Mrs. Abercrombie’s 5th Grade Schedule Red – Physical Activity Green – Health Lesson Time 7:40 am Monday Homeroom Morning Anncmnts. Tuesday Homeroom Morning Anncmnts. Wednesday Homeroom Morning Anncmnts. Thursday Homeroom Morning Anncmnts. Friday Homeroom Morning Anncmnts. 8:00 am Language Arts – Spelling/ Grammar Language Arts – Spelling/ Grammar Language Arts – Spelling/ Grammar Language Arts – Spelling/ Grammar Language Arts – Spelling/ Grammar 8:50 am 9:40 am Math Math Math Math Math Social Social Social Social Social Studies Studies Studies Studies Studies 10:30 am Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess 11:00 am Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 11:30 am Science Science Science Science Science 12:20 pm Literature Literature Literature Literature Literature 1:30 pm *Specials*Specials*Specials*Specials*SpecialsP.E. Art P.E. Music P.E. 2:00 pm Homeroom/ Homeroom/ Homeroom/ Homeroom/ Homeroom/ Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Anncmnts. Anncmnts. Anncmnts. Anncmnts. Anncmnts. 2:20-2:30 Line up to Line up to Line up to Line up to Line up to pm load load load load load buses/car buses/car buses/car buses/car buses/car riders/ riders/ riders/ riders/ riders/ walkers walkers walkers walkers walkers School starts each day at 7:40 am and ends at 2:30 pm. *Specials changes each day alternating, P.E., Art, and Music. Breakfast is available from 7:00 am – 7:35 am Daily Physical Activity Plan: Monday – 9:40 am Social Studies – I Am a … - 10:30 am students will have recess for 30 minutes. 1:30 pm students will have P.E. class for 30 minutes. This activity, I Am a…, integrates social studies with physical activity. Equipment: None One child is chosen as a demonstrator. Play begins with the class reciting, “This morning as I walked down the street, whom do you think I chanced to meet?” The demonstrator proceeds to pantomime a historical person. The rest of the children copy the action. By raising their hands, children try to guess what the action represents. A successful guesser becomes the new demonstrator. If there are no correct guesses, the demonstrator is allowed one more try before another student is selected. **Idea taken from green 2009 Pearson Activity Card. Tuesday – 8:00 am Language Arts/Spelling/Grammar– Tongue Twister Tango; 10:30 am students will have recess for 30 minutes. This activity, Tongue Twister Tango, includes grammar and could incorporate parts of speech when students make their own tongue twisters. 15 minutes No Equipment needed The activity begins with all students seated at their desks, either reading or reciting any tongue twister with a common repeating sound, such as the “uh” sound in chuck from the tongue twister “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” Each time the common sound is made, students must stand up and sit back down quickly. Until students are familiar with the sounds and examples, a slow reading pace should be used. Cycle through different limericks or tongue twisters using different kinds of sounds and patterns. Students can also write their own tongue twisters while identifying the different parts of speech. **This idea was taken from Green 2009 Pearson Activity Card 10:30 am students will have recess for 30 minutes. Wednesday – 8:50 am Math Beanbag Pitch– 10:30 am students will have recess for 30 minutes. 1:30 pm students will have P.E. class for 30 minutes. This activity, Beanbag Pitch, can integrate math with physical activity. Equipment: Several cardboard boxes and several beanbags Each row of desks is a team. A target box is placed at the head of each row, and a pitch line is drawn 10-15 feet in front of the target. From behind the pitch line, each player takes a specified number of pitches at the box with the beanbags, after they have correctly shouted out the correct answer to a math problem given by the teacher. Scores are recorded for each player, and the team with the highest score wins. **This idea was taken from green 2009 Pearson Activity Card Thursday – 10:30 am students will have recess for 30 minutes. 11:30 am Science – Twenty Questions This activity, Twenty Questions, incorporates science and physical activity. 15 minutes No equipment needed A leader is selected and leaves the room. While the leader is out, the class chooses a subject about the lesson of the week. The leader re-enters and attempts to guess what the object is by asking yes or no questions. The class answers in the following ways: Yes- Jumping and nodding their heads “yes” No-Jumping and twisting while shaking their head “no” To increase activity, students continue jumping until the next question is asked. **This idea was taken from Green 2009 Pearson Activity Card Friday – 10:30 am students will have recess for 30 minutes. 1:30 pm students will have P.E. class for 30 minutes. 12:20 pm Literature – Is That True? This activity, Is That True?, pulls together physical activity with the story the students are reading for the week. No equipment needed Students select a partner. The teacher then says, “Scatter!” and partners separate, mixing around the room. The teacher then calls out, “Is that true?” Partners quickly locate each other and share one fact with his or her partner. The facts are to be about the story they have learned about in the class for the week. Repeat this process three times, with the students scattering and then regrouping to exchange “facts.” On the fourth time, partners find each other and quickly attempt to determine which statement was not true. A new partner is then found and play continues. **This idea was taken from green 2009 Pearson Activity Card Health Lessons Monday – 11:30 am Science– Sun Science Search This health lesson teaches sun safety and incorporates science. Equipment needed – one container per set of three students 15 minutes After discussing the harmful effects of the sun in class, have students form groups of three and give each group a container. Give the class 10 minutes to go outside and find as many sun-damaged items as possible, such as grass, rocks, leaves, trash, etc. The point is to locate anything that the sun can have a harmful or demonstrable effect on (e.g., a rock’s color can lighten; a blade of grass can wither; paper trash will dry out or crumble, etc.) Have the groups come together to share and discuss their findings. ** This idea was taken from orange 2009 Pearson Activity Card Wednesday – 8:00 Language Arts/Spelling/Grammar– Mystery Emotion This health lesson teaches Mental and Emotional Health while incorporating Language Arts. Equipment: Pictures of faces showing different expressions Without looking at it, the teacher holds up a picture for the class to see. Students then use a locomotor movement to mimic the emotion they see in the picture, and move around the room as if they are feeling that emotion. The attempts to guess the emotion being portrayed by the students. Language Arts could be incorporated by once the teacher figures out the emotion being portrayed, the teacher can then have the students briefly name out synonyms and antonyms to the particular emotion. **This idea was taken from blue 2009 Pearson Activity Card Thursday – 1:30 pm Music – Splish Splash This health lesson teaches personal health while incorporating music/fine arts. Equipment: Music (“Splish Splash, I Was Taking a Bath”) 10 minutes The activity begins with students lying on the floor pretending to be asleep. When the music starts, the teacher leads students through motions for the following activities as they get ready for school: “Jump out of bed.” “Stretch to the ceiling.” “Take a shower.” “Comb your hair.” “Eat breakfast.” “Floss and brush your teeth.” “Go to school” (walk, bike, ride in a car or bus, etc.): Bike riders should remember to put their helmets on. Car riders should remember to put their seat belts on. **This idea was taken from blue 2009 Pearson Activity Card