PAC MEETING MINUTES 1/12/15 At attendance was Chris Jacobs

At attendance was Chris Jacobs, Donna Monynihan, Cheree
Weeks, Michelle Goodwin, Angela Blackwell and Dawn Andalft-Newman.
PAC account balance is $2882.09 which includes deposits made
include $193.20 from 99 Restaurant Dining Out Fundraiser, $28.75
from Baystate Textiles Bin Fundraiser, $442.50 Square1Art
Fundraiser. For Edaville railroad we deposited funds then bought
tickets for $1020. Anticipated deposits include more Baystate
Textiles and Papa Ginos December Dining Out Fundraiser.
We began with the PFN Early Childhood Fair that will be
happening January 31st from 10am-1pm (with a snow date of February
7th.) A volunteer list was created with 4 people for the 9:30-11:30
shift and 4 people for the 11:30-1:30 shift. We are still short
volunteers! Your help is greatly appreciated! Donations needed flyer
created by Dawn and approved by Mary will be sent home with
students. Donations will be dropped off in the lobby any time prior to
the event.
Upcoming Dining Out Fundraisers that are being organized by
Kristen Smith include Red Robin that will be for February because they
need additional paperwork and January will be Moe’s Southwest Grill on
January 28th. Talked about double booking the Cedarville BBC and
Stowells Café in Manomet to target families who live in these parts of
Chris Jacobs called the John Carver Inn and a Mt. Pleasant
Family Day is being booked for Wednesday February 11th, which is a
half day. Admission to the pool is $20 per person for ALL who enter
pool area. Mt. Pleasant will get 15% back on all pool admissions and
restaurant for the day with the flyer. More info will be sent home
Michelle Goodwin reached out to Debby at Imagination Island.
She will do a Mt. Pleasant Family Day on either Feb 11th and/or Mar
11th. $6.50 addmission (regular $10) and .50 off entrees. Will most
likely schedule for March 11th.
Donna will check with Mary and the teachers about whether they
will be doing a literacy, math or science night. Chris Jacobs suggested
Science with the MassSave Program SEED where they come in with
different stations for the kids to learn about science and conservation.
With the Next Step Living Program Mt Pleasant will get $ back for
each person who schedules and does a home energy audit.
Moms Night Out! Possible at Alden Park with a Sangria and
Sliders Night. More on this at the next meeting. Alden Park is looking
for a $200 deposit. This has been an invite event in the past with the
PAC sending out rsvp invites to all moms. There will be a charge per
person for this event. Chris volunteered to do flyers, Dawn will get the
card stock and half size enveloped from WB Mason and Angela will
stuff envelopes.
We will be doing a No-Fuss Fundraiser with Flower Power in April.
50% comes back to Mt. Pleasant.
WOW we got a lot of great ideas and a lot accomplished. See you
at the next meeting on Monday, February 9th at 1pm.