World History Standards - Shepherd School District

World History
Curriculum Standards
Shepherd High School
Power Standards are identified in bold/italicized font. A Power Standard is essential for
students to learn for life after Shepherd High School and be prepared for life’s endeavors.
Students will identify early studies of the Stone Age through prehistory, the
transformation from nomadic life to agriculture, the growth of the world
population into civilizations, and characteristics that define good civilizations.
Identify how scholars study the historical past, how anthropologists
investigate the period of prehistory, and explain how discoveries have
influenced anthropologists’ views about early humans and their ancestors.
Identify the skills and beliefs that early modern humans developed during
the Old Stone Age.
Identify why the beginning of farming during the New Stone Age and
the Neolithic Revolution created growth, civilizations, & empires, that
led to existence today dramatically changing the way people evolved.
Students will identify and locate civilizations in the Middle East, understand the
different accomplishments and characteristics of each, and describe the effects
and changes in technology, culture, and science of each.
Identify the contributions of trade to the Middle East civilizations and
how geography influenced the development of trade for all civilizations.
Identify the main features of Sumerians and how the advances in learning
made by the Sumerians left a lasting legacy for later peoples to build on.
Identify the achievements of the first empires that arose in Mesopotamia.
Identify the ways in which geography helped shape ancient Egypt, the
achievements, difficulties, and leaders of the three Kingdoms in Egypt.
Identify how Egyptians viewed afterlife through the mummification
Explain how the Egyptians organized their society and advancements
made in learning¸ the arts¸ science¸ and literature.
Explain what made the ancient Israelites' belief system unique from
others, the main philosophies of the Israelites, and the moral/ethical ideas
of Judaism.
Students will identify and locate civilizations, identify the characteristics and
achievements of each, and identify the importance of religious influence near
ancient India and China.
Identify the Indian subcontinent's geography.
Explain the main characteristics of the Aryan civilization, the Vedic Age,
and what ancient Indian epics revealed about Aryan life.
Explain the essential beliefs of Hinduism and identify the key teachings of
the Buddhism.
Explain how family and village life shaped Indian society.
Identify how Chinese culture took shape under the Shang and Zhou
dynasties and the religions and belief systems that developed in early
Identify the achievements made in early China.
Explain how Shi Huangdi unified China and established a Legalist
government and describe how Han rulers strengthened the economy and
government of China.
Students will identify the People of the Aegean, the rise of the Greek City states,
conflicts in the Greek world, Greek characteristics and accomplishments, and
influences of Alexander the Great.
Identify the influences of Minoan culture and how the civilization
Explain how Mycenaean ruled the sea trade and started the Trojan War.
Identify the works of Homer and their influence on Greek culture.
Explain how geography influenced the Greek city-states and the types of
government that developed in the Greek city-state leading to the
differences between Sparta and Athens.
Identify the political and ethical ideas developed by Greek philosophers.
WH 6.0
Identify influences the Greeks gave modern society and explain where
these influences can be found and used in the United Sates
(Pythagorean Theorem, Architecture, Language-root words, columns,
philosophy, science, mathematics, engineering, etc.).
Identify how Alexander the Great built a large empire and contributions of
the Hellenistic era.
Students will identify the geography of Rome and how Rome evolved through the
creation of the Rome Republic, Rome achievements, the rise of Christianity, and
identify reasons for the decline of Rome.
Identify the geography in which Roman civilization arose.
Identify how the Roman republic was structured and governed, how the
republic grew and maintained its conquests, and the components of
government the United States borrowed from the Romans.
Explain the works of Roman literary figures¸ historians¸ and philosophers:
including Caesar, Augustus, Hannibal, Ptolemy, Galen, Virgil, Augustine,
Jesus, and Constantine.
Identify the art and architecture developed by the Romans, and how the
Romans applied science and mathematics for practical use.
Explain how and why the Roman Empire divided and reasons for the fall
of Rome.
Students will identify changes in civilization after the fall of the Roman Empire,
identify the invasions by Germanic tribes, the effects of Charlemagne on Western
Rome, effects of feudalism in medieval life, reform movements changed church
practice, and changes in the economical system during the Middle Ages.
Identify how Germanic tribes carved Europe into small kingdoms and how
Charlemagne briefly reunited much of Western Europe, and the changes
of the empire after his death.
Explain how feudalism shaped medieval society describing the life of
knights and nobles, the manor and how it affected peasants and nobles.
Explain how the power of the Church grew during the Middle Ages and
how reformers worked for change in the Church including the Jews in
medieval Europe.
Students will identify the growth of European royal power during the Middle
Ages, changes in the church, effects of the Black Death on Europe, causes and
effects of the Crusades, effects of the Hundred Years War, and advancements in
learning and culture during the later Middle Ages.
