ABSTRAK PENELITIAN KOMPETISI INTERNAL TAHUN 2014 Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Hasanuddin Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10 Makassar Telp. : 0411 587032, , 582500, 588888 Fax.(0411) 587032, 584024 Website : http://www.unhas.ac.id/lppm email : lp2m@unhas.ac.ids MODELING OF AN EARTHQUAKE RISK AS A POINT PROCESS FROM INDONESIAN REGION 1 Sunusi N, 1Kresna A J, 1Islamiyati A, 1Herdiani E.T 1 Mathematics Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Hasanuddin University, Indonesia. Abstract Study on geophysical risk is still an interesting topic to study. In the seismological context, geophysical risk/hazard rate (earthquake hazard) is defined as the expected rate of occurrence of an event per unit time. In this research, the occurrence of an earthquake was considered as a renewal process in which the last earthquake event was considered as an observed event for the next earthquake. In this process, we assumed that the inter event time was exponentially distributed. To estimate the parameters of model, we used a Bayesian approach in which the Gamma parameter was used as prior information. The result showed that earthquake risk in some parts of Indonesia was depending on the inter event time and the number of earthquake occurrence. Keywords: Geophysical risk, Point process, Renewal process, Bayesian. Mathematics Subject Classification : 62M86.