10-7-13 Mount Pleasant PAC meeting Attendance: Mary, Alice, Dawn, Reann NEXT Meeting November 4th 10am. (BUT even if you cannot join us there are items on this lst that you can help with ! JOIN us on FACEBOOK to get info on events ! “Mount Pleasant PAC” The HARVEST FAIR will be Saturday, October 19 from 10 to 1 PM. Supplies and items that we have already include: popcorn machine, popcorn, Jack-o'-lantern craft pieces, Pasta necklace pieces, DONATIONS WE STILL NEED INCLUDE: cider, donuts, (coffee unless we can fix PAC coffee maker) And cream HAVE: Dawn will pickup sugar cookies & frosting for decorating Alice ordered “scratch Halloween ornaments” from oriental trading and Alice has about 10 teens from PCIS Falcon Pride to help with crafts as part of their community service work – helping preschoolers do crafts and maybe dancing and maybe face painting Ryan will bring speakers and play music for some dancing. Will Miss Megan play also? Mary will reach out to quintals for a donation of apples. Chris will check with a local farm for donation of (60?) mini pumpkins to decorate with sharpies Chris will create the flyer similar to last year and email that to Mary to distribute ALSO NEED : 1) Volunteers for set up at 9:30 AM 3) volunteers for break down from 1:00-1:30 PM 4) VOLUNTEER to approach WalMart for 8 storage tubs to use for ThanksGiving baskets SQUARE ONE ART FUNDRAISER – has begun ! If you have siblings that want to submit art for a page of stickers and then buy items with their art on it … you can submit art that on 8.5 x 8.5 paper & explain it to your Mt Pleasant students teacher. DATES to remember : October 21 – Art collected to be shipped (non flexible date) November 8th – should receive stickers & catalogue to give to students November 20 – ship orders to ensure we receive products before holiday break November 22 – place orders online (after this date, orders might be accepted but parents will have to pay their own delivery shipping FUTURE EVENTS: 1. FUNDRAISERS --- THANKS Erin Gorczyca for making these calls & the followup to book all these fundraisers!!! Friendly’s --- OCTOBER 21 Moe’s --- NOVERMBER 18 Red Robin --- DECEMBER 17 Panera -- tbd Papa Ginos --- tbd ATTENTION PARENTS – remember we have to turn in flyer on these dates so the restaurants will give us 15% or 20%. We will post the flyers online on the Mt Pleasant website under Plymouth Public Schools. (Thanks Lauren for updating the website!) 2. THANKSGIVING BASKETS In early November we will ask student families for donations to fill 8 baskets for families in need. PLEASE - VOLUNTEERS: someone to approach Home Depot and Wal-Mart to ask for a donation of 8 large totes. OCTOBER 1st is a date Wal-Mart starts making donations so can SOMEONE take this item and approach Wal-Mart on October 1st please? Chris will generate a letter requesting a gift card donation from supermarkets including Perry’s Mayflower Foods, and the Market among others. PLEASE - VOLUNTEERS: volunteers to follow-up with these stores for the donations. 3. EdaVille RR night Chris will make contact to see if we can get that discounted rate. 4. Class Pictures DOES ANYONE KNOW a photographer to help us with a project in the spring? 5. 6. 7. 8. Boomers Play Day Spring Fling Teacher Appreciation Day PAC will donate funds to Mt Pleasant playground project. Mary using a grant she received for upgrades but PAC could help complete the project with a shadey area. (Last year we did not fund the “white/smart/boards” since the district will be funding those soon.) ACS 10-7-13