1. ------IND- 2012 0491 D-- EN- ------ 20120903 --- --- PROJET
Additional Technical Terms of Contract – Hydraulic Engineering (German
designation: ZTV-W)
Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Hydraulic Structures
(Performance Category 215)
2012 Edition
EU Notification
No. …./…/D dated ….. 2012
Preliminary Comments
Part 1: Dimensioning and construction
Materials (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 3)
Durability and cover to reinforcement (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 4)
Ultimate Limit States (ULS) (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 6)
Serviceability Limit States (SLS) (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 7)
Detailing of reinforcement – General (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 8)
Detailing of members and particular rules (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 9)
Part 2: Concrete
Scope (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 1)
Classification (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 4)
Concrete requirements (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5)
Specification of concrete (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 6)
Delivery of fresh concrete (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 7)
Conformity control and conformity criteria (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 8)
Production control (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 9)
Cf. Appendix A (normative), Initial Test (cf. A.1, General)
Part 3
Building work
Definitions (cf. DIN EN 13670, 3)
Execution management (cf. DIN EN 13670, 4)
Falsework and formwork (cf. DIN EN 13670, 5)
Reinforcement (cf. DIN 13670, 6)
Concrete work (cf. DIN EN 13670, 8)
Geometrical tolerances (cf. DIN EN 13670, 10)
Re DIN 1045-3, Appendix NB: Tests for the definitive fresh and hardened concrete characteristics
Re DIN 1045-3, Appendix NC: Monitoring the installation of concrete in monitoring categories 2 and
3 by the building company
Summary of regulations cited
Appendix 1:
Appendix 2:
Suitability tests
Concreting concept and concreting plan
The obligations arising from Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying
down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations (OJ L 204, p.37),
most recently amended by Directive 98/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 July 1998 (OJ L 217,
p.18), have been met.
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Published by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development
Waterways and Shipping Directorate-General
All rights reserved.
Prepared by the working group ‘New standard specifications in hydraulic engineering’ with the participation of
the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development and its subordinate departments
the Ministry of Industry, Labour and Transport of Lower Saxony
the Ministry of Rural Areas, Agriculture, Nutrition and Tourism of the State of Schleswig-Holstein
the Senator for Ports, Supraregional Transport and Foreign Trade, Bremen
the Economic Authority of the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Niedersachsen-Ports GmbH & Co. KG, Oldenburg
Bundesverband Öffentlicher Binnenhäfen e. V. (Federal Association of Public Inland Ports)
RMD Wasserstraßen GmbH
Emschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband (Water Management Association for the rivers Emscher and Lippe)
Linksniederrheinische Entwässerungsgenossenschaft (Left Lower Rhine Drainage Association)
Ruhrverband (Ruhr Federation)
Wasserverband Eifel-Rur (Eifel-Rur Water Association)
Wupperverband (Wupper Association)
Österreichisch-Bayerischen Kraftwerke AG
Lech-Elektrizitätswerke AG
Central Waterways Engineering Library (VZB)
of the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute
PO Box 210253, 76152 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 (0)721 9726-0
Fax: +49 (0)721 9726-5320
E-Mail: vzb@baw.de
Download from the Internet at http://vzb.baw.de/digitale_bib/stlk-w_ztv-w.php
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Preliminary Comments
The Additional Technical Terms of Contract – Hydraulic Engineering (ZTV-W) – for Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
Hydraulic Structures (Performance Category (LB) 215), referred to as ZTV-W LB 215, shall apply in combination with
the basic standards:
DIN EN 1990 and DIN EN 1990/NA
and concrete standards:
DIN EN 1992-1-1 and DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA
DIN EN 206-1 and DIN 1045-2
DIN EN 13670 and DIN 1045-3
and hydraulic engineering standard:
DIN 19702
(hereinafter: DIN EN 1990)
(hereinafter: DIN EN 1992-1-1)
(hereinafter: DIN EN 206-1)
(hereinafter: DIN EN 13670)
DIN EN 1992-1-1
DIN EN 206-1
Design of concrete structures
Concrete – Specification, performance,
production and conformity
DIN EN 13670
Execution of concrete structures
DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA
DIN 1045-2
DIN 1045-3
National Annex to DIN EN 1992-1-1
National Annex to DIN EN 206-1
National Annex to DIN EN 13670
DIN 19702
Solid structures in hydraulic engineering – Bearing capacity, serviceability and durability
Concrete works
Basis of structural design
Part C: DIN 18331
DIN EN 1990 + DIN EN 1990/NA
German construction contract procedures (VOB),
in the following order: ZTV-W LB 215 before DIN 18331 before the hydraulic engineering standard before concrete
standards before basic standards. The structure of ZTV-W is analogous to the corresponding parts and sections of the
concrete standards (cf. Figure 1). The numbering and section figures in the various parts of ZTV-W LB 215 correspond to
sections in the relevant parts of the concrete standards. Additionally, the regulations in ZTV-W LB 215 are numbered in
ascending order independently of the standards.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Dimensioning and construction
Execution of structures
Fig. 1: Overview of standards relevant to ZTV-W LB 215
Products which are lawfully manufactured and/or placed on the market in another Member State of the European Union
or in Turkey, or products which are lawfully manufactured in an EFTA Member State that is a contracting party of the
Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) as the case may be, which do not conform to these technical
specifications shall be treated as equivalent, as well as the tests and inspections conducted in the country of
manufacture, if the required level of protection regarding safety, health and serviceability is reached.
1) ZTV-W LB 215 shall apply to the construction of solid hydraulic structures, e.g. locks, weirs, barrages, water
scoops, culverts, outlets, port structures, bank reinforcements, including their secondary systems, unless
otherwise agreed. They do not apply to road and railway bridges and tunnels (see ZTV-ING).
(2) The regulations in ZTV-W LB 215 are generally aimed at a 100-year service life of the structure. A durability
assessment shall be carried out on components with exposure classes XS2 and XS3 and a service life of more
than 50 years.
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(3) The regulations of ZTV-W LB 215 are also aimed at the required impermeability to water for the use of these
structures of components with surfaces that are in constant or temporary in contact with water. The standard
specifications contain stricter requirements areas in contact with water around special category spaces (e.g.
engineering rooms).
(4) DAfStb-1 shall apply to massive components (smallest component dimension ≥ 0.8 m). For components with
a smallest dimension of < 0.8 m, DAfStb-1 shall apply if forces and residual stresses must be given special
consideration (e.g. component with surface-area constraints).
(5) BAW-MZ shall apply to second stage concrete, as regards to materials, planning and execution. DIN 18197
and the DIN 7865 series shall apply to waterstops, as regards to planning, materials and execution. BAW-Brief
3/2008 shall apply to expansion joints, as regards to planning and design.
(6) The requirements of ZTV-W LB 215 shall apply mutatis mutandis to precast elements with hydraulic
requirements, unless otherwise stipulated in the specifications.
(7) The terms “approval” or “approve” are used to express existing cooperation rights within the meaning of
Section 4(1) Point 2 Clause 1 of the VOB/B in combination with Sections 311, 241(2) of the BGB (German Civil
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Part 1: Design and Construction
Materials (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 3)
Ductility characteristics (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 3.2.4)
(8) Only highly ductile reinforcing steel of grade B500B in accordance with DIN 488-1 shall be used. The
ductility of the reinforcing steels shall also be given on the reinforcement drawings.
Durability and cover to reinforcement (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 4)
Concrete cover (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 4.4.1)
(9) The minimum concrete cover cmin is 50 mm, the allowance in design for deviation cdev is 10 mm, see also
(161). The minimum concrete cover cmin of reinforcement parallel to the construction joint is 30 mm. Parts 2 and
3 of ZTV-W LB 215 contain additional provisions to ensure durability. Ensuring sufficient resistance to wear from
hydroabrasion by increasing the concrete cover (sacrificial concrete) is not permitted.
Ultimate Limit States (ULS) (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 6)
Shear transfer in joints (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 6.2.5)
(10) Regarding shear transfer at the interface between concretes cast at different times (“construction joints”),
the roughness and surface quality of a joint can be assumed to be categorised as “rough” for formwork-lined
joints and “corrugated” for non-formwork-lined joints, if the respective construction joint preparation is performed
in accordance with Part 3 of ZTV-W LB 215.
Serviceability Limit States (SLS) (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 7)
Crack control, general considerations (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 7.3.1)
(11) The gap and pore water pressure may be ignored when determining the crack width.
(12) Special measures for components in exposure class XS3 can be found in the specifications.
Minimum reinforcement areas for limiting crack width (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 7.3.2)
(13) Stresses from early forces (draining heat of hydration) for massive components should be determined in
accordance with BAW-MFZ.
Limitation of deformations (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 7.4)
(14) If deformation of the structure or of individual components is to be limited according to the specifications,
e.g. joint gaps within concrete components or between the concrete component and the steel hydraulic
component, checks shall be carried out for all relevant directions.
