Job Description - Mater Misericordiae University Hospital

The following professional qualifications shall apply to this appointment:
Registration as a specialist in the Specialist Division of the Register of
Medical Practitioners maintained by the Medical Council in Ireland in the
specialty of plastic surgery.
Age restriction shall only apply to a candidate where he/she is not classified
as a new entrant (within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2004). A candidate who is not classified as a
new entrant must be under 65 years of age on the first day of the month in
which the latest date for receiving completed application forms for the office
A candidate for and any person holding the post must be fully competent and
capable of undertaking the duties attached to the post and be in a state of
health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render
regular and efficient service.
A candidate for and any person holding the post must be of good character.
Entry to competition/recruitment process
For the purposes of eligibility for entry to any competition or recruitment
process associated with this post, a candidate cannot be appointed as a
Medical Consultant unless (s)he is registered as a Specialist in the Specialist
Division of the Register of Medical Practitioners maintained by the Medical
Council of Ireland. Successful candidate must be registered as a Specialist in
the relevant specialty on the Specialist Division of the Register of Medical
Practitioners maintained by the medical Council of Ireland within 180 days of
the day of interview. Should the successful candidate not be registered as a
Specialist at that time, the post may be offered to the next suitable candidate
(or, in the case of HSE posts, the Public Appointments Service may choose
not to recommend that candidate to the employer). Should no suitable
candidate exist, a further recruitment process may be initiated.
Consultant Plastic Surgeon (MEL) / MMUH/CUH March 2015
1. Curriculum Vitae (fourteen unbound copies) including particulars
qualifications, publications etc. should be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary,
Medical Board, Mater Misericordiae Hospital, 59 Eccles Street, Dublin 7 not
later than Friday 24th April 2015.
2. Each candidate shall submit, as references, the names and addresses of at
least four responsible persons to whom he/she is well known, but not related,
of which, at least, two shall be from a recent or current employer.
3. Canvassing directly or indirectly by or on behalf of any candidate will
automatically disqualify such candidate.
4. Copies of professional and education certificates should be submitted with
curriculum vitae. Originals of these documents will be required at interview.
5. Candidates will be required to attend in person before an interview board
established by the Board of Directors of the Mater Misericordiae University
Hospital. The Board will not be responsible for any expenses a candidate
may incur in attendance for interview.
Consultant Plastic Surgeon (MEL) / MMUH/CUH March 2015
This is a full-time permanent replacement Consultant Plastic Surgeon post at the
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital (26 hours per week) and the Children’s
Univeristy Hospital, Temple Street (13 hours per week). The following conditions
apply:1. The appointment is permanent, pensionable and of a full-time nature.
2. The person appointed shall be on probation for one year.
3. The terms, conditions and benefits of the Consultants Contract 2008,
approved by the Department of Health and Children will apply.
4. Annual leave entitlement is pro rata to 31 working days per annum i.e. 15.5
working days per six months worked and must be taken within the contracted
5. The regulations of the Voluntary Hospitals Superannuation Scheme (including
Spouses and Children’s Pension Scheme) will apply.
6. This post has a teaching association with University College Dublin.
7. Acceptance of the Management structures of both the Mater Misericordiae
University Hospital and the Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street as
detailed in the rules of the hospitals, is necessary.
7. The person appointed shall abide by the respective Ethical Policies approved
by the Boards of the Management of the Mater Misericordiae University
Hospital and the Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street.
8. All applications for special leave shall, in addition, be forwarded to the
Executive Councils of the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and
Children’s University Hospital for consideration. No special leave may be
taken without the prior approval of the Executive Council of the Mater
Misericordiae University Hospital and the Children’s University Hospital,
Temple Street.
9. In the event of resignation a minimum of one month’s notice must be given in
writing to the authorities of the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and
the Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street.
10. Before appointment a completed Occupational Health Form must be returned
to the Occupational Health Department of the Mater Misericordiae University
11. The scheduled commitment in respect of this post is as follows:Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street
26 hours per week
13 hours per week
12. Remuneration shall be at Type B level in accordance with the Consultant
Contract 2008 / HSE Salary Scales 2012. Discussions are currently taking
place at a National level regarding Salary Scales for Medical Consultants.
Consultant Plastic Surgeon (MEL) / MMUH/CUH March 2015
13. Garda Clearance - Arrangements have been introduced on a national level,
for the provision of Garda clearance in respect of candidates for employment
in areas of Health Services where it is envisaged that potential employees
would have substantial access to children or vulnerable individuals.
The person appointed will, in respect of the service commitment to the
hospital be required to carry out the duties of a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at
both the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and the Children’s University
Hospital, Temple Street.
The appointee will be expected to be a specialist in melanoma and skin
cancer and also in head and neck reconstruction. They will be expected to
work closely with their surgical oncology colleagues. The appointee must be
able to provide the full spectrum of reconstructive (especially microsurgical)
From a general plastic surgery perspective the appointee will be expected to
deal with their share of trauma and miscellaneous plastic surgery cases.
The successful candidate will be expected to be able to manage all plastic
surgery emergencies whilst on call.
Duties will include:(i)
Ward Rounds
Out-Patient Clinics
Operative Surgical Lists
Research work (consistent with the resources available to the
Participation in the on-call and emergency service rotas for the
hospital and its designated catchment area for plastic surgery.
Cover for fellow Consultants during holiday sickness or other approved
Participate in the development of services in the hospital.
Participate in paediatric medical and nursing undergraduate and postgraduate
teaching in the hospital.
Engage in research and audit of clinical practice.
Plan, develop and maintain responsibility for clinical audit programs within
plastic surgery in conjunction with his/her consultant colleagues and in
accordance with the hospital clinical governance structure as it evolves.
Take a leadership role in shaping the policy in the Hospital with regard to the
management of plastic surgery services, best practice and accreditation.
Maintain a program of continuing medical education applicable to the
responsibilities of the post.
Consultant Plastic Surgeon (MEL) / MMUH/CUH March 2015
This job description is not intended to be an exhaustive list of duties and
responsibilities. It may be reviewed from time to time in discussions with the
appointed to reflect the needs of the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and the
Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street.
Consultant Plastic Surgeon (MEL) / MMUH/CUH March 2015