Job Description - Mater Misericordiae University Hospital

The following qualification shall apply to this appointment:(i)
Registration as a specialist in the Specialist Division of the Register of
Medical Practitioners maintained by the Medical Council in Ireland in
the specialties of respiratory medicine and general (internal) medicine
One year certified postgraduate training in thoracic organ transplantation.
Successful candidates must be registered as a Specialist in the relevant Specialty on
the Specialist Division of the Register of Medical Practitioners maintained by the
Medical Council of Ireland within 180 days of the day of interview.
Age restriction shall only apply to a candidate where he/she is not classified as a new entrant
(within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act,
2004). A candidate who is not classified as a new entrant must be under 65 years of age on
the first day of the month in which the latest date for receiving completed application forms for
the office occurs.
A candidate for and any person holding the post must be fully competent and capable of
undertaking the duties attached to the post and be in a state of health such as would indicate
a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
A candidate for and any person holding the post must be of good character.
Entry to competition/recruitment process
For the purposes of eligibility for entry to any competition or recruitment process associated
with this post, a candidate cannot be appointed as a Medical Consultant unless (s) he is
registered as a Specialist in the Specialist Division of the Register of Medical Practitioners
maintained by the Medical Council of Ireland. Successful candidate must be registered as a
specialist in cardio-thoracic surgery on the Specialist Division of the Register of Medical
Practitioners maintained by the medical Council of Ireland within 180 days of the day of
interview. Should the successful candidate not be registered as a Specialist at that time, the
post may be offered to the next suitable candidate or, in the case of HSE posts, the Public
Appointments Service may choose not to recommend that candidate to the employer).
Should no suitable candidate exist, a further recruitment process may be initiated.
Curriculum Vitae (fourteen unbound copies) including qualifications, publications etc. should be
forwarded to the Hon. Secretary, Medical Board, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, 59 Eccles
Street, Dublin 7 not later than Friday 7th November 2014.
1. Each candidate shall submit, as references, the names, addresses and e-mail details of at
least four responsible persons to whom he/she is well known, but not related, of which, at
least, two shall be from a recent or current employer.
2. Canvassing directly or indirectly by or on behalf of any candidate will automatically disqualify
such candidate.
3. Copies of professional and education certificates should be submitted with Curriculum Vitae.
Originals of these documents will be required at interview.
4. Consultants appointed to the staff of the hospital may not accept other medical appointments
without the prior written approval of Senior Management of the Mater Misericordiae University
Hospital and University College Dublin.
5. Candidates will be required to attend in person before an interview board established by
Senior Management but the board will not be responsible for any expenses a candidate may
incur in attendance for interview.
To participate in development of and undertake all duties and functions pertinent to the
Consultant’s area of competence, as set out within the Clinical Directorate Service Plan and
in line with policies as specified by the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital.
To supervise the care of lung transplant recipients including assessment , perioperative care
and follow up. To supervise the management of rejection and the complications of
immunosuppression. To be involved in the management and care of patients with general
respiratory disease allied to lung transplantation including cystic fibrosis and idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis.
To ensure that duties and functions are undertaken in a manner that minimises delays for
patients and possible disruption of services.
To work within the framework of the hospital and/or levels of service (volume, types etc.) as
determined by the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital. Service planning for individual
clinical services will be progressed through the Clinical Directorate structure or other
arrangements as apply.
To co-operate with the expeditious implementation of the Disciplinary Procedure.
To formally review the execution of the Clinical Directorate Service Plan with the Clinical
Director / Employer periodically. The Clinical Directorate Service Plan shall be reviewed
periodically at the request of the Consultant or Clinical Director / Employer. The Consultant
may initially seek internal review of the determinations of the Clinical Director regarding the
Service Plan.
To participate in the development and operation of the Clinical Directorate structure and in
such management or representative structures as are in place or being developed. The
Consultant shall receive training and support to enable him/her to participate fully in such
JD Respiratory & General Physician (si Lung Tx)
May 2014
To provide, as appropriate, consultation in the Consultant’s area of designated expertise in
respect of patients of other Consultants at their request.