Detailing of reinforcement – General (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 8)
Anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 8.4.4)
(15) For plane load-bearing structures of solid hydraulic structures, the design anchorage length coefficients α2,
α3, α4, α5 may assumed to be 1.0.
Detailing of members and particular rules (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 9)
General (cf. DIN EN 1992-1-1, 9.1)
(16) For the subgrade areas of lock chamber walls and heads, quays and similar components, the following
rules apply:
If the subgrade concrete and the wall concrete below it is installed in layers of 0.3 m to 0.5 m (‘fresh-onfresh’execution), the calculated reinforcement for the vertical edge areas shall also be installed on the
subgrade surface. The adiabatic temperature development of the concrete shall be taken into account for
the design. In a simplified approach, the adiabatic temperature development for the concrete with the
highest volume in the particular concreting section may be used.
When installing subgrade concrete on the cured concrete of the concrete section underneath (‘fresh-on-firm’
execution), the layer thickness of the subgrade concrete shall be a minimum of 0.2 m. Layer thickness of
more than 0.4 m should be avoided with regard to stresses from forces.
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(17) In the zoned building method, the minimum thickness of the edge layer subject to hydro-abrasive wear shall
be 0.3 m.
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Part 2: Concrete
Scope (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 1)
(18) The use of high-strength concrete and self-compacting concrete is only permissible if approved of in the
Classification (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 4)
Exposure classes in relation to environmental conditions (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 4.1)
(19) The client shall specify the exposure classes in the specifications. In addition to what is stated in DIN EN
206-1, Table 1, the hydraulic engineering specific examples listed in Table 2.1 can be assigned to the exposure
Table 2.1 – Exposure classes
Hydraulic engineering specific examples 1) for the
allocation of exposure classes
(for information)
Description of environment
1 No risk of corrosion or attack
For concrete without reinforcement
or embedded metal: in
environments where the concrete
is not attacked.
Unreinforced core concrete with zoned building
2 Reinforcement corrosion, triggered by carbonisation
dry or permanently wet
Floors of lock chambers, economising basins or weirs,
lock chamber walls below bottom water, hydraulic
filling and emptying systems
wet, rarely dry
Lock chamber walls in the area between bottom water
and headwater (mutatis mutandis for economising
basin walls)
moderate humidity
Surfaces not open to the weather (outside air,
protected against precipitation)
cyclic wet and dry
Freeboard of lock chamber or economising basin
walls, weir columns above low water, outside surfaces
open to the weather, quays
3 Reinforcement corrosion caused by chloride, except for seawater
moderate humidity
wet, rarely dry
cyclic wet and dry
Weir columns in the spray mist areas of road bridges
Platforms of locks, traffic areas (e.g. port areas), steps
on weir columns
4 Reinforcement corrosion caused by chloride from seawater
Exposed to airborne salt but not in
External components near the coast
direct contact with seawater
Permanently submerged
Barrier floors, walls and foundation piles below lowest
known low-tide level
tidal, splash
and spray zones
Foundation piles, quays, moles and walls above lowest
known low-tide level
5 Frost with and without de-icing agents/seawater
moderate water saturation with
Freeboard of economising basin walls, weir columns
fresh water, without de-icing agents above high water
moderate water saturation with
seawater and/or de-icing agents
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Vertical components in spray water area and
components in direct spray mist areas of seawater
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Hydraulic engineering specific examples 1) for the
allocation of exposure classes
(for information)
Description of environment
Lock chamber walls in the area between bottom water1.0 m and headwater+1.0 m (applies mutatis mutandis
to economising basin walls), inlet and outlet areas of
culverts between low water and high water, weir
columns between low water and high water
high water saturation with fresh
water without de-icing agents
Vertical surfaces of seawater components such as
foundation piles, quays and moles in fluctuating water
high water saturation with seawater
level areas, horizontal surfaces affected by seawater,
and/or de-icing agents
platforms of locks, traffic areas (e.g. port areas), steps
on weir columns
6 Concrete corrosion through chemical attack
slightly aggressive chemical
moderately aggressive chemical
environment and marine structures
Highly aggressive chemical
Concrete components which are in contact with
seawater (underwater and fluctuating water level
areas, spray water areas)
7 Concrete corrosion through wear stress
moderate wear stress 2)
Surfaces subject to stress from friction with ships (e.g.
lock chamber walls above bottom water-1.0 m),
components for energy conversion with wear from
small-grain bed-load transport (e.g. due to construction
measures such as bed-load catch basin), ice drift
severe wear stress
Weir backs and components for energy conversion
(stilling basins, chute blocks) with wear from largegrain bed-load transport
very severe wear stress
Components in mountain streams or bed-load
deflection tunnels
8 Concrete corrosion due to alkali silica reaction
Generally: Only for non-massive components (smallest
component dimension ≤ 0.80 m).
Internal components of hydraulic structures that are
not continuously exposed to a relative air humidity of
more than 80 % (e.g. interior spaces of steering
Generally: Always for massive components (smallest
dimension > 0.80 m) regardless of humidity exposure.
Concrete components of hydraulic structures exposed
Concrete that in use is frequently
to weather or subject to temporary or permanent water
wet or wet over extended periods
exposure in inland waterways (e.g. entire height of lock
of time.
chamber walls).
Inner components of hydraulic structures subject to a
relative air humidity of 80 % or more.
Concrete components of hydraulic structures which
Concrete, which, in addition to
come into contact with seawater (underwater and
class WF wear, is exposed to alkali fluctuating water level areas, spray water areas).
frequently or for extended periods
Concrete components of hydraulic structures with deof time.
icing salt exposure (e.g. subgrade areas of lock
chamber walls).
Concrete that is subject to high
Not relevant to hydraulic engineering.
dynamic wear and direct alkali
Concrete which after normal curing
is not moist for an extended time
and, after drying out, remains
mostly dry during use.
These examples apply to the predominant stress factors during service life. Past experience suggests
that different ambient conditions during construction or use (e.g. drainage) do not cause damage.
Lock chamber floors and filling systems not subject to bed-load transport wear are normally not
subject to concrete corrosion due to hydroabrasion.
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Concrete requirements (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5)
Basic requirements for raw materials (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.1)
General (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.1.1)
(20) All certifications to be provided as regards the suitability of raw materials for the production of concrete
(results of standard investigations, results of initial tests, etc.) shall be submitted to the client, unless otherwise
approved in the specifications, no later than 2 weeks before the start of the concrete suitability tests in
accordance with Part 2, Chapter 6.1 of ZTV-W LB 215.
(21) The contractor shall immediately submit to the client results of the monitoring of raw materials by the
recognised monitoring authorities, and in the case of aggregates, the contractor shall also immediately submit
the results of the factory’s own production tests.
Cement (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.1.2)
(22) The following cements in accordance with DIN EN 197-1, DIN EN 197-4 and DIN 1164-10 may be used:
For massive components, only normal cements with low development of heat of hydration (LH cements in
accordance with DIN EN 197-1) may be used.
Aggregates (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.1.3)
(23) Only aggregates in accordance with standard DIN EN 206-1 in combination with DIN EN 12620 and DIN
EN 13055-1, the conformity of which has been verified according to certification of conformity system ‘2+’, are
allowed. The use of recycled aggregates is not permitted.
(24) The use of industrially manufactured aggregates is not permitted.
(25) The harmlessness of fine particles of fine aggregates shall be verified according to DIN EN 12620,
Appendix D, letter a), b) or c).
(26) Unless otherwise stipulated in the specifications, frost/thaw resistance or frost/de-icing salt resistance of the
aggregates according to DIN EN 206-1, Appendix U, may not be more than 6 months old at any time during the
execution of the building works.
Mixing water (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.1.4)
(27) Mixing water shall meet the requirements of DIN EN 1008. The use of mixing water other than drinking
water, well water or residual water from reprocessing plants in concrete manufacture is not permitted.
Admixtures (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.1.5)
(28) The following admixtures may be used:
concrete plasticisers (CP)
fluxing agents (FA)
air-entraining agents (AA)
retarding agents (RA)
The use of other admixtures is not permitted.
Additives (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.1.6)
(29) Fly ash shall be in accordance with DIN EN 450.
(30) The fly ash shall be covered by the same product certificate (origin) for the duration of the building period.
Any change in fly ash shall be agreed on with the client. The substitute fly ash must be named at the start of the
building work. New suitability tests shall be carried out before the fly ash is changed.
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Basic requirements for composition of concrete (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.2)
Use of aggregates, General (cf. DIN EN 206-1,
(31) The grading curve shall be constant and should be between the limit grading curves A and B. As a rule, an
aggregate with D = 32 mm or more shall be used for massive building components.
(32) If aggregates larger than 8 mm are used, at least three separate grain groups should be added.
