Assignment No 1 1. What is computer security? 2. Describe phases of virus? 3. With neat sketch diagram explain SYN flooding attack? 4. Describe term of virus & worm with example? 5. Compare intruders & insiders? 6. What are different ways of spoofing and explain? 7. List & describe basic component or computer security? 8. Explain active and passive attack? 9. List & explain any four types of virus? 10.Explain replay attack with the help of diagram? 11.Explain man in the middle attack? 12.Compare viruses and worms? Assignment No 2 1. Define the term a. Cryptography b. Cryptanalysis c. Cryptology 2. Describe the steps & perform the simple column transposition technique on the following with column size =6 & read output with order of column as 4,6,1,2,5,3 “Come home tomorrow”? 3. Explain the terminology is used in steganography? 4. Consider plain text message “I am a hacker” encrypt with the help of rail fence technique also write down the algorithm? 5. What is difference between substitution & transposition cipher? 6. Describe symmetric key & asymmetric key encryption with diagram? 7. Describe substitution technique for “Computer security is important”? 8. Explain the concept of hashing? Assignment No 3 1. What is the role of individuals in security? 2. Explain different methods of biometric access? 3. Describe piggybacking & shoulder surfing? 4. What is access control list & explain access control? 5. Explain dumpster diving? 6. State four types of problem due to installation of unauthorized software? Class test 1 Attempt any 6 of the following a. What is computer security? 3M b. Describe phases of virus? 3M c. With neat sketch diagram explain SYN flooding attack? 4M d. Describe term of virus & worm with example? 4M e. Compare intruders & insiders? 4M f. What are different ways of spoofing and explain? 4M g. List & describe basic component or computer security? 4M h. Explain active and passive attack? 4M i. List & explain any four types of virus? 4M j. Explain replay attack with the help of diagram? 4M k. Explain man in the middle attack? 4M l. Compare viruses and worms? 4M Class test 2 1. Define the term 3M d. Cryptography e. Cryptanalysis f. Cryptology 2. Describe the steps & perform the simple column transposition 4M technique on the following with column size =6 & read output with order of column as 4,6,1,2,5,3 “Come home tomorrow”? 3. Explain the terminology is used in steganography? 4M 4. Consider plain text message “I am a hacker” encrypt with the help of rail fence technique also write down the algorithm? 4M 5. What is difference between substitution & transposition cipher? 4M 6. Describe symmetric key & asymmetric key encryption with diagram? 4M