Lesson 1 - Properties and Changes in Matter

SNC 2D – Chemical Reactions
Lesson 1 – Properties and Change (5.1; 5.2)
Properties and Changes in Matter
Every substance has a number of specific properties, or characteristics.
Give three properties of hydrogen
Properties are characteristics that can be observed. There can be either _________________ or
_______________ properties.
A _______________ property is a characteristic that can be observed without the formation of a new substance.
Describe changes to water that are physical.
A _______________ property describes what happens to a substance when it reacts, or fails to react to produce a
new substance.
Give 2 examples of chemical properties (peroxide, wood)
Changes in Matter
A ______________ change is a change in that does not involve the formation of a new substance. Some physical
changes can be reversed. (Water  Ice)
Explain how popping corn is a physical change
But hen you cook popcorn too long, however, it turns black and tastes gross? It must ______________ change
always involves the formation of a new substance.
What is the clue that something has changed?
Clues of chemical changes
Do you understand?
1. Classify the following as a chemical property or physical property.
a. gasoline is a yellow liquid
b. marshmallows ignite easily
c. matches produce heat as they burn
e. air was added to make a smooth texture
f. the boiling point of water is 100 C
Classify the following as a chemical change or a physical change. State your reason
a. Steak rotting of the counter
b. condensation forms on the outside of a cold can of pop
c. a glow stick gives off light when the substances are mixed _____________________
e. a tree growing
f. the spring in a toy breaks
SNC 2D – Chemical Reactions
Lesson 1 – Properties and Change (5.1; 5.2)
Physical or Chemical Changes
In this activity you will make observations of a reaction to determine whether it is a chemical or physical
Part 1 – Mix 1 drop of phenolphthalein with 1 drop of sodium hydroxide
a. Describe the reactants (the things going into the reaction).
Sodium hydroxide
b. Describe the reaction (what happens?)
c. is this a chemical or a physical reaction? Give a reason for your answer.
d. Write a statement that describes the effect of sodium hydroxide on phenolphthalein.
Part 2 – Mix 5 ml of vinegar with 1 small scoop of sodium bicarbonate.
a. Describe the reactants (the things going into the reaction).
sodium bicarbonate
vinegar (acetic acid)
b. Describe the reaction (what happens?)
c. is this a chemical or a physical reaction? Give a reason for your answer.
d. Write a statement that describes the effect of mixing baking soda and vinegar.
SNC 2D – Chemical Reactions
Lesson 1 – Properties and Change (5.1; 5.2)
Part 3 – Mix 5 mL of water with one scoop of copper sulphate
a. Describe the reactants (the things going into the reaction).
Copper sulfate
b. Describe the reaction (what happens?)
c. is this a chemical or a physical reaction? Give a reason for your answer.
d. Write a statement describes bluestones fate when mixed with water.
Part 4 – Heat the mixture of copper sulfate and water (in the test tube) with Bunsen burner
a. Describe the reactants (the things going into the reaction).
Bluestone and water
b. Describe the reaction (what happens?)
c. is this a chemical or a physical reaction? Give a reason for your answer.
d. Write a statement that describes the fate of the bluestone and water mixture after heating.
SNC 2D – Chemical Reactions
Lesson 1 – Properties and Change (5.1; 5.2)
Part 5 – A lit Bunsen burner – Methane burning in oxygen
a. Describe the reactants (the things going into the reaction).
b. Describe the reaction (what happens?)
c. is this a chemical or a physical reaction? Give a reason for your answer.
d. Write a statement that describes the property of methane demonstrated here
Part 6 – Burn a piece of magnesium (in the Bunsen burner)
a. Describe the reactants (the things going into the reaction).
b. Describe the reaction (what happens?)
c. is this a chemical or a physical reaction? Give a reason for your answer.
d. Write a word equation to describe the burning of magnesium. The substance produced (product) is magnesium
oxide. (reactants = 2 and products = 1)
__________(s) + __________(g)  _____________(s)
Part 7 - Bending/Welding Glass
a. Is this a chemical or a physical change? Explain your answer