Collaborative Teaching Unit

Casey Bennett, Cara McConnell, Jill Hooper
Fall 2012
Collaborative Unit
Ancient Egypt Research Based Learning (RBL) Project
I. Teacher(s): Sixth Grade Classes
II. Library Media Specialist(s): Casey, Jill, Cara
III. Grade Level(s) for the Project: 6th Grade
IV. Content Area: Social Studies
V. Project Title: Ancient Egypt RBL Project
VI. Proposed Timeline: 4 weeks (starting at the end of January and ending the end of
VII. Goals and Objectives of the Unit: (Standards to master)
A. AASL National Standards for the 21st Century Learner:
AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner – 1.1, 2.1, 3.1
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards – 3, 4, 5, 6
Framework for 21st Century Learning: 1, 2, 3 also see Crosswalk of 4Cs with
FPS ICT Skills Matrix
B. Common Core
Common Core Anchor Standards for Reading:
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas; Range of Reading and Level of Text
Common Core Anchor Standards for Writing:
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
C. Connecticut State Standard 2: History/Social Studies Literacy
Competence in literacy, inquiry, and research skills is necessary to analyze,
evaluate, and present history and social studies information
D. District Standards for Information Literacy
ICT Skills Matrix – skills and standards identified below
Skill Objectives
Students will:
Develop, with guidance, subsidiary questions to support an essential research
question. 1.1.3
Develop, combine and expand keywords to facilitate the research process. 1.3.2
Locate and evaluate informational texts to identify pertinent facts and concepts
related to the subsidiary questions 1.4.1; 1.4.3
Read informational texts to locate and identify pertinent information from diverse
media and formats. 1.5.1; 1.5.2
Categorize information to answer the essential and subsidiary questions by
using both print and digital graphic organizers 1.9.2
Take high quality notes in bullet point form using their own words. 1.2.2; 1.14.2
Create accurately formatted bibliographic citations for all sources used. 1.14.3
Complete a self-reflection during and after the research process. 1.13.2
Unit Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Solve an information problem by following a research process. 1.10.2
Evaluate, adjust and revise their research progress using a reflective
tool. 1.13.2
Interpret and use information taken from maps, graphs, charts, videos, online
graphics and interactive media and images, as well as print and digital texts.
Draw conclusions and demonstrate an understanding about the subject matter
Create and communicate new knowledge 2.2.3; 2.2.4
E. Project Learning Objectives
Students will:
 Develop a basic understanding of one area where humans impact the
environment on a global scale
 Develop a more in depth understanding of how the broad issue is impacting one
local/region/area community in the world
 Form an opinion on the issue and construct some meaningful ways to address
or solve the problem
 Write a professional article on the topic
Collect images, maps, charts, links, videos that visually support their information
Students will:
Create focused subsidiary questions to target their research
Locate and evaluate online sources of quality information
Use keywords and search terms to find appropriate resources
Take effective notes, in their own words, on their subject area
Cite their sources in a Formal Works Cited format
Students will:
Create and edit a a works cited through EasyBib
Conducting research using electronic resources that will further the readers
Participate in writing through the use of Google Documents
Students will:
Reflect on their research process by posting answers to three reflective
questions the teacher posts
Complete a self-assessment for each step of the project
Form an opinion on their issue based on their research
Recognize bias in reading research material
Brainstorm and develop possible solutions to the challenges they highlight in
their research
Evaluate their peers’ work in other subject areas and post quality, constructive,
thoughtful comments
VIII. Essential Question
How did the environment affect the development of the ancient Egyptian civilization?
IX. Proposed Learning Activities and Projects/Responsibilities
Timeline and projected length of each session:
1. Introduce project to students
*Classroom, 1 class period
a. Pass out RBL packets to students and introduce the project- (see
following students handouts)
i. Introduce Essential Question
ii. Review Authentic Task
iii. Explain final product- formal essay
iv. Inform students they will be expected to prepare a Works Cited list
of print and electronic sources used
1. Group Discussion about project- address any questions
students may have
b. Students complete Big 6 Research Steps 1 and 2
2. Ancient Egypt RBL- Research Phase
*LMC, 10 days
a. Students will have access to print and electronic resources during the
research phase of the project.