Identify how monarchs gained power over nobles and the Church in
Identify the causes and effects of the Crusades.
Identify how the Black Death caused social and economic decline.
Identify the geography of the Byzantine Empire, the effect of the Justinian
Code, and the growth of population on Middle Age society.
Students will identify the rise of Islam and the accomplishments of Muhammad,
the golden age of Islam, and the empires of Islam (Ottoman and Safavid).
Identify how Muhammad became the prophet of Islam, the teachings of
Islam, and how Islamic influence impacts present day Middle East.
Identify the advances Muslims made in centers of learning.
Students will identify the Renaissance in Italy and Northern Europe, the
Reformations and changes to church practices, and discoveries during the
Scientific Revolution.
Identify the characteristics of the Renaissance, and understand why it
began in Italy and spread to Northern Europe.
Identify Renaissance artists and explain how new ideas affected the arts
through the printing revolution shaping European society.
Explain the influences of Martin Luther that encouraged the Protestant
Reformation, and the teachings and impact of John Calvin.
Explain the contributions that Newton and other scientists made to the
Scientific Revolution.
Students will identify the characteristics and impact of exploration on the world,
effect of the Enlightenment Period on the creation of the United States
Constitution; identify the Enlightenment thinkers, changes in the economy and
society, the development of the 13 Colonies, the impact of the slave trade, and the
causes/effects of the Revolutionary War.
Explain how science led to the Enlightenment through the ideas of
Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu affecting arts and literature.
Identify the nature of the Middle Passage and describe its effects and
impact of the Atlantic slave trade, the triangular trade route, and the
impact on Colonies.
Explain characteristics of Britain and the 13 English colonies in the mid1700s.
Identify the events that led to the American Revolution, the events of, and
results of the American Revolution.
Identify the significance of the Enlightenment thinkers, the Magna Carta,
the English Bill of Rights, and the Mayflower Compact to the
development of the creation of the government of United States of
Identify the important explorers and areas where exploration existed while
understanding the reasons for the need to search for new land.
Identify, understand, and exercise the philosophy of government defined
through the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the
Amendments to the Constitution, and understand the roles now and in
the future as citizens of the United States (e.g. voting, jury duty,
registering for selective service, paying taxes, and being informed of
federal politics).
Students will identify the social structure and problems in French society, the
causes and phases of the French Revolution, the overthrow of the French
monarchy, effects of Revolution on European countries, and the effect of
Napoleon on France and Europe.
Identify the social divisions of French society in the 18th century.
Explain why Louis XVI called the Estates-General and the results and
why Parisians stormed the Bastille.
Explain how and why radicals abolished the monarchy, creation of the
Committee of Public Safety, and why the Reign of Terror resulted.
Explain Napoleon's rise to power, support by the French, and events
leading to Napoleon's downfall.
Students will identify causes of WWI, WWI technology, battles in Europe,
reasons America enters the war, impact or war on world economy, and results of
the war.
Identify the four M.A.I.N. causes of WWI and how the assassination in
Sarajevo led to the start of World War I.
Identify major battles in Europe and locate the geographical areas where
battles took place and trench warfare.
Explain the causes and effects of American entry into the war and events
that led to the end of the war.
Identify why many people were dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles
and how Germany was restricted.
Students will identify the causes and effects of the Russian revolution, effects of
Lenin and the Bolsheviks, effects of communism and worldwide view of, and
changes in Europe after WWI including Great Depression.
Identify the goals of Lenin and the Bolsheviks in the November
Describe how the Communist state developed under Lenin.
Identify the domestic and foreign policy issues in the U.S. and Europe
after World War I in Britain¸ France¸ and the United States in America.
Students will identify fascism and European leaders, communism, causes of
WWII, battles on two war fronts, the rise of Hitler and Nazi party, the Holocaust,
and the end of the war by using the atomic bombs.
Identify the values and goals of fascist ideology.
Identify the effects of Stalin's and Hitler’s youth affecting the character
into adulthood.
Identify the problems faced by the Weimar Republic.
Explain the Nazi party's political¸ social¸ economic¸ and cultural policies.
Identify events of Pearl Harbor, battles in Europe, and Pacific regions.
Explain the American strategy for ending the war against Japan and the
consequences of that strategy.
Identify the issues faced by the Allies after World War II ended, the
organization of the United Nations.
AMH 15.0
Identify causes and solutions to world current issues in the areas of national,
world, political, social, economical, entertainment, and artistic areas.
Identify current issues in the world related to problems and solutions of
world issues, successes and failures of world leaders, cultural and social
challenges, and technological advancement.