Andy Warhol Handprints Enduring idea: Through out time and across cultures people have used prints to create artwork. Grade: Kindergarten Time Allotment: 1-2 40 minute classes ________________________________________________________ Overview Students will create an artwork in the style of Andy Warhol by using their hands. Students will learn how their hands can be used to create a print. Students will then practice writing by writing a sentence, “Andy Warhol was a pop artist.” or “Andy Warhol created pop art.” PA Standards: 9.1.A. Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities. -Pattern 9.1.B. Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts. -Print 9.1.C. Recognize and use fundamental vocabulary within each of the arts forms. 9.1.H. Handle materials, equipment and tools safely at work and performance spaces. A. Explain the historical, cultural and social context of an individual work in the arts. (Andy Warhol, and pop art) Objectives: Students will study about pop art though the style of Andy Warhol by expanding on the word pop and popular. Students will reveal knowledge of prints and pop art by posed questions at the end of the lesson. Students will proceed to use materials correctly by demonstrating proper use of paint and glue by explaining they can only create prints if they follow procedure. Students will practice writing by copying the statement “Andy Warhol is a Famous pop artist.” or “Andy Warhol created pop art.” Essential questions: What do you think the word pop stands for in pop art? How do you define or what is popular? What is popular to you? What is pop art? (After discussion about popular) What is a print? What how can one create a print? (After they create their own print with their hands.) Layout/Timing: Intro: 1. Students will be presented by quick PowerPoint on Andy Warhol. Instructor can wear Andy Warhol style classes to act like the famous artist. 2. Students will be brought into discussion about the pop art by breaking down the word pop into popular. Students may need help with definition of popular. If so one can explain by asking them to raise their hands if they know what Scooby doo or any other popular subject they might know. Then explain how this TV show or anything else is popular since many people know about it. Pose question on what they think is popular as a quick assessment. Studio: 1. Students will be presented with worksheet and writing assignment, with explanation. 2. Students will go back to their sets with worksheet and writing assignment and await further instruction. 3. By table each student will create 4 handprints on separate colored 6x6 pieces of paper. Once finished they will go wash their hands. 4. Students will work on their worksheet and writing assignment as they wait for paint comes to their table. (see attached worksheet) 5. If students finish early have them color and create their own Campbell’s sup can. (see attached worksheet) Closure: 1. Students will glue their 4 6x6 pieces of paper to a 12x18 piece of paper leaving the bottom free. Make sure they glue their hands in the same direction. 2. Students will then glue their finished written statement to the bottom portion of their artwork. 3. Students will clean any left out art materials. 4. Explain to students how they have created a print with their hands. Pose questions on what type of artwork they have created. Also ask the question what artist they learned about and what type of art they have created. Explain how this is a form of art and that they now have the knowledge to create artwork with the use of prints. Materials and Resources: 4, 6x6in colored Paper 1, 12x18in colored paper Pencil Black tempera/finger paint Container with paper towels for even paint. Campbells soup worksheet Andy Warhol sentences page Assessment: Pre-assessment: Students will be prompted questions on patterns to see what knowledge they already have during the introduction to Andy Warhol PowerPoint. Formative assessment: Students will be assessed by table as the printing tray comes to their station. Students will be given questions before they start to print on patterns and pop art. Summative Assessment: Students will be graded on their attitude in class. Students will also be asked a series of questions about pop art and what pop stands for. Students will receive a 1-4 grade on their over all artwork and attitude. (see attached rubric) 4 3 2 1 Student exceeds expectations by writing sentence clear and artwork is well crafted. Student shows knowledge by completing all steps with little error. Student shows some Student shows no knowledge by knowledge by not completing some completing all steps steps. Proper use of materials and safety Proper use of materials and safety Proper use of materials and safety Does no show proper use of materials and safety