i. These resources have been gathered ahead of time by the LMS
ii. Students will toggle back and forth between formats
b. LMS will model how to use the “Research Notes” handouts on the Smart
board, using a print resource
i. Model how to take notes using short phrases
ii. Discuss plagiarism and what it is
c. LMS will demonstrate how to properly use the Works Cited handouts
i. Easy Bib lesson to come at a later point
d. Student questions will be addressed
e. Students complete Big 6 Research Steps 3 and 4
f. Teachers and LMSs will circulate around the room during this phase to
help any students and check in to make sure they are on track
i. If students are falling behind they can come to one of the
designated extra help session
ii. Some students may be assigned to complete research at home for
3. Ancient Egypt RBL- Organizing Research/Drafting Paper
*LMC, 8 days
a. Once students have completed researching they will transition to the
“Organization” phase
i. Use “Organizer Pages”
1. If students have adequate research they will begin drafting
their paper
2. If students do not have adequate research they will
continue research to gather additional needed information
b. Students complete Big 6 Research Step 5 and 6 (Research process
4. Ancient Egypt RBL- Writing Process (typing, self/peer/teacher editing)
*LMC, 10 days
a. During the writing process students will periodically meet with the teacher
and/or LMS to check in
i. Students will complete all writing on Google Aps within a Google
Document (they have prior experience with this). This document
will be shared with the teacher and LMS, which allow for more
seamless conferencing, editing, and commenting.
ii. Time will be built in for peer editing
b. Students complete Big 6 Research Step 6 (Writing process portion)
c. LMS lesson on creating a Works Cited list using the online resource
5. Ancient Egypt RBL- Final
*Classroom, 1 day
a. Students will be given time to make any final edits, complete Works Cited
information, and self -assess their work.
b. Students complete Big 6 Research Step 6 (Final Evaluation portio
Ancient Egypt
ProjectStudent Handouts
Authentic Task:
Ever since sixth grade when you first did an in-depth study
of ancient Egyptian culture, you knew you wanted to be an
Egyptologist. You are applying to enter the Cairo School of
Egyptology. In order to consider being accepted into the
academic program of ancient Egyptian studies, you must submit
a paper proving that life in ancient Egypt was affected by its
location and environment. How did the environment shape the
lives of the ancient
Your assignment will be to write a formal essay explaining
how Egypt’s geography, climate, and natural resources
influenced an aspect of ancient Egyptian culture. You will
research in school and at home, taking notes and keeping track
of your sources.
 Your paper will be typed, with a cover, and will consist
of an introduction, body paragraphs that are fully
developed with lots of details, and a conclusion.
Based upon the information presented in your paper, the
admissions board will determine whether or not you will be
accepted into the program of studies to become an Egyptologist.
Name: ______________________________
Period: _______________
Topic Choices:
Trade and Transportation
Ideas for Paragraphs:
Food and Farming
A. __________________________________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________________________
C. __________________________________________________________________
D. __________________________________________________________________
E. __________________________________________________________________
F. __________________________________________________________________
G. __________________________________________________________________
Order of Paragraphs
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________________
Research Notes- TIPS for Notetaking
Write everything in your notes in short phrases, own words, abbreviate, bullet list
SKIM and SCAN page for keywords. If you find them then….
o Start at the beginning of that paragraph…then
 Think about what you’ve read.
 Is this evidence you are looking for to support your topic??? If it is then….
 What you plan to write/reread if necessary then…
o Write in your own words…if you don’t understand something, DO NOT WRITE IT DOWN, ask a
teacher to help you!!!
*Print multiple copies for students.
*Print multiple copies for students.
Ancient Egypt Research
Organizer Pages
(these pages will help you decide if you have enough information to write your paper, and will help you to organize it)
This paragraph is about: ________________________________________________
Put a * by any sentence that is an environmental connection. Each supporting idea should
have at least one environmental connection (benefits or challenges)
Topic sentence for this paragraph: ______________________________________________
Downshifts: _____________________________________________________
Transition +
Downshifts: _____________________________________________________
Transition +
Downshifts: _____________________________________________________
Think of a logical order for your paragraphs when you are done organizing your information.
This will be paragraph # ________________
*Students will be expected to use Easy Bib to create Works Cited. These handouts are meant for students to keep track of sources.
X. Lesson to be taught in the library: Citing Sources
1.14.3 Create accurately formatted bibliographic citations for all sources used.
Daily Question or Learning Target:
Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to comprehend the importance of
citing sources as well as cite their research sources in a formal MLA Works Cited
I Do:
Using a mini-lesson format, we will introduce the topic of citing sources and
relate this to their current assignment for Social Studies. We will discuss what they
already know about the topic.
We will show students the research website we have created, and go to the Cite
Your Sources page of the website:
Together we will review the content of the website. Our key points will be:
What does it mean to "cite your source"?
Why do I need to cite my sources?
What is a bibliography? (Bibliography is the preferred term in our district.)
What is MLA style?
How do I create a citation in correct MLA format?
We Do:
Using Easy Bib, we will show an example of citing a source. We will also show
that the Easy Bib works cited document can be transferred to Google Drive.
Students will be grouped in pairs and issued a challenge to use the information
they have just been given. They will be directed to create a bibliography using a
citation creation tool and the websites provided on the Your Research Project website.
In addition to the website sources, students will be provided with other resources like
those they will be using for their Egypt project to include in their bibliographies. This
resources include books, encyclopedias, and magazine articles. Students will need to
submit the completed bibliography via Google.doc.