To ensure in consultation with the Clinical Director that appropriate medical cover is available
at all times having due regard to the implementation of the European Working Time Directive
as it relates to doctors in training.
To supervise and be responsible for diagnosis, treatment and care provided by nonConsultant Hospital Doctors (NCHDs) treating patients under the Consultant’s care.
To participate as a right and obligation in selection processes for non-Consultant Hospital
Doctors and other staff as appropriate. The Employer will provide training as required. The
Employer shall ensure that a Consultant representative of the relevant specialty / subspecialty is involved in the selection process.
To participate in clinical audit and proactive risk management and facilitate production of all
data/information required for same in accordance with regulatory, statutory and corporate
policies and procedures.
To participate in and facilitate production of all data/information required to validate delivery of
duties and functions and inform planning and management of service delivery.
Maintain throughout the Hospital’s awareness of the primacy of the patient in relation to all of
the Hospitals' activities.
Demonstrate behaviour consistent with the values of the Hospital.
Actively participate in and promote continuing education and research activities consistent
with the position.
Promote open communications throughout the Hospital.
Cover for fellow Consultants during holidays, sickness or other approved absences.
Provide a consultative service as required.
Participate in the development of services in the hospital, including the assumption of
appropriate administrative roles.
Liaise with the Chief Executive, Director of Nursing, Chair of Medical Board, consultant staff and
others in all matters pertaining to the efficient management of the hospital services.
Perform such other duties appropriate to his/her office as may be assigned to him/her from time
to time.
Advise on the development and maintenance of respiratory and general medical services
within the resources of the hospital and in co-operation with management.
Manage, as required, patients in ICU.
Encourage and support research and development.
Organise and participate in the teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate students, nursing
and other staff of the hospital.
Participate in transplant roster
Two outpatient clinics per week
JD Respiratory & General Physician (si Lung Tx)
May 2014
Bronchoscopy list
Attendance at multidisciplinary conference weekly
Reviewing consultations in hospital.
Provision of inpatient care
Supervision of house staff
Teaching of medical students
Attendance and contribution to business meetings within the hospital
Participate in transplant and medical roster
Being involved in all aspects of the patient pathway, such as outpatient clinics, in-hospital
consults, pre and post operative management of patients and operative management
Supervision of NCHDs
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
The Mater Misericordiae University Hospital is a 597 bedded acute teaching hospital. The hospital
provides a range of specialist inpatient, daycare, outpatient and outreach services and its Emergency
Department is one of the busiest in the country. The hospital has two National Specialties,
Cardiothoracic Surgery (including transplantation) and Spinal Injuries. Regional specialities include
Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Breast Cancer Screening and Oncology. The hospital also provides
services under a range of medical and surgical specialties including Cardiology, Renal Services,
General and Vascular Surgery, Urology and Orthopaedics, ENT, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology,
Care of the Older Person, Infectious Diseases and Acute Psychiatry. Our Pulmonary Hypertension
service is unique in Ireland.
From its beginning the hospital has been linked with the University Medical School at University
College Dublin. Ever since it continues to promote education and research as part of its mission and
ethos, which contributes to the highest standard of excellence possible in patient care.
For further information regarding this post, please contact:
Professor Jim Egan, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Mater Misericordiae University
Hospital and St. Vincent’s University Hospital,
NOTE: The extent and speed of change in the delivery of health care is such that adaptability is
essential at this level of senior clinical post. The incumbent will be required to maintain, enhance and
develop their professional knowledge, skills and aptitudes necessary to respond to a changing
situation. The Job Description must be regarded as an outline of the major areas of accountability at
the present time, which will be reviewed and assessed on an on-going basis.
All candidates should note that, in order to maintain a timely process, the closing date for
receipt of applications will be strictly adhered to
JD Respiratory & General Physician (si Lung Tx)
May 2014