(33) For the use of aggregates in concrete, the following requirements shall apply in addition to the
requirements of DIN EN 206-1, Appendix U:
The proportion of lightweight organic pollutants in fine aggregates my not exceed 0.25 % of weight
component and 0.05 % of weight for coarse aggregates.
The grain shape of coarse aggregates shall comply at least with Category SI40 for broken grains.
The resistance of broken rock aggregate to fragmentation shall comply at least with Category LA50 or
Category SZ32.
The granular composition of coarse aggregate must be closely graded.
Grain mixtures may not be used.
Naturally composed aggregate (cf. DIN EN 206-1,
(34) Naturally composed (not processed) aggregate according to DIN 12620 may not be used.
Resistance to alkali silica reaction (cf. DIN EN 206-1,
(35) For the evaluation and use of aggregates containing harmful quantities of alkali-solvent silica or where this
possibility cannot be reliably excluded, and for the measures that may need to be taken in the case of concrete,
in addition to DAfStb-2, the Alkali Guideline issued by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban
Development shall be followed.
Use of additives (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.2.5)
(36) The use of silica dust is not permitted.
Principle of equivalent concrete efficiency (cf. DIN EN 206-1,
(37) The application of the principle of equivalent concrete efficiency is only permitted if agreed upon in the
Use of admixtures (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.2.6)
(38) Within one concrete, only one concrete admixture from one action group may be used. The simultaneous
use of admixtures made by different manufacturers within one concrete is not permitted. The total quantity of
admixtures may not exceed the maximum dosage recommended by the admixture manufacturer or 50 g/kg of
cement in the concrete.
(39) Fluxing agents from the polycarboxylate and polycarboxylate ether active substance groups may only be
used with the same concrete raw materials with which the suitability test was carried out, and only in the
concrete temperature ranges which formed the basis for the suitability test (c.f. Chapter 6.1 of ZTV-W LB 215).
(40) Concrete admixtures with the active substance groups saccharose and hydroxycarboxylic acids may not be
used. This also applies to mixed products containing these groups of active substances.
(41) Concrete in consistency classes F4 is to be made with plasticising admixtures, and the consistency of the
starting concrete shall be F2.
(42) The consistency shall be achieved with concrete plasticisers. Subsequent dosing by addition of fluxing
agent on site is permitted. If fluxing agent is added on site to achieve consistency, only a single subsequent
dosing will be permitted. If fluxing agents are added later, the concrete must not be so hardened that its value
falls below the actual consistency measured at the point before the first dosage. Tests should therefore be
carried out on site, before subsequent dosing, to determine the spread dimension. Subsequent dosing must be
carried out using suitable dosing devices.
(43) Delay times over 12 hours must be agreed on with the client.
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Concrete temperature (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.2.8)
(44) For components with the smallest dimension < 0.8, the fresh concrete temperature T concrete at the point of
handover shall be adjusted to the permissible fresh concrete temperature at the place of installation (max.
+30 °C). For subgrade areas, the fresh concrete temperature at the point of handover shall be adjusted as not
to exceed the permissible fresh concrete temperature at the place of installation (max. +25° C).
(45) Unless stipulated otherwise in the specifications, concrete for massive components (smallest dimension ≥
0.8 m) should be planned and manufactured in such a way that the following requirements are met:
The fresh concrete temperature at the point of handover shall be adjusted to the permissible fresh concrete
temperature at the place of installation (max. +25° C).
The quasi-adiabatic temperature increase Tadiab,7d in the concrete may not exceed the limit values given in
Table 2.2, column 3 of ZTV-W LB 215. The total of the fresh concrete temperature Tconcrete and the quasiadiabatic temperature increase Tqadiab,7d in the concrete may not exceed the limit values given in Table 2.2,
column 4 of ZTV-W LB 215. The quasi-adiabatic temperature increase Tqadiab,7d shall be determined on a
large concrete block as part of suitability testing in accordance with 6.1 of ZTV-W LB 215 or according to the
provisions of the specifications (see Appendix 1, Chapter 2).
The heat of hydration of the cement batch used in the suitability test shall be determined in accordance with
DIN EN 196-8.
The concrete compressive strength fcm,cube,28d (mean from a test series of 3 cubes) may not exceed the limit
values given in Table 2.2, column 5.
(46) For massive components with exposure classes other than those mentioned in Table 2.2 of ZTV-W LB 215,
the respective limit values are specified in the specifications.
Table 2.2: Concrete requirements for massive components (smallest dimension ≥ 0.80 m)
Concrete with exposure
XC1 / XC2
XC1 / XC2 + XA1
XC1 / XC2 + XA2 (+XS2)
XC 1...4 + XF3 (+ XM1)
XC 1...4 + XF4 + XS3 +
XA2 (+ XM1)
fcm,cube,28d 2)
(for information)
Tqadiab,7d 1)
--Lock floor
 28 (33)
 53
 41
Lock floor in environment
with a slight chemical
corrosive effect
 31 (36)
 56
 43
 36 (41)
 61
 46
 36 (41)
 61
 46
 40 (45)
 65
 49
Lock floor in environment
with a moderate chemical
corrosive effect and marine
Lock chamber wall between
bottom water and
Vertical surfaces in
fluctuating water level areas
of seawater
For fresh concrete temperatures ≤ 15 C, the values in parentheses may be used.
See 5.5 of DIN EN 206-1 regarding the admittance of a time period for testing the strength category that
deviates from 28 days. Even if the time for testing the strength category deviates from 28 days, proof of
compliance with fcm,cube,28d must be provided.
Requirements as a function of exposure classes (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.3)
Limiting values for concrete composition (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.3.2)
(47) Concretes for hydraulic structures must not exceed a w/c value of 0.65.
(48) Concretes for hydraulic structures shall have a high resistance to water penetration according to DIN EN
206-1, 5.5.3.
(49) For exposure category XF3, only aggregates in category F1 according to DIN EN 12620 may be used.
Concretes in exposure class XF3 shall have a minimum air content in accordance with DIN EN 206-1, Table
F.2.2, Footnote f, or DAfStb-1, Table F.2.2, Footnote f.
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(50) Unless otherwise approved in the specifications, for exposure classes XF3 and XF4, frost tests shall be
carried out on the hardened concrete as part of suitability testing. The BAW-MFB is authoritative for carrying out
the test and for the associated acceptance criteria.
(51) Only the following binding agents may be used for concretes of exposure classes XD2, XS2, XD3 and XS3:
CEM I and CEM II cements according to (22), in combination with fly ash as a concrete additive, where the
minimum fly ash content must be 20 % by mass of (c+f).
CEM III/A with fly ash as a concrete additive, where the minimum fly ash content must be 10 M% of (c+f).
(52) Unless otherwise stipulated in the specifications, components categorized in exposure class XM2 due to
hydroabrasion shall meet the following requirements:
Round grain with a minimum quartzite content of 70% is used as aggregate.
The largest grain of the aggregate does not exceed 16 mm.
Only variant w/c ≤ 0.45 in accordance with DIN EN 206-1, Table F.2.2, or DAfStb-1, Table F.2.2, is
The minimum cement content is 270 kg/m³.
(53) Only cement from the same cement factory may be used for each concrete. The name of the supplier
factory shall be given to the client prior to suitability testing.
(54) The use of several cement types in one concrete is not permitted.
(55) In massive components with primary exposure XF3 in combination with XC2 or XC4 and where applicable
XM1 (e.g. lock chamber walls in inland waterways), for concrete for which frost resistance is ensured by adding
air-entraining agents, and for which CEM I, CEM II-A, CEM II/B-S or CEM III/A cements are used, the following
may be specified in deviation from DAfStb-1:
Minimum compressive strength class C20/25 (test age 56 days), unless higher strengths are required for
static reasons or due to different exposure classes;
Minimum cement content in accordance with DAfStb-1, Table F.2.2, line 3, may be specified as 270 kg/m³.
This rule may also be applied for the area between headwater level and bottom edge of platform concrete.
(56) For concrete for subgrade areas of lock chamber walls and heads and similar components with exposure
classes XC4, XD3 and XF4 (where applicable in combination with XM1), for which rating in exposure classes
XD3 and XF4 is based primarily on the use of de-icing agents to ensure traffic safety for pedestrians and
infrequent vehicle traffic, the following rules apply:
The maximum permissible w/c value is 0.50 (taking into consideration the fly ash share).
The minimum cement content is 300 kg/m³, however, under conditions in accordance with DIN EN 206-1
and taking into consideration the fly ash share, the cement content may be reduced to 270 kg/m³.
To reduce contraction, the total water content in fresh concrete shall be limited to 160 dm³/m³ if largest grain
= 32 mm, and 165 dm³/m³ if largest grain = 16 mm.
The minimum compressive strength class is C25/30 (test age 28 days or 56 days), unless higher strengths
are required due to static reasons or different exposure classes.
Frost resistance testing in accordance with (50) shall be carried out for exposure class XF4.
The rules in (51) need not be applied.