During the assignment, the classroom teacher and LMS staff will circulate
throughout the room to answer questions and provide redirection as needed.
You do:
This portion of the lesson will be evident in the research sessions which follow. Using
the skills provided during the lesson, students will then use this information to gather
and create the bibliography for the Egypt project.
Prior to the students exiting the Library, a sample of what their bibliographies should
look like will be projected on the screen. Students will be asked to compare the sample
to their own work. The bibliographies that the students generate during the Citing
Sources lesson, will be reviewed for accuracy and feedback will be provided to the
student. In the event that students had difficulty with the bibliography, a list of those
students will be provided to the classroom teacher so that the LMS may work with
those students at another time to strengthen their skills.
XI. Materials/Resources
Dear 6th Grade Teachers,
In the winter, all 6th grade students will be completing the Egypt project in which they
will be addressing the essential question of: “How did the environment affect the
development of the ancient Egyptian civilization?” The following information details
appropriate resources, both print and electronic, students can used when conducting
research for the Egypt project. There are a variety of leveled resources in different
formats, including pictures and videos. The websites will allow students to gain in depth
background knowledge about life in Ancient Egypt and include information about
pyramids, hieroglyphics, King Tut, art, food, politics, etc. There is even a link for to an
Egyptian Glossary. The print resources range from topics about Gods, civilization,
mummies, foot soldiers, the working villagers, and more. There are wonderful
illustrations to help appeal to the visual learner.
These resources will allow students to gather information allowing them to then write a
formal essay explaining how Egypt’s geography, climate, and natural resources
influenced an aspect of ancient Egyptian culture. Since students will be conducting
research in school and at home all electronic resources will be available through the
LMC web page and print resources can be checked out for one night and must be
returned the next day to be used in class. Some items will not be used because they
have been removed from the collection due to the age, appropriateness of the reading
level, and the condition of the books. The list of books weeded has been provided for
you. The LMSs are available to help in any way we can! Please let us know if you have
any questions.
Casey, Cara, and Jill
Vendor List: See TitleWave / Follett account order
Recommended Website URLs:
Password: egypt
Password: egypt
(On the right side of the screen, click on bookmarks to view videos
XII. Method of Evaluation/Assessment
Ancient Egypt Paper Rubric
Name ___________________________________________
(Evidence of Research)
(4) Excellent (23-25)
(3) Good (20-22)
(2) Fair (18-19)
25 – 24 – 23
22 – 21 – 20
19 – 18
Body paragraphs contained
enough appropriate information
to explain the subtopic fairly and
Body paragraphs contained
some, but not all, of the
necessary details. Some errors in
research may be present.
22 – 21 – 20
19 – 18
Body paragraphs were rich in
further explanation, downshifts,
or examples. Excellent research
is apparent.
25 – 24 – 23
Every paragraph strongly
demonstrates how the
geography, climate or natural
resources affected Egyptians.
25 – 24 – 23
(Organization, sentence
variety, use of transitions,
introductory paragraph,
concluding paragraph)
(Spelling, Capitalization,
Punctuation, Run-ons,
Sentence Fragments,
Usage errors, Cover,
Professional Appearance)
Total Score:
Period ___________
Sentences are organized in a
clear, meaningful sequence. A
variety of types of sentences
helps the writing to flow and
cause and effect to be shown.
No repetition. Transition use
enhances sentences and
Most paragraphs contain details
which adequately demonstrate
the environmental connections.
22 – 21 – 20
19 – 18
Sentences are mostly, but not
always, in logical order. There
is an attempt at sentence variety.
Some minor repetition may be
present. Some transitions are
Sentence order is not always
logical and may cause confusion
at times. Little sentence variety.
Repetition occurs more
frequently. Fewer, or inaccurate,
17 – 16 – 15
Body paragraphs contained only a few
details. Errors may get in the way of
17 – 16 – 15
Few or inaccurate environmental
connections made. Distracting details
may be present.
17 – 16 – 15
Sentence order is confusing. Simple
sentences used which do not show
cause and effect well. Frequent
repetition which does not add new
information. Almost no use of
Errors do not affect clarity.
25 – 24 – 23
22 – 21 – 20
Flawless, excellent proofreading;
professional appearance; cover
relates to and enhances topic
Some minor errors may be
present, but they do not obscure
the meaning; appearance neat;
cover visual appropriate to topic
Some environmental connections
made. More details needed to
further demonstrate the
environmental connection.
(1) Needs Work(<18)
19 – 18
Frequent errors Errors may lead to confusion at
times; appearance is satisfactory;
cover lacks relevance
17 – 16 – 15
Unfinished -Paper must be proofread
carefully and resubmitted; appearance
distracts from overall quality; No Cover
XIII. Web-based digital structure: All of this must be communicable via one URL
?????????????????????????????? Putting this into a Google Doc may screw
up the formatting, any other options?