorship curves including, K and r strategists. Density-dependent factors – factors that limit population growth as the population density increases. - Ex. parasitism, disease, - operate as negative feedback mechanisms leading to stability of the population. Density-independent factors – limit population growth no matter what the population density. - Many species, particularly r-strategists, are probably regulated by density independent factors - ex. weather, natural disasters 2011 N1 2b 2013 M1 6b(i) *Both types of factors may operate on a population. K and r strategists represent idealized categories and many organisms occupy a place on the continuum. Be able to interpret features of survivorship curves. K-strategists (Type I survivorship curve ) Slow growing/maturing species Few offspring Long lifespans Most reach full maturation Ex. humans, elephants R –strategists (Type III survivorship curve) Inhabit unstable/changing environments Reproduce early/often, mature quickly Few reach full maturation (most die young) Ex. most insects PRACTICE: The figure below shows contrasting age-sex pyramids for two animal species. A (a) B State, giving a reason, which of the population pyramids in Figure 1 is more likely to be an r-strategist. (2) 2010 N2 5a 2010 N2 5b 2013 M1 6a 2.6.5 Describe the concept and processes of succession in a named habitat. 2.6.6 Explain the changes in energy flow, gross and net productivity, diversity and mineral cycling in different stages of succession. SUCCESSION Provide named examples of organisms from a pioneer community, seral stages and climax community. Ex. Oak savannah community: mosses → grasses → shrubs → saplings → mature trees (such as oak) The concept of succession, occurring over time, should be carefully distinguished from the concept of zonation, which refers to a spatial pattern. The diagram below shows succession in a sand dune ecosystem. A B Y X Zonation – changes in biota and physical environment across an ecosystem due to distance rather than time. (An example: different organisms prevalent in different conditions on the side of a mountain due to changing altitude.) EXAMPLE of zonation: The figure below shows how vegetation changes with altitude in the Andean mountain chain in South America. a. State the pattern of vegetation shown in the figure. (Answer: zonation) b. Identify two limiting factors in the alpine meadows. [2] c. Suggest one way the pattern of vegetation might change as a result of global warming. [1] SUCCESSION In early stages, gross productivity is low due to the initial conditions and low density of producers. the proportion of energy lost through community respiration is relatively low too, so net productivity is high (the system is growing and biomass is accumulating). In later stages, with an increased consumer community, gross productivity may be high in a climax community. balanced by high respiration, so net productivity approaches zero the production: respiration (P:R) ratio approaches one. 2010 N2 1a (ii) 2012 M2 2a 2011 N2 5b 2012 N1 1a 2012 N1 2a 2.6.7 Describe factors affecting the nature of climax communities. Climate and soil determine the nature of a climax community. (Soil factors include water content, acidity, aeration, and the availability of nutrients.) 2012 2b Human factors frequently affect this process through, for example, fire, agriculture, grazing and/or habitat destruction. 2.7 Measuring changes in the system Assessment Statement Notes 2.7.1 Describe and Examples of environmental gradients evaluate methods for Edge of forest measuring changes in Shore to deep water abiotic and biotic Changing altitude up the side of a mountain components of an Methods possible: succession of pitfall traps, biotic index, quadrat sampling, etc. along the ecosystem along an gradient environmental gradient. 2.7.2 Describe and evaluate the use of environmental impact assessments (EIAs). *An EIA involves: 1. production of a baseline study before any environmental development 2. assessment of possible impacts 3. monitoring of change during and after the development. 2010 5a 2011 5d 2013 5b