Requirements for fresh concrete (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.4)
Consistency (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.4.1)
(57) Determining the consistency of the concrete by the degree of settlement and settlement time (Vebe) is not
(58) The consistency shall be specified through the target value. The permissible deviation from the target value
is +/- 30 mm.
(59) With the exception of concretes for surface finish and second stage concrete, concretes with a maximum
target value for the spread dimension of 490 mm may be used.
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Cement content and water-cement ratio (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.4.2)
(60) Unless otherwise approved in the specifications, in order to determine the water-cement ratio in the fresh
concrete by testing,
the effective water content should be determined using kiln-drying according to DBV-1, Chapter 3, and
the cement and additive content should be taken from the information on actual levels in the delivery ticket.
In concretes for massive components (smallest dimension ≥ 0.8 m), the cement content specified in the
suitability test must not be exceeded by more than 10 kg/m³.
Air content (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.4.3)
(61) If plasticising admixtures (CP, FA) and air-entraining agents (AA) are used at the same time, the specified
minimum air content (DIN EN 206-1, Table F.2.2) should be increased by 1 vol. %.
Requirements for hardened concrete (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.5)
General (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.5)
(62) Compressive strength testing shall be carried out on a 28-day-old specimen. For concretes to which
DAfStb-1 can apply, the test may be carried out on a 56-day-old specimen. A test age over 56 days is only
permitted if approved in the specifications. Unless otherwise approved in the specifications, all other tests for
hardened concrete characteristics (e.g. water penetration resistance, frost resistance (for XF3) and frost/deicing salt resistance (for XF4)) may, in deviation from the 28 days, be carried out at the same time as the
compressive strength class test.
Compressive strength (cf. DIN EN 206-1,
(63) Compressive strength testing may only be carried out using the cube or cylinder test.
Water penetration resistance (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 5.5.3)
(64) Water penetration resistance shall be determined on the basis of water penetration depth according to DIN
EN 12390-8 and may not exceed 30 mm in the case of concrete for hydraulic structures.
Specification of concrete (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 6)
General (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 6.1)
(65) Before the building work, the contractor shall prove, through suitability tests taking into consideration siteand structure-specific conditions (see Appendix 1), that the concrete can be reliably installed with the foreseen
raw materials and the proposed consistency under the conditions on the site in question and that the required
characteristics can be reliably achieved.
(66) When the suitability tests are carried out, all influences relevant for the concrete (background climatic
conditions, manufacture, transport, conveyance, installation, subsequent treatment, etc.) shall be taken into
consideration. At the start of concrete installation, the suitability test must not date back more than 12 months.
For all concretes, only the same raw materials (type, manufacturer, place of extraction) may be used as those
used in the suitability test.
(67) If concrete for concreting originates from several supplier factories, the entire suitability test shall be carried
out with concrete from one of the factories. For the remaining supplier factories, at least one initial test in
accordance with DIN EN 206-1 shall be carried out using the respective production equipment. The different
travel times shall be taken into consideration in particular for future deliveries.
(68) No later than 2 weeks before the start of suitability testing, the contractor shall supply to and coordinate
with the client the following information:
Concept for the production of the concrete (site-mixed concrete or ready-mixed concrete)
In the case of ready-mixed concrete, information on the location of the ready-mixed concrete mixing plant(s)
including replacement mixing plant(s) and the distance and travel time between the mixing plant(s) and the
Information on the type, characteristics, origin and availability of the concrete raw materials
Concrete formulations
Planned building work
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(69) The suitability testing of concrete shall include at least the following standard tests:
visual evaluation of the fresh concrete characteristics (water discharge, cohesiveness, flow behaviour,
sedimentation behaviour, etc.)
fresh concrete temperature
consistency of the fresh concrete
compressive strength (incl. strength development r according to DIN EN 206-1, 7.2 and Table 12)
gap tensile strength
water penetration resistance
(70) Additional tests are necessary for the following concretes and exposure classes:
for delayed concrete: setting behaviour
For AA concrete: air content in fresh concrete at the place of installation
For massive components: quasi-adiabatic temperature increase, static modulus of elasticity
For XF3: frost resistance in accordance with BAW-MFB
For XF4: frost/de-icing salt resistance in accordance with BAW-MFB
(71) When carrying out suitability tests, Appendix 1 should be consulted. For concretes that are manufactured
using an air-entraining agent,
The compression strength class compliance check shall be carried out using the maximum permissible air
content in fresh concrete at the place of installation during execution;
The frost resistance check in accordance with Appendix 1, 3.4, shall be carried out on concrete with an air
content corresponding to minimum air content according to DIN EN 206-1, Table F.2.2 and (61).
(72) The client shall be informed in good time of the start of the suitability testing to allow the client to participate
in contractor’s suitability testing.
(73) The results of the suitability tests shall be made available to the client in good time before the first
installation of the concrete in question so that the client has sufficient time (unless otherwise stipulated in the
specifications, at least the same time as for the execution of the suitability tests plus 3 weeks) to carry out
monitoring tests to verify the suitability testing. The contractor shall provide the necessary raw materials for the
monitoring tests at the client’s test location in accordance with what is stated in the specifications.
(74) The contractor is obliged to carry out new suitability tests if the raw materials for the concrete (type,
manufacturer, place of extraction) or the conditions on site are to be changed.
Specification for designed concrete (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 6.2)
(75) To maintain the fresh concrete characteristics at the place of installation, possible changes in the fresh
concrete consistency and air content due to conveyance at the site from handover to place of installation shall
be taken into consideration. The contractor shall specify the target values of consistency and air content at
handover for the manufacturer and document them.
Additional requirements (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 6.2.3)
(76) Surface finish concrete, see also (157) – (159), shall meet the following requirements:
The deviation of the w/c value from the target value must be limited to max. 0.02.
The deviation of the spread dimension from the target value shall be limited to max. 20 mm.
Specification for designed concrete by composition (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 6.3)
General (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 6.3.1)
(77) Concrete by composition is only permitted if approved of in the specifications.
Specification of standard concrete (cf. (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 6.4)
(78) Standard concrete is not permitted.
Delivery of fresh concrete (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 7)
Information from the manufacturer of the concrete to the user (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 7.2)
(79) The strength ratio fcm,2/fcm,x (x = 28, 56, 91) for designating the curing period shall be determined on the
basis of the corresponding strength values from the suitability testing.
Delivery ticket for ready-mixed concrete (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 7.3)
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(80) The delivery ticket for ready-mixed concrete shall contain the information listed in Table 2.3 of ZTV-W LB
215, be unencoded and, if required, automatically printed out. The delivery ticket shall contain a breakdown of
target weight according to suitability testing and actual weight indicating the differences. The assumed surface
moistness of the different grain fractions shall be clearly itemized. Delivery tickets must be handed over to the
Table 2.3: Additional delivery ticket information for ready-mixed concrete according to ZTV-W LB 215
Pre-printed or
entry by hand
Date and time of loading
Registration number of delivery vehicle
Name of purchaser
Designation and location of site
Details or references to the agreement, e.g.
number in list directory, type key, order number
Building supervisory compliance marking, quoting DIN EN 2061
Name or ID of certification office
Time of arrival of the concrete on site
Time of start of unloading
Time of end of unloading
Concrete strength category
Exposure category (categories)
Strength development
Type of use of concrete (unreinforced concrete, reinforced
concrete, prestressed concrete)
Target value of consistency
Origin, type and strength class of cement
Origin, action group (type designation) and name of admixtures
plus origin and type of additives
Special characteristics, e.g. longer processing time
Nominal value of the largest grain in the aggregate
Gross density category with lightweight concrete or
gross density target value with heavy concrete
Total actual quantity of aggregate per grain fraction
Total actual quantity of cement
Total actual quantity of additive
Total actual quantity of water (mixing water and own moisture)
Total actual quantity per admixture
Concrete delivery volume of vehicle in [m³]
Name, address and telephone number of the ready-mixed
concrete plant
Delivery ticket number
Information on the delivery ticket
If fluxing agent is added on site. The time of addition of the fluxing agent and the estimated
residual quantity in the mixer drum before the addition must be indicated.
Delivery information for site-mixed concrete (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 7.4)
(81) The information required for ready-mixed concrete according to 7.3 of DIN EN 206-1 is also required for
site-mixed concrete and shall be given to the client.
Consistency at delivery (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 7.5)
(82) Consistency on delivery may only achieve the specified value through use of fluxing agents.
(83) The later addition of water is not allowed, even under special circumstances.
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Conformity check and conformity criteria (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 8)
General (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 8.1)
(84) The tests on fresh and hardened concrete to be carried out by the contractor at handover are regulated in
Part 3 of ZTV-W LB 215 (Chapters 4.3, 8.1 and 8.3 as well as additions to DIN 1045-3, Appendix A).
