
. - Psychiatry
The course will introduce a cognitive model for the implementation of
psychological and psychiatric assistance in a territorial area. The principal aim is
then to give a conceptual and operative picture able to set out, from the
methodological profile, the bases and procedures that provide the subject in
education with the knowledge and control of the interventions and, from the aspect
of content, the assumptions of knowledge, understanding and operability needed to
act efficiently within the complex and delicate reality of mental suffering, above all
in regard to the relationship of care with the psychiatric patient. Then the aim is to
foster an appropriate preparation regarding the morphology and the sense of
visions of the world, of the structures, the doxastic and practical attitudes, of the
languages of mental disorders. The special requisite of this aim is the presence of a
composite grid of phenomenological and dialectic trends, fundamental for
providing adequate theoretical bases, for offering a flexible and constant
environment for the different perspectives of the discipline and for holding
theoretical and practical factors in synergy.
The course content will be formulated as follows:
- the history of the care relationship: from the obsolescence of the Psychiatric
Hospital to the locations of the territory.
- The relativization of the scientific model in the relationship of care with mental
- The formulation of a psychological and existential modulus that will include:
a) phenomenological, dialectical and relational analytics (identity-alienation,
being-connecting, reality-possibility, forms of life, affectivity, death, pain, care); b)
semantics and hermeneutics of communication (relationship, negation, conflict,
play-acting, linguistic games).
- Formulation of psychological and psychiatric modulus that will include: a)
analysis of intra and inter-psychic conflict at the individual and family level,
general problems of psychopathology and nosology, mental health and the
community; b) the dynamic of crisis, language and delirium, sense and nonsense,
formation of the caring group, territorial services and social and voluntary
psychiatric care.
Texts to be used
1) I. VALENT, S. PIRO, A. TAGLIPIETRA, C. BOLOGNA, R. , M.R. TINTI, G. VALENT, Esercitazioni sulla follia.
L’approccio dialettico-relazionale in psichiatria, Moretti & Vitali, 2013.
2) C. IANNOTTA, Due racconti dal sottosuolo. La follia come stile di vita, Moretti & Vitali,
Bergamo, 2009.
Reference texts
M. FOUCAULT, Il potere psichiatrico, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2004.
F. BASAGLIA, L’istituzione negata, Baldini Castoldi Dalai editore, Milano, 2010.
I. VALENT, Dire di no. Filosofia linguaggio follia. Moretti & Vitali, Bergamo, 2007.
I. VALENT, Panta διαpánton. Scritti teorici su follia e cura. Moretti & Vitali, Bergamo, 2009.
S. PIRO, C. CARRINO, Quando ho i soldi mi compro un pianoforte. Conversazioni con un
protagonista della psichiatria del ’900, Liguori Editore, Napoli, 2010.
Lectures in the lecture room, associated practical lessons (teaching directed at learning
that, for the human sciences, are the equivalent of laboratory work for students of physics
and chemistry, of drawing for art students, of doing exercises for mathematics students),
showing of selected filmography.
Oral exams, written essays.
Programme for students not attending the course:
The Psychiatry exam will be held on two texts (Esercitazioni sulla follia. L’approccio
dialettico-relazionale in psichiatria, edited by G. Valent, Moretti&Vitali Ed. 2013 and Due
racconti dal sottosuolo. La follia come stile di vita by C. Iannotta, Moretti&Vitali Ed. 2009)
indicated in the Reading List.
In particular: for Esercitazioni sulla follia the student is required to study the first 4
chapters and a written essay (maximum 3 pages) of comment on one, to be chosen, of the
texts included in the Reading section (the essay must be sent to the lecturer by e-mail at least
15 days before the enrollment date for the exam chosen by the student); as regards the book
Due racconti dal sottosuolo in-depth reading is required of both the accounts, these will be
the subject for discussion during the exam.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice