paint fluorescent

Activity/Lesson: Andy Warhol Hand Prints
Grade Level: 3, 4
and 5th
Length: 2 periods
Critical Thinking & Reflection VA.3.C.1.2 VA.3.C.3.3. VA.4.C.1.2 VA.4.3.3. VA.5.C.1.2 VA.5.C.3.3
Skills, Techniques, & Processes VA.3.1.3 VA.3.S.2.1 VA.3.S.3.1 VA.3.S.3.3 VA.4.1.3 VA. VA. VA.4.S.3.3 VA.5.1.3
VA.5.S.2.1 VA.5.S.3.1 VA.5.S.3.3
Organizational Structure
Historical & Global Connections VA.3.H.2.1 VA.4.H.2.1 VA.5.H.2.1
Innovation, Technology & Future
Elements of Art:
___ Line
_x_ Shape/Form _ x_ Color
___ Value _x__ Space
Principles of Design:
___ Texture
Concept/Objective of Lesson:
I can create a Pop Art print influenced by artist Andy Warhol.
___ Emphasis _x_ Contrast _x_ Unity
_x__ Balance
__ Rhythm/Movement
___Proportion _x_ Repetition/Patterns
Per student: 1 14”x14” black construction paper
8 6”x6” white construction paper
Per class: pencils, scissors, glue, white colored pencils
Paint brushes, water cups, paint cups, foam rubber pad, plate
Fluorescent paints (4-6 colors)
Black tempera paint
Directions: Intro to Andy Warhol. Simple biography attached.
Define Popular Culture and Pop Art Movement
Show examples of most popular Andy Warhol works of art.
Students paint 8 white squares different fluorescent colors. May repeat a few colors. Let dry.
Pair up squares so that they “pop” against each other. Label one “A” and one “B”.
Glue down the “B” squares on the black construction paper square leaving space evenly placed around the sides.
Trace hand on all 4 “A” squares with pencil. Cut out hand shapes.
Glue hands onto complimentary squares that are glued to black paper.
Place foam rubber pad onto plate. Pour black tempera onto pad.
Students push hands on “stamp pad” until palm is completely covered with paint. Use the same hand that was traced! Print hand on cut out hand.
Repeat 3 more times to remaining squares.
Sign name on bottom with white colored pencil
ESOL and ESE Strategies:
__x_ Modeling __x_ Peer Tutoring
___ Thematic Unit
___ Group Projects
___ Use Realia
___ Pattern Drill Practice
___ Cooperate Learning Techniques
___ Computer Learning Instruction
___ Dialogues/Repetition/Memorization
___ Word Banks
___ Adult Tutoring
___ Directed Reading/Listening
Math/ELA Connections:
patterns, sequence,
_x_ Project ___ Rubric ___ Journals
___Teacher Observation
___ Self-Assessment ___ Test