Conformity check for designed concrete (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 8.2)
(85) The principle of concrete families under the conditions listed in DIN of the Draft 206-1,, may not be
Conformity criteria for characteristics other than strength (cf. DIN EN 206-1,, Tables 17 and 18)
(86) In deviation from DIN EN 206-1, Table 17, the upper limit for deviations from the target value is +10 kg/m³.
Actions in case of non-conformity of the product (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 8.4)
(87) If non-conformity is confirmed by the determination tests, the contractor shall notify the client immediately.
Production control (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 9)
Concrete composition and initial testing (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 9.5)
(88) In the case of a new concrete composition, a suitability test according to Chapter 6.1 of ZTV-W LB 215 or
an initial test may not be waived, even if long-term experience is available for a similar concrete or a similar
concrete family.
(89) Variations in the content of cement and additives for controlling the fresh and hardened concrete
characteristics of a concrete must be limited to a range of -5 kg/m³ to +10 kg/m³ in each case.
Production control procedures (cf. DIN EN 206-1, 9.9)
(90) The measures set out in DIN EN 206-1, Tables 22 to 24, may not be changed.
(91) Examination of the water for components which are harmful to concrete according to DIN EN 206-1, Table
22, line 14, column “Minimum Frequency”, must be carried out in parallel with the building work at least semiannually.
Cf. Appendix A (normative), Initial Test (cf. A.1, General)
(92) Initial testing may not be waived due to the availability of existing test results or long-term experience.
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Part 3 Building Work
Definitions (cf. DIN EN 13670, 3)
(93) The place of installation is the part of the construction area where the concrete to be assessed will be
Execution management (cf. DIN EN 13670, 4)
Documentation (cf. DIN EN 13670, 4.2)
Construction documentation (cf. DIN EN 13670, 4.2.1)
(94) For concrete cover, the provisions of Part 1, Chapter 4, of ZTV-W LB 215 shall apply. The type, number
and layout of spacers and supports shall be shown on the reinforcement drawings. The layout of the expansion
joints in the form of a waterstop system plan shall be submitted to the client as construction documentation for
Quality management (cf. DIN EN 13670, 4.3)
Execution classes (cf. DIN EN 13670, 4.3.1)
(95) Concrete for hydraulic structures should be classified at least in execution class 2 according to DIN 13670,
Table NA.1.
Inspection of materials and products (cf. DIN EN 13670, 4.3.2)
(96) For each shipment of materials and components, the contractor shall check the delivery ticket or packing
slip for conformity with the information on the construction documentation. Insufficiently marked materials and
components may not be installed.
Inspection of the execution (cf. DIN EN 13670, 4.3.3)
(97) The requirements given in Appendix 2 shall be taken into consideration.
(98) Each concreting section will require prior approval from the client. Before this, the formwork, reinforcement,
connection surfaces and installed components shall be checked by the contractor. The inspection by the
contractor shall be recorded in a log. The log shall be submitted to the client.
Action in the event of non-conformity (cf. DIN EN 13670, 4.4)
(99) ZTV-W LB 219 shall apply to repair measures. The measures to be taken shall be agreed on with the client
in advance.
Falsework and formwork (cf. DIN EN 13670, 5)
Basic requirements (cf. DIN EN 13670, 5.1)
(100) When testing formwork in accordance with DIN 19702, the largest calculated deflection of the formwork
and the supporting structure may not exceed 5 mm in total, taking into account planned cambers.
Materials (cf. DIN EN 13670, 5.2)
Release agents (cf. DIN EN 13670, 5.2.2)
(101) Release agents for areas in contact with water and soil must be quickly biodegradable in accordance with
RAL-UZ 64. To avoid mould and mildew formation, quickly biodegradable release agents are not permitted for
interior spaces that are dry during use.
Design and installation of formwork (cf. DIN EN 13670, 5.4)
(102) The formwork concept (this includes formwork times, anchorage, anchor cone seals, release agents) shall
be agreed on with the client before the start of the formwork works.
(103) New, untreated wooden formwork shall be treated with cement sludge before first use and then cleaned.
(104) Before the start of and during concreting, formwork and anchors shall be checked by the contractor to
ensure that they are functioning properly.
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(105) Formwork anchors which leave continuous cavities may not be used where there is water pressure.
Anchoring holes must be completely closed in such a way that the required component characteristics are also
provided in these areas. The colour and surface structure of the filler should be matched to those of the
component wherever concrete surfaces remain visible. Remaining anchor parts must end at least 50 mm below
the surface of the concrete. The intended execution must be agreed on with the client.
(106) The required position of the formwork must be recorded by the contractor on the basis of contractor’s own
measurements. The correct position shall be confirmed by the contractor.
(107) The formwork shall be absorbent or mildly absorbent in accordance with DBV-2; non-absorbent formwork
is only permitted if approved in the specifications.
(108) The vertical edge area of horizontal construction joints requiring formwork shall be tipped with a strip (e.g.
a roof lath) so that the construction joint is closed, overlapping outward the next time concreting is carried out.
(109) Formwork material shall be kept moist and be thoroughly wetted at least one day before concrete works.
Here, concreting sections that are already finished and the concrete still to be installed must not be
contaminated with water discoloured by rust.
(110) Formwork boards shall be clean-edged, undamaged and, for level surfaces, at least 8 cm wide and
comply at least with sorting category S 10. Unplaned boards must be at least 24 mm thick, and planed ones
must be at least 22 mm thick.
(111) The offsetting of the joints between formwork elements and between the first concrete surface and the
second concrete surface may not exceed 5 mm. The height of the ridges left in the concrete surface may not
exceed 5 mm.
(112) Water-draining formwork tracks must not be treated with release agents. When installing the concrete,
soiling of the formwork track above the concreting level should be avoided. Formwork tracks may only be used
once to guarantee their drainage capacity. The evenness of the concrete surface shall be guaranteed. If internal
vibrating units are used, a minimum distance of 10 cm from the formwork skin should be maintained.
(113) Unless otherwise approved in the specifications, formwork surfaces in contact with water and air shall
meet the requirements of surface finish concrete 2 in accordance with DBV-2. The concrete surface shall be
executed closed and with few pores. With regard to porosity requirements, pores or holes 30 mm in diameter
and/or 10 mm in depth are not permitted. (111) and (162) apply to offset and straightness requirements.
(114) Fine mortar leaks shall be removed.
Inserts in formwork (cf. DIN EN 13670, 5.6)
(115) Measures for the sufficient sealing of the formwork and to prevent any damage to the corrosion protection
should be taken at the edges of the inserts.
(116) If installed components are installed by third parties before concreting, the contractor shall be responsible
for maintaining the correct position during installation of the formwork and concreting. The contractor must
check that these inserts are properly fixed before concreting.
(117) To avoid rust stripes on the concrete surfaces, untreated steel components shall be protected with
suitable means until conservation is carried out.
(118) An offset of > 3 mm between the concrete surface and the installed component is not permitted.
Reinforcement (cf. DIN 13670, 6)
General (cf. DIN EN 13670, 6.1)
(119) The origin and grade of the reinforcing steel shall be verified by the contractor through delivery tickets 4
weeks prior to installation.
(120) Prior to performing steps that will withdraw parts of the work from testing and assessment, the client shall
be notified ahead of time in writing, and given the opportunity to request assessment of the status together with
the contractor pursuant to Section 4 (10) VOB/B. At the same time, a building inspection pursuant to public law
will be performed by the client.
Materials (cf. DIN EN 13670, 6.2)
(121) Unless otherwise approved in the specifications, 4 spacers per square metre shall be installed.
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(122) Spacers between adjoining areas (e.g. formwork, concrete sublayer, foundation pit linings) shall be made
from cement-bound mortar or concrete. Their characteristics shall be at least the same as those of the
surrounding concrete.
(123) S-hooks may only be used in combination with spacer brackets.
(124) The reinforcement shall be supported by suitable devices which must be dimensioned for the necessary
working processes. The secure position of the reinforcement shall be demonstrated by static calculations.
(125) Installation openings for the concrete shall be provided in horizontal reinforcements with dense
reinforcement layers. These openings (minimum 20 cm x 20 cm) shall be planned and marked in the execution
plans and the location.
Welding (cf. DIN EN 13670, 6.4)
(126) The welding of reinforcing steel is only permitted in justified exceptional cases and requires the client’s
approval. In this case, tests according to DIN EN ISO 17660 shall be carried out.
Concrete work (cf. DIN EN 13670, 8)
Concrete specification and pre-concreting operations (cf. DIN EN 13670, 8.2)
(127) Unless otherwise approved in the specifications, the client shall be provided with a concreting concept for
approval at least 4 weeks before the first concrete installation and be provided with a concreting plan for
approval at least 3 working days before each concreting. The concreting concept and concreting plan must
contain at least the information according to Appendix 2.
(128) Fresh concrete at the place of installation and hardened concrete in the building component shall possess
the characteristics which are specified in the specifications and the suitability tests.
