American Revolution Project

American Revolution Project
This is a student choice project. Select two of the choices below. You may create your projects electronically or
paper/pencil. THIS PROJECT IS DUE SEPTEMBER 28th. The rubric is provided on the back. If you have any questions
about the project or the requirements, please talk to me.
Standard: Complete ONE item
Honors: Complete TWO items
Create a Jeopardy game with answers and questions on the American Revolution. Include five categories
with answers and questions per category. (Here is a Jeopardy template (Links to an external site.) for
Google slides and here (Links to an external site.) is another.)
Research the weapons used in the American Revolution and create a slide show for at least five of them
including details about ammunition, range, and reloading time. (helpful links include: Revolutionary war
Weapons (Links to an external site.), Revolutionary War Antiques (Links to an external site.),
andWeapons of the Revolutionary War (Links to an external site.))
Find at least five political cartoons from the American Revolution and explain (in paragraph form) the
issues being illustrated. (Here is a link (Links to an external site.) that might help and here (Links to an
external site.) is another)
Create an illustrated timeline for the American Revolution with at least 10 major events and why they
were so important to the American Revolution. (Here is the link to the timeline (Links to an external
site.) we used before)
Imagine the outcome of the American Revolution was different. Give at least five examples of how
America would be different today. This should be at least a one page document with twelve point font and
single spacing.
Create a detailed map of the American Revolution. Including but not limited to major battles, colonies,
Colonial/British/Native territory, and major physical features. (here is a map maker link (Links to an
external site.) and here is the colonial map (Links to an external site.)we used in class these are just a
starting point)
Create a slide show illustrated dictionary of the American Revolution with at least twenty nouns from the
American Revolution. (all nouns may not be the same for example all 20 cannot be people)
Create a comic (book or strip) illustrating the first or last battle of the American Revolution. (some sites
that might help bitstrips (Links to an external site.), pixton (Links to an external site.), toondoo (Links to an
external site.))
Create a poem or song that explains the major battles of the American Revolution and perform it in class.
Provide a copy of the lyrics or poem.
American Revolution Project Rubric
Points possible
Student’s Score
Accuracy of information used and sources cited
(10 points)
Completed projects requirements
(10 points)
Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation
(10 points)
(10 points)