Working with Type

A. The Tabbed Document Window displays the file that you are working on. Document files can be tabbed, pulled
from the window to be seen separately or shown in groups.
The Document window displays the file you’re working on. Document windows can be tabbed and, in
certain cases, grouped and docked.
B. The Application Bar across the top contains a workspace switcher, and other application controls.
The Application bar across the top contains a workspace switcher, menus (Windows only), and other
application controls.
C. Workspace Switcher
D. Panel Title Bar
Panels help you monitor and modify your work. Examples include the Timeline in Flash, the Brush panel in
Illustrator, the Layers panel in Adobe Photoshop®, and the CSS Styles panel in Dreamweaver. Panels can be
grouped, stacked, or docked.
E. The Control Panel displays options for the currently selected tool. The Control Panel is known as the Options
Bar in Photoshop.
The Control panel displays options for the currently selected tool. In Illustrator, the Control panel displays
options for the currently selected object. (In Adobe Photoshop® this is known as the Options bar. In Adobe
Flash®, Adobe Dreamweaver®, and Adobe Fireworks® this is known as the Property Inspector and includes
properties of the currently selected element.)
F. The Tools Panel contains tools for creating and editing images, artwork, page elements and so on. Related tools
are grouped together.
The Tools panel contains tools for creating and editing images, artwork, page elements, and so on. Related
tools are grouped.
G. Collapse to Icons Button
H. Four Panel Groups in Vertical Dock
Tool Panel
Selecting and Aligning
Differentiate between the various selection tools
o Selection, Direct select, Marque for selection
Isolation mode
Working with smart guides
Clone with Selection Tool
Aligning Shapes
Creating and Editing Shapes
Create documents
o Create documents with multiple artboards
Tools for basic shapes
Rulers and guides as drawing aids
Scale and duplicate objects
Join and outline objects
Live Trace and Live Paint
Transforming Objects
Scaling Objects
Reflecting Objects
Rotating objects
Distorting Objects
Shearing Objects
Drawing with the Pen and Pencil Tools
Straight and curved (Bezier) lines
Adjusting curve segments
Draw and edit with the pencil tool
Color and Painting
Use color modes and controls
Create, edit, and paint with color using control panel and shortcuts
Name and save color; create color groups, build color palette
Use the color guide and edit colors
Gradients and patterns
Working with Type
Change text attributes
Sample type
Wrap type
Reshape type with warp
Create text on paths and shapes
Create type outlines
Layers panel
Create, rearrange, lock layers; layer groups
Move objects between layers
Merge layers into a single layer
Make a layer clipping mask
Blending Shapes and Colors
Create and save gradients
Add colors to a gradient
Adjust the direction of a gradient
Adjust the opacity of a gradient
Blob brush, eraser tool
Four types of brushes
Brush settings
Create new brushes