(129) For components with the smallest dimension < 0.8 m, the fresh concrete temperature at the point of
handover may not exceed 30 C, and max. 25 °C for subgrade concretes.
(130) The following applies to massive components:
Fresh concrete with a temperature > 25 C at the place of installation may not be installed.
For the first 168 hours (7 days) after the installation of the concrete, the maximum temperature increase in
the component may not exceed the limit values given in Table 2.2, column 3 of ZTV-W LB 215, and the
maximum building component temperature may not exceed the limit values given in Table 2.2, column 4 of
ZTV-W LB 215, or any corresponding regulations in the specifications for components in other exposure
Construction joints
(131) The layout of the construction joints (including all sealing elements) shall be presented in plans and,
together with the execution drawings, submitted to the client for approval. The execution of the construction
joints (curing, preparation, type and number of sealing elements, joints in sealing elements, cleaning options,
accessibility) shall be presented in detail in the concreting concept and the construction plans. The use of
surface retarding agents in construction joints is not permitted.
(132) Construction joints should run horizontally or vertically. In water level fluctuation areas (in the case of
locks in the area of the top and bottom water level), they should be avoided.
(133) To achieve sufficient bonding, the coarse granular structure of the concrete should be exposed in the joint
surfaces. Roughness and surface quality of
Construction joints without formwork shall, in the entire construction joint area including the subsequent
concrete cover immediately before concrete installation, meet the requirements of the “corrugated” category
according to DIN EN 1992-1-1, 6.2.5. For surfaces to be classed as “corrugated” using the Kaufmann
method of measurement, they should have a mean profile height Rt ≥ 3.0 mm or a maximum profile height of
Rp ≥ 2.2 mm or a minimum 6 mm aggregate exposure when using aggregate with dg ≥ 16 mm.
Construction joints with formwork shall, in the entire construction joint area including the subsequent
concrete cover immediately before concrete installation, meet the requirements of the “rough” category
according to DIN EN 1992-1-1, 6.2.5. When using the Kaufmann method of measurement, surfaces to be
classed as “rough” should have a mean height of the profile Rt ≥ 1.5 mm or a maximum profile height Rp ≥
1.1 mm or a 3 mm minimum exposure of the aggregate, respectively.
(134) Immediately after concreting, the surface of the construction joints shall be cured in accordance with
Chapter 8.5 of ZTV-W LB 215.
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(135) If expanded metal is used, it shall be completely removed from the construction joint prior to installing the
concrete of the next concreting section. After that, the construction joint shall be treated to meet the
requirements according to (133) for construction joints without formwork.
(136) For wall or column type components (thickness < 0.8 m) or very strongly reinforced building components,
a joint mixture with largest grain ≤ 16 mm shall be provided. The joint mixture should meet the same
requirements as the remaining concrete in the relevant concreting section.
(137) To ensure the water impermeability of construction joints in first stage concrete, additional sealing
elements according to (133) shall be provided. Two internal sealing levels shall be provided in construction
methods with expansion joints; in monolithic construction, a central sealing level shall be provided.
(138) Joint plates shall be arranged in horizontal construction joints, and joint plates or elastomer waterstops
with steel tabs in accordance with DIN 7865-1 shall be arranged in vertical construction joints. Half of the width
of the sealing element shall be cast in concrete on both sides of the construction joint. Construction joint
waterstops and plates shall be connected at the crossover points with each other and, if necessary, with
expansion joint waterstops and at butt joints these shall be connected in a way that is watertight. Butt joints of
elastomer waterstop shall be connected by vulcanisation only. Overlaps in the butt joint area of joint plates shall
be sealed with a watertight edge. Joint plates shall be made of sheet metal with a min. 2 mm thickness. The
minimum width of the joint plates shall be 300 mm.
(139) In construction joints, as an additional safety measure for the concrete edge zone, an injection hose shall
be inserted approx. 6 cm after the last reinforcement layer. The junction boxes shall be stored outside of the
aforementioned areas. ZTV-ING applies for the filling agent and injection with injection hoses. Unless stipulated
otherwise in the specifications, the injection shall be carried out under cement suspension. Acrylate gels as
fillers are not permitted. The injection time shall be approved by the client.
(140) On components bordering on interior spaces with special requirements for water impermeability (e.g.
technology rooms), additional injection hoses shall be placed as potential secondary sealing in construction
joints for later injections. The junction boxes shall be stored outside of construction joints in locations that will be
accessible later on. ZTV-ING applies for injection with injection hoses. The injection time shall be agreed upon
with the client ahead of time.
Expansion joints
(141) In construction with expansion joints, two sealing levels with internal expansion joint waterstops shall be
provided in one expansion joint. The free ends of expansion joint waterstops shall be routed to run underneath
the respective subgrade. Samples of expansion joint waterstops, possibly including the connection, test
certificates (acceptance test certificate A in accordance with DIN 7865-2 with tests according to Table 1, 6.2 to
6.8, object-specifically 6.9 to 6.12, where applicable) and information on the material composition shall be
submitted to the client for approval 6 weeks prior to installation. For each waterstop type used, 0.4 m of extra
length shall be provided for the monitoring test. Samples for the monitoring test shall be taken in the presence of
the client and documented by the contractor. DIN 18197 applies to the connection of waterstops. Site
documentation in accordance with DIN 18197, Appendix B, qualification tests in accordance with DIN 18197,
Appendix C and test reports in accordance with DIN 18197, Appendix E, shall be submitted to the client.
Delivery, reception and site transport of concrete (cf. DIN EN 13670, 8.3)
(142) The contractor shall ensure that the proposed concreting is still carried out in the event mixing plants fail.
Substitute mixing plants shall keep and use the same concrete raw materials as the proposed mixing plants.
(143) If concrete pumps are used, it must be possible to use a replacement pump of the same capacity within
30 minutes in the event of a concrete pump failure.
(144) Mobile mixers or vehicles with stirring equipment shall be completely unloaded after no more than 90
minutes, and vehicles without mixers or stirring equipment for the transport of concrete of a stiff consistency
shall be completely unloaded no more than 45 minutes after the first addition of water to the cement.
Placing and compacting (cf. DIN EN 13670, 8.4)
(145) The concrete shall be installed in horizontal layers of equal thickness fresh-on-fresh; the thickness of the
individual layers should generally not exceed 0.5 m.
(146) External shakers are only permitted for simultaneous use with internal shakers.
(147) During the concreting works, a representative of the contractor with proven extended training in concrete
technology (so-called ‘E Certificate’) shall be present on site and supervise the concrete installation.
(148) Horizontal or slightly inclined surfaces of building components should be levelled off, as far as possible,
with vibrating beams.
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(149) Before the surface treatment, the concrete should always be re-compacted.
(150) If subgrade concrete according to (56) is installed “fresh-in-fresh” according to (16), suitable measures
shall be taken to ensure that the subgrade concrete of the top 0.2 mm does not mix with the concrete below the
subgrade concrete.
Curing and protection (cf. DIN EN 13670, 8.5)
(151) Other curing methods than the ones according to DIN EN 13670, 8.5, are only permitted if approved in the
(152) The use of curing agents shall be agreed on with the client. The suitability of the curing agents and their
compatibility with the subsoil (separating agent) shall be demonstrated. On vertical surfaces, curing agents must
be applied in two cycles (layers). Curing agents are not permitted in construction joints and interior spaces.
(153) Determining the curing duration in accordance with DIN EN 13670, 8.5, is not permitted. Table 3.1 should
be applied to determine the curing duration:
Table 3.1: Minimum duration for the curing of concrete
Strength development of the concrete
r = fcm,2/fcm,x (x = 28, 56, 91) d)
r  0.50
r  0.30
r  0.15
Minimum total curing duration in days
r < 0.15
(very slow)
a), b), e)
Of which minimum duration of curing in the formwork for concrete surfaces with formwork
For more than 5 h processing time, the curing duration should be extended accordingly.
With temperatures below 5 °C, the curing duration shall be extended by the time during which the
temperature was below 5 °C.
The strength development of the concrete is described by the ratio of the mean values for
compressive strengths fcm,2/fcm,x (x = 28, 56, 91), which was determined in the suitability test.
Interim values for the curing duration may be used.
For concrete surfaces which are exposed to wear in accordance with exposure classes XM2 and
XM3, the minimum total curing duration should be doubled. The maximum value for the minimum
duration is 30 days.
(154) For formwork-lined concrete surfaces which are exposed solely to exposure classes XC1 or XC2, and
which are covered with earth after completion of the building component, no further curing is necessary after the
minimum period of curing in the formwork as seen in Table 3.1.
(155) For subgrade concrete according to (56), assuming that complete freezing of the concrete can be
precluded, thermal insulation of the component surfaces is not permitted in the ‘fresh-on-firm’ execution variant
according to (16). The subgrade surface must be protected against evaporation in both variants according to
(16) immediately upon completion of concreting. To reduce heating due to sun radiation, the subgrade surface
shall be covered with light-coloured or reflective foil.
