Chapter 2 Sections 1,2,3 Quiz Review

8th Grade Science
University School of Milwaukee
Chapter 2 Sections 1,2,3 Quiz Review
For a rising parcel of air
Temperature of the parcel is decreasing as it moves away from heated earth
The volume of the parcel is increasing due to less atmospheric pressure
The saturated humidity is decreasing
The amount of moisture in the parcel remains the same
The relative humidity is increasing
What type of pressure forms at the earth’s surface is low?
When the relative humidity of the parcel reaches 100%, the process of condensation begins.
This process warms the parcel of air.
Modified True/False
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to
make the sentence or statement true.
__F__ 3. Fluids like air tend to move toward areas of high pressure. low
__T__ 4. Local winds blow over shorter distances than global winds.
__F__ 5. Earth’s major wind belts are the trade winds, the prevailing westerlies, and the polar latitudes.
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
__C__ 19. Winds are caused by differences in
a. precipitation.
b. humidity.
c. air pressure.
d. turbulence.
__C__ 20. Cool air masses tend to
a. be less dense and flow over warm air masses.
b. be lifted up by more dense warm air masses.
c. be more dense and flow under warm air masses.
d. mix easily with warm air masses.
__A__ 21. Local winds differ from global winds because they
a. are caused by unequal heating within a small area.
b. are caused by differences in cloud cover.
c. are due to unequal rainfall.
d. are not influenced by air masses.
__A__ 22. Land breezes occur because
a. land cools off faster than water.
b. land cools off more slowly than water.
c. land heats up faster than water.
d. land heats up more slowly than water.
__C__ 23. The doldrums are characterized by
a. high pressure.
b. cool temperatures.
c. weak winds.
d. heavy air.
__C__ 24. The horse latitudes are located
a. at about 60º north and south latitudes.
b. at the equator.
c. at about 30º north and south latitudes.
d. at the north and south poles.
__C__ 25. Relative humidity can be measured with a(an)
a. hydrometer.
b. barometer.
c. psychrometer.
d. thermometer.
__B__ 26. Moisture will form faster on a glass when
a. the air is dry and the glass is cold.
b. the air is humid and the glass is cold.
c. the air is dry and the glass is warm.
d. the air is humid and the glass is warm.
__D__ 27. Clouds form when water vapor in the air
a. falls to the ground.
b. is deposited as ice onto a solid surface.
c. condenses onto a solid surface.
d. becomes liquid water or ice crystals.
__C__ 28. When an air mass rises up a mountain side,
a. the temperature increases and the relative humidity decreases.
b. the temperature increases and the relative humidity increases.
c. the temperature decreases and the relative humidity increases.
d. the temperature decreases and the relative humidity decreases.
__D__ 31. Any form of water that falls from clouds is called
a. dew.
b. evaporation.
c. condensation.
d. precipitation.
__D__ 32. The difference between sleet and hail is
a. the temperature of the ice pellets.
b. the size of the ice pellets.
c. where the ice pellets formed.
d. both b. and c.
__B__ 38. Wind speed is measured by a(an)
a. barometer.
b. anemometer.
c. thermometer.
d. hygrometer.
__D__ 39. Global winds generally
a. are not influenced by heating of Earth’s surface.
b. are unpredictable.
c. change directions from day to day.
d. blow from specific directions over long distances.
__C__ 40. Earth’s rotation makes winds seem to curve. This is called the
a. convection effect
b. global effect
c. Coriolis effect.
d. rotational effect.
Complete each sentence or statement.
46. An instrument called a(n) thermometer is used to measure how hot or cold the air is.
48. If 4 grams of water vapor are present in a cubic meter of air that can hold a maximum of 10
grams, the relative humidity is 40 percent.
49. Uneven heating of the atmosphere leads to differences in air pressure, which causes wind.
51. A sea breeze is a type of local wind.
52. Winds that blow between the equator and the poles are global winds.
53. Winds in the mid-latitudes that blow from west to east are called prevailing westerlies.
54. Clouds form when water vapor in air becomes liquid water in the process called condensation.
55. The dew point temperature is the temperature at which water in air changes from a gas to a liquid.
59. Mist and drizzle are made of small water droplets.
Matching: Match the prevailing wind system on the left with the numbered locations from the
global map. Some choices may not be used.
Northeast Trade Winds
Polar Northwesterlies
Polar Northeasterlies
Prevailing Southwesterlies
Prevailing Northwesterlies
Southeast Trade Winds
Prevailing Southwesterlies
Polar Southeasterlies
Northwest Trade Winds
d or g
74. Define relative humidity and explain how it is measured.
Relative humidity is the percentage of water vapor in the air compared to the maximum amount it could
hold. Measured using a psychrometer.
78. Describe the effect of Earth’s rotation on the direction of global winds.
Coriolis Effect, in the Northern Hemisphere, winds curve toward the right. In the Southern Hemisphere,
winds curve toward the left.
79. Explain why the region near the equator has little or no wind.
Near the equator, the sun is strong; the warm air rises steadily and creates an area of low pressure. Cool air
moves into the area, but it is warmed rapidly and rises before it moves very far. Little or no wind occurs
because the air does not move horizontally.
80. Explain the difference between sleet and freezing rain.
Sleet forms when raindrops fall through a layer of air below 0°C and are solid on contact with ground.
Freezing rain freezes solid when they touch a cold surface.