UWE Student Enterprise: Idea Stage questions From: Name………………………. Email………………………. Course/Year………………………………. Question 1: Describe your product or service idea and the problem it solves? Response: We’re looking for: The product/service is described clearly & concisely including: how it works, its features, how it will be used. Score: out of 4 Diagrams, photographs or other graphics are used to illustrate. 2 A significant problem has been identified. 4 Confidential panel feedback: Question 2: Who might buy this product/service ? Response: We’re looking for: Score: out of One or more types of potential paying customer are described. 5 The relevant needs and habits of these customers are understood. 5 Confidential panel feedback: Question 3: What development does your idea need? Response: We’re looking for: Score: out of Has identified areas of risk or uncertainty in product or service design. 2 Has thought about which of there areas should be tested and how, e.g. by: building prototypes or models or creating a questionnaire. Has prototyped, tested, analysed the results and used this to improve the idea. 2 Has identified a product/service likely to solve the problem/meet customer needs. Understands what other needs (eg end user, customer, distributor/ logistics, retailer, regulatory) must be met by the product/service at launch and what improvements can be planned for later. Has considered what assets must be put in place before the product/service can be provided for sale. e.g. Manufacture of a quantity of product or recruiting and training staff, or building a website with sufficient traffic to persuade advertisers. 2 2 2 Confidential panel feedback: Question 4: Why will customers buy your product/service? Response: We’re looking for: Score: out of Has described the offer and its value to the customer, briefly, precisely and using common, readily understood language. 3 Has identified the other offers competing for the customer £ and their strengths and weaknesses relative to the offer and the customer needs. Has included emerging competition and inertia, if relevant, as well as the established players. Has a valuable and compelling offer to each type of customer, relative to the competition. 3 4 Confidential panel feedback: Question 5: Estimate a price for your product/service Response: We’re looking for: Score: out of Estimate covers the cost of producing the product or delivering the service and what profit needs to be made. Is based on a rough estimate of labour and material costs, overheads, margin for any sales channel and target profit. 5 Has included evidence that the customer will consider this price gives good value, both for the benefits this product/service brings and compared with the price & value provided by the competition. 5 Confidential panel feedback: Question 6: How will you sell your product/service? Who can help you reach interest and acquire customers? Response: We’re looking for: Score: out of Has identified the best sales channels to use to get attention from potential customers. Possible sales channels include: an online shop; in person; a physical shop or market stall; a network of approved sales agents, through selected independent retailers. Has considered ways to present the offer to potential customers and create the circumstances where they buy the product/service. 3 Has estimated how many leads/enquiries may be needed to make a sale and how these lead/enquiries may typically be converted into sales. 3 4 Confidential panel feedback: Question 7: How might you maintain competitive advantage for your business? Response: We’re looking for: Has identified how to keep competitive advantage for the business & prevent other businesses copying or piggybacking on its success through a combination of: building up the intellectual property of the business and protecting it; building strong/exclusive relationships in its supply/distribution networks; building strong consumer/customer loyalty or other. Score: out of 10 Confidential panel feedback: Question8: What impacts may your business have on the people involved in it , the wider community and the environment? Response: We’re looking for: Score: out of Has identified the stakeholders in the business (eg employees, suppliers, customers, shareholders, distributors) & how to gain their help in succeeding 2 Idea has potential to bring significant beneficial impact to the local/regional/national/global community. 4 The business can be run in an environmentally sustainable way 4 Confidential panel feedback: Question9: Will the market support your business ambitions? Response: We’re looking for: Has defined the ambition/scale of the business e.g. A business that supports founders, with a few others, with dozens of employees or as part of a network of other knowledge based businesses. Has provided evidence that there enough potential customers/is a big enough market to support the business. Has ability to find resources needed to start the business eg funding & team. There is a credible explanation of when & to whom the business may be sold or transferred and what the assets might be at this stage. Score: out of 2 3 3 2 Confidential panel feedback: Question10: What are the barriers you need to overcome to succeed and how will you do this? Response: We’re looking for: Score: out of Has identified a sequence of objectives for the business in the next two years 2 Has identified what could go wrong/ the barriers to achieving each of these objectives. 3 Has identified what to do to prevent /overcome these problems. 3 Has a survival plan which allows for it taking longer than expected to generate a living income from this idea. 2 Confidential panel feedback: Like us on: www.facebook.com/uwestudententerprise Follow us on: www.twitter.com/uweenterprise Use our resources: http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/students/careersandemployability/careers/careeroptions/enterpriseandselfemployment.aspx