Post-concreting operations (cf. DIN EN 13670, 8.6)
(156) The hardened surface shall have a surface tensile strength of at least 1.5 N/mm².
Surface finish (cf. DIN EN 13670, 8.8)
(157) If stricter requirements than those in 5.4 of ZTV-W LB 215 are approved of in the specifications, DBV-2
shall apply. However, the minimum requirements in (158) and (159) shall apply.
(158) The contractor and the client shall agree on a formwork sample plan in good time. The layout and
formation of the formwork, formwork anchors and cone closures (e.g. direction of formwork boards, joints, joint
seals, formwork flaps and openings) as well as all other anchorage points (e.g. for climbing scaffold) shall be
shown in a schematic.
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(159) The formwork shall meet the following requirements:
Formwork joints shall be leak-tight, and any leakage of cement paste is to be prevented.
The formwork skin shall be such that the formwork looks neat and tidy.
Repairs to the formwork skin that change the appearance of the concrete surface are not allowed.
In the case of board formwork, a leak-tight tongue and groove structure, e.g. under-jointed wedge tongue
and groove work, shall be provided.
Formwork with formwork skins from different manufacturers may not be used together within a building
Geometrical tolerances (cf. DIN EN 13670, 10)
General (cf. DIN EN 13670, 10.1)
(160) Deviation limits of inserts are specified in the specifications.
Sections (cf. DIN EN 13670, 10.6)
(161) The concrete cover on the finished component may exceed the nominal value c nom by no more than 20
Surfaces and edge straightness (cf. DIN EN 13670, 10.7)
(162) Unless otherwise approved in the specifications, the following straightness tolerance requirements shall
The straightness of the top side of lock and weir floors shall be in accordance with DIN 18202, Table 3,
line 1.
The straightness of traffic areas (lock subgrade, operating rooms, quay) shall be in accordance with DIN
18202, Table 3, line 3.
The straightness of vertical surfaces and undersides of ceilings shall be in accordance with DIN 18202,
Table 3, line 6.
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Re DIN 1045-3, Appendix NB: Tests for the definitive fresh and hardened concrete characteristics
General (cf. DIN 1045-3, NB.1)
(163) The principle of concrete families under the conditions listed in DIN 1045-3, Appendix NB, NB.1 (4) may
not be applied.
(164) In addition to DIN 1045-3, Table NB.1, the following minimum frequencies shall apply to monitoring
categories 2 and 3 upon handover of the concrete from the ready-mixed concrete manufacturer to the contractor
for each supplier plant:
The consistency of the first five vehicles and every fifth vehicle afterwards shall be inspected.
The w/c value of the first two vehicles and every tenth vehicle afterwards shall be inspected, as well as
where there is doubt as to the w/c value. The effective water content shall be determined according to DBV1, Chapter 3. The cement and additive content should be taken from the information on actual levels in the
delivery ticket. The air-entraining pot shall be used to determine the fresh concrete particle density. If the
core moisture of the aggregate is to be taken into account (water absorption in accordance with DIN EN
1097-6), its size shall be tested as part of suitability testing and a valid test certificate from the aggregate
supplier shall be provided.
In the case of concrete with requirements for minimum air content, the consistency and air content of the
concrete in every vehicle shall be tested.
(165) The following tests shall be performed at the place of installation, documented and made available to the
In the case of concrete with requirements for minimum air content, to verify processing characteristics and
the stability of the air pores, the consistency and air content of the fresh concrete shall also be tested directly
at the place of installation. For this, at each concreting section, the concrete in the first 10 delivery vehicles
and then that in every 10th vehicle shall be inspected.
For the testing of the gap tensile strength, unless otherwise approved in the specifications, for monitoring
categories 2 and 3, at least 2 samples each for max. 300 m³ or 3 concreting days should be taken,
whichever yields the greater number of samples. As far as the sampling process is concerned, DIN 1045-3,
Appendix NB.2, line (2), should be noted.
To test the water penetration depth (testing only at w/c > 0.55), unless otherwise approved in the
specifications, with monitoring categories 2 and 3, at least 1 sample each for max. 300 m³ or 3 concreting
days should be taken, whichever yields the greater number of samples. As far as the sampling process is
concerned, Appendix NB.2, line (2), should be noted.
In the case of concrete with requirements for frost/de-icing salt resistance XF4, the test according to BAWMFB shall be carried out at least once during building work, unless otherwise approved in the specifications.
The samples should be taken directly at the place of installation.
(166) Regarding the fresh concrete characteristics at the point of handover, the client shall specify allowances in
design for deviation that take into consideration any change in the fresh concrete characteristics between
handover and place of installation.
(167) If the results of above tests are insufficient, the concrete in this delivery must be rejected or may not be
(168) A function check of the technical equipment according to DIN 1045-3, Table NB.1, line 9, shall be carried
out every fifth concreting day and shall be documented.
(169) In the case of site-mixed concrete which is transported with ready-mixed concrete vehicles, the rules for
ready-mixed concrete shall apply correspondingly. For ready-mixed concrete and site-mixed concrete which is
transported in other ways, rules which ensure a comparable level of quality must be laid down and submitted to
the client for approval.
Testing the compressive strength of concrete according to its properties if ready-mixed concrete is
used (cf. DIN 1045-3, NB.2)
(170) Concretes with the same raw materials, same w/c value but different largest grain are not considered to
be one and the same concrete.
(cf. DIN 1045-3, NB.2 (6))
(171) If a test according to DIN 1045-3, NB.2, (6), cannot be carried out, the client shall be notified immediately.
(172) The use of non-destructive test methods (e.g. rebound hammer) is not permitted.
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DIN 1045-3, Appendix NC: Monitoring the installation of concrete in monitoring categories 2 and 3 by
the building company
(173) After completion of the concreting work for the concreting section in question, or upon special request, the
client shall promptly be given a summary and evaluation, including statistics, of the tests that have been carried
Documentation (cf. DIN 1045-3, NC.2)
(174) All documents (e.g. concreting log, summary of results) shall be kept separately for each concrete.
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Summary of regulations cited
DIN EN 196-8,
DIN EN 197-1
DIN EN 197-4
DIN EN 206-1
DIN EN 450
DIN 488-1
DIN EN 934-2
DIN EN 1008
DIN 1045-2
DIN 1045-3
DIN 1048
DIN EN 1097-6
DIN 1164-10
DIN EN 1990
DIN EN 1992-1-1
DIN 7865-1
DIN 7865-2
DIN 7865-3
DIN EN 12390-8
DIN EN 12620
DIN EN 13055-1
DIN EN 13670
DIN EN ISO 17660
DIN 18197
DIN 18202
DIN 18331
DIN 19702
ZTV-W LB 219
ZTV-W LB 215 Edition 2012
BAW Code of Practice “Limitation of Crack Widths resulting from Thermal Restraint Due to
Hydration Heat in Solid Structural Elements” (MFZ), Federal Waterways Engineering and
Research Institute, Karlsruhe
BAW Code of Practice "Frost Resistance Testing of Concrete" (MFB), Federal Waterways
Engineering and Research Institute, Karlsruhe
BAW Code of Practice “Second stage concrete”, Federal Waterways Engineering and
Research Institute, Karlsruhe
Decree by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development, Dept. WS
on: DAfStb-2, DAfStb Guideline “Measures to prevent harmful alkali reactions in concrete
(Alkali Guideline)” in its latest version, last: WS 13/5257.6/2, Bonn, 08.12.2010
Guideline “Massive concrete components“
Guideline “Measures to prevent harmful alkali reactions in concrete”
DBV Code of Practice “Special methods for testing fresh concrete”
DBV Code of Practice “Surface finish concrete”
Methods of testing cement – Part 8: Heat of hydration – Solution method
Cement – Part 1: Composition, requirements and conformity criteria of common cements
Cement – Part 4: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for low early strength
blast furnace cements
Concrete – Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity
Fly ash for concrete
Reinforcing steels: Grades, properties, marking
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout – Part 2: Concrete admixtures; Definitions,
requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
Mixing water for concrete -Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability
of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing
water for concrete
Plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures – Part 2: Concrete – Specification,
properties, production and conformity – Application rules for DIN EN 206-1
Concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures – Part 3: Execution of structures
– Application rules for DIN EN 13670
Testing concrete; testing of hardened concrete
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates – Part 6: Determination of
particle density and water absorption
Special cement – Part 10: Composition, requirements and conformity evaluation for
special common cement
Basis of structural design, including National Annex
Design of concrete structures, Part 1-1, General rules and rules for buildings, including
National Annex
Elastomeric-Waterstops for sealant of joints in concrete – Part 1: Shapes and dimensions
Elastomeric-Waterstops for sealant of joints in concrete – Part 2: Material specifications
and testing
Elastomer waterstops for sealing joints in concrete – Part 3: Range of applications
Testing hardened concrete – Part 8: Depth of penetration of water under pressure
Aggregates for concrete; German version of EN 12620
Lightweight aggregates – Part 1: Lightweight aggregates for concrete, mortar and grout
German version of EN 13055-1
Execution of concrete structures
Welding – Welding of reinforcing steel
Sealing of joints in concrete with waterstops
Tolerances in building construction – Buildings
German construction contract procedures (VOB) – Part C: General technical specifications
in construction contracts (ATV) – Concrete works
Solid structures in hydraulic engineering – Bearing capacity, serviceability and durability
Basic principles for awarding the environmental marking RAL-UZ 64, an environmental
marking for rapidly biodegradable lubricants and forming oils, RAL e.V., St. Augustin
Additional technical terms of contract and guidelines for civil engineering works
Additional technical terms of contract – Hydraulic Engineering for the Protection and
Repair of Concrete Components of Hydraulic Structures, LB 219
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Appendix 1:
Suitability tests
Explanatory note: Suitability testing by the contractor includes tests similar to initial tests according to DIN EN 206-1 and
additional tests specified in ZTV-W 215.
Fresh concrete testing
Testing compatibility if several admixtures are used should take into account the climatic conditions on site and
the concrete temperature. The stability of the air pores in concrete with artificially incorporated air pores should
be demonstrated up to the place of installation (at the end of the pump hose in the case of concrete pumps).
As part of suitability testing, for concrete of consistency class  F4, tests shall be carried out on fresh concrete
before the addition of admixtures (starting concrete) and, where for the formula so provided for, after the
addition of one or more admixtures.
Quasi-adiabatic temperature increase
Determination using large concrete blocks
For each concrete, a large-format concrete block (approx. 2.0 m x 2.0 m x 2.0 m) shall be made according to
specifications (Fig. 1). The block shall be provided on all sides with thermal insulation (d  360 mm; thermal
conductance class 040 or less, sufficient compressive strength). Through-ties are not permitted. The fresh
concrete temperature at installation must not fall below 15 C; the ambient air temperature during the test
(duration: 168 h) must not fall below 5 C. Two temperature sensors (5 cm apart) should be positioned at the
centre of the block. In each case, two further temperature sensors should be positioned on an imaginary line
between the centre of the block and the middle of a side surface or the middle of the top side, at a distance of 5
cm and 50 cm from the surface (see Figure). The temperature sensors to be used are resistance detectors with
a permissible variation of +/- 1 K. The measuring chain (temperature sensor, data logger, power supply) shall
have an accuracy of ± 1 K for temperature recording. The documentation of the measuring chain (data sheets,
data logger configuration, data processing) shall be enclosed with the measuring report. The change in
temperature in the concrete block and the temperature of the ambient air shall be measured continuously over a
period of at least 168 hours (7 days). It must be possible to determine the fresh concrete temperature T concrete
and the temperature rise Tadiab,7d (temperature change detected by temperature sensors over 168 hours in the
block centre) from the records.
• Temperature sensor
Figure 1: Concrete block showing location of temperature sensor
Determination by calculation/measurement
Unless otherwise approved in the specifications, the quasi-adiabatic temperature increase of the concrete shall
be determined after 7 days:
by measurement using an adiabatic concrete calorimeter. The measurement shall be conducted over a
period of at least 168 hours (7 days). The progress of the temperature shall be recorded continuously. The
evolution in temperature must be continuously recorded. It must be possible to determine the fresh
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concrete temperature Tconcrete and the temperature rise Tq,adiab,7d (temperature change within 168 hours)
from the records. The name of the institute to be entrusted with carrying out the calorimeter tests shall be
submitted to the client for approval.
by calculation, taking into consideration the actual heat of hydration development of the cement determined
in accordance with DIN EN 196-8.
Hardened concrete tests
Compressive and gap tensile strength
The compressive strength and the gap tensile strength should be determined at the age of 2, 7 and 28 days,
and for the verification of the compressive strength class at a higher age, additionally at this age. For this, for
each test objective and test date, 3 test samples should be prepared, stored and tested according to DIN EN
12390. The gap tensile strength shall be carried out on cubic test samples in accordance with DIN EN 12390-6,
Appendix A.
Resistance to water penetration
The water penetration resistance (e  30 mm) shall be determined on the basis of the water penetration depth at
the age of 28 days. For compressive strength testing at a higher age, the water penetration depth may be
determined at that age in deviation from the aforementioned.
Static modulus of elasticity
The static modulus of elasticity should be determined according to DIN 1048 1 at the age of 2, 7 and 28 days,
and for the verification of the compressive strength class at a higher age, additionally at this age on three test
specimens each.
Frost resistance
Frost resistance testing is governed by BAW-MFB.
Frost/de-icing salt resistance
Frost/de-icing salt resistance testing is governed by BAW-MFB.
DIN 1048 applies until a European test standard for e-modulus testing is available. After that, the European test
standard shall apply.
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Appendix 2:
Concreting concept and concreting plan
1 Concreting concept
The following additional records and information are necessary and shall be handed to the client in the form of an overall
concept 4 weeks prior to installation of the concrete.
a) List of concretes
sorted by building component/use
– fresh and hardened concrete characteristics,
– exposure class.
b) Concrete manufacture
supply and storage of raw materials (capacities, cement types/fly ash, mixing water, admixtures),
ready-mixed concrete plants (distance and required transport time),
distances both between mixing plants and site and between substitute mixing plants and site,
obstacles on the transport or substitute route, e.g. rail-type railway crossings, long hilly distances, travel through
towns, diversions, ferries.
c) List of building components
sorted by component type (diaphragm wall, floor, walls, etc.)
– requirements according to static loading and building sequence (when will which characteristics be needed, 2/7/28/56
day values, pressure, water impermeability, other),
– installation quantities, installation times (capacity calculations, m³ concrete per hour, number of plants, vehicles,
concrete pumps, staff, etc.),
– concrete installation, compaction (consistency requirements, type of installation and compaction, concreting sections,
reinforcement density),
– requirements for concrete surfaces, type of formwork, use of prefabricated elements or partly prefabricated elements
– requirements for construction joints.
d) Testing of raw materials
The results of the testing of all raw materials by the testing monitoring centres, and with aggregates, additionally the
results of the factory’s own production tests, shall be forwarded continuously to the client.
e) Construction joints
curing of construction joints,
preparation of construction joints (accessibility, methods, point in time, distance from water and erosion material,
protection against recontamination, etc.),
sealing elements (type, number, installation location, securing of position during construction, butt joint execution,
cleaning prior to concreting (accessibility, methods, openings/pump sumps for removing water, waste, erosion
material, etc.).
2 Concreting plan
The concreting plan shall contain at least the following information:
a) Timetable
duration of concreting work,
b) Building component plan
requirements according to static loading and building sequence (when will which characteristic be needed, 2/7/28/56
day values, pressure, WU, consistency, other),
installation quantities, installation times (capacity calculations, m³ concrete per hour, number of plants, vehicles,
concrete pumps, staff, etc.),
concrete installation, compaction (consistency requirements, type of installation and compaction, concreting sections,
reinforcement content, 0-32 or 0-16),
requirements for concrete surfaces, type of formwork, use of prefabricated elements or partly prefabricated elements
manufacture of construction joints.
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c) Concrete
sorted by building components/use/installation sequence
– requirements (strength, water impermeability, frost resistance, temperature, monitoring category),
– fresh concrete characteristics, other characteristics.
d) Consideration of the effects of the weather
measures to maintain the fresh concrete temperature (+5°C to +25°C, cooling, heating),
concreting at low temperatures/frost (aggregates, concreting on frozen components, thin components, monitoring
component temperature),
influence of weather conditions on concrete technology (consistency, hardening, air pore space),
sufficient processing capability (addition of retarding agents).
e) Personnel plan (per layer of concrete)
concrete installation/concrete production,
supplying the concrete,
conveyance of the concrete,
curing of the concrete,
internal monitoring – concrete testing,
proof of special capability for monitoring category 2,
documentation of concreting.
The personnel deployment plan should list the proposed personnel by name and show the various qualifications
f) Concrete manufacture
list of supplier plants.
g) Concrete installation
specification of installation quantities, installation times, installation layers
work instructions for installation and compaction, conveyance and curing.
h) Conveyance of the concrete
pump plan – standby equipment – position adaptors.
Monitoring the concrete manufacture
type and scope of fresh concrete tests,
type and scope of quality control tests,
hardening tests (e.g. at low temperatures).
Development of heat, measurement monitoring
monitoring temperature differences, measurement programme, defining measurement points.
k) Curing plan
type of curing (formwork, mats, liquid curing agents),
curing duration (depending on concrete formula, weather, etc.),
timing of curing measures,
timing of work on construction joints.
Measures in the event of problems
failure of machinery and equipment during concrete production, supply and conveyance (mixer unit, vehicles,
concrete pump, compaction equipment, etc.).
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