Unit 1: Classification . . . . State Standards- Learning Sub-Learning Description of Assessment Suggested Mastery Goal Goal Proficiency Task Resources 7.L.1.3 I can I know Students GR7.Unit1.Ass 1. Diversity of Life FOSS Kit - Activity 10 Student classif what a can essment 2. Glencoe Science Text Ch. 1 (Sections 2,3,4) y living species s are describe 3. http://science.pppst.com/sorting.html able to things is. that a 4. classify by species is http://www.gfawesome.org/school/lessons/EC organis using a group of OLOGY-2/02_ms by the six organism _Why_Do_We_Classify_Organisms/ kingdo using s that 5. ms. the share http://krupp.wcc.hawaii.edu/BIOL200/powerpnt/ currentl similar classification.htm y characteri 6. recogni stics and www.mrsscienceteacher.com/Biology/classifica zed can tion.ppt kingdo reproduce ms. among themselve s, producing fertile offspring. I can list Students GR7.Unit1.Ans Glencoe Science Text Ch. 1 (Sections 2,3,4) the six can name werKey kingdoms archaeba http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~bioslabs/studies/invert . cteria, ebrates/kingdoms.html eubacteri a, http://www.ric.edu/faculty/ptiskus/six_kingdoms protista, /index.htm fungi, plantae, and animalia as the six kingdoms. I can give Students Glencoe Science Text Ch. 1 (Sections 2,3,4) an can give example at least of one one organism example from of a each species kingdom. from each of the six kingdoms (e.g. thermophi le bacteria are in the archaeba cteria kingdom, bacteria I can describe the distinguis hing characteri stics of archaeba cteria kingdom. . . I can describe are in the eubacteri a kingdom, amoeba and green algae are in the protista kingdom, mushroo ms are in the fungi kingdom, flowers are in the plantae kingdom, and bears are in the animalia kingdom). Students can explain that archaeba cteria are unicellular , have cells that do not contain a nucleus, some move and some do not move, some make their own food while others do not, and they live in extreme environm ents (e.g. very hot, very cold, acidic, very salty, etc.). Students can http://www.beyondbooks.com/lif72/2a.asp Glencoe Science Text Ch. 1 (Sections 2,3,4) the distinguis hing characteri stics of eubacteri a kingdom. I can describe the distinguis hing characteri stics of protista kingdom. . I can describe the distinguis hing characteri stics of fungi kingdom. . explain that eubacteri a are unicellular , have cells that do not contain a nucleus, some move and some do not move, and some make their own food while others decompo se other organism s. Students can explain that protists are unicellular or multicellul ar organism s, have cells that contain a nucleus, can move, and some make their own food. Students can explain that fungi can be unicellular or multicellul ar, have cells that contain a nucleus, http://www.beyondbooks.com/lif72/2a.asp Glencoe Science Text Ch. 1 (Sections 2,3,4) http://megasun.bch.umontreal.ca/protists/galler y.html http://www.lanesville.k12.in.us/LCSYellowpage s/Tickit/Carl/protists.html Glencoe Science Text Ch. 1 (Sections 2,3,4) http://www.wisconline.com/Objects/ViewObject.aspx?ID=bio30 4 I can describe the distinguis hing characteri stics of plantae kingdom. . I can describe the distinguis hing characteri stics of animalia kingdom. . . I can classify a living thing into one of the six kingdoms on the basis of their distinguis hing characteri stics. do not move, and absorb nutrients and decompo se dead organism s. Students can explain that plants are multicellul ar, have cells that contain a nucleus, do not move, and make their own food from sunlight. Students can explain that animals are multicellul ar, have cells that contain a nucleus, move, and eat other organism s for food. Given a list of organism s and informatio n about their characteri stics, students can classify (i.e. sort) a species Glencoe Science Text Ch. 1 (Sections 2,3,4) Glencoe Science Text Ch. 1 (Sections 2,3,4) http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/animalbytes/index.htm Glencoe Science Text Ch. 1 (Sections 2,3,4) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/nature/classifyin g-life.html . at the kingdomlevel by examining the its characteri stics (e.g. given a descriptio n, students identify that a mystery species is in the protista kingdom because the descriptio n said that it was unicellular , had a nucleus, and could not make its own food) 7.S.1.1 I can I can Students Student descri describe can be how how s are describe able to scienc science two describ e and and reasons e how techno technolog that science logy y have classificati have and helped on technol helped society systems ogy are society solve have used to solve problems. helped proble solve society: it proble ms. is a ms in common differen system t used professi around ons the world, and and it busines helps ses. organize new species. Internet Research http://answers.yourdictionary.com/animallife/zoology-important-to-us.html