Urinary System

Excretory System
Name: ________________________________________
Complete each statement by writing the correct term or phrase in the space provided.
1. The process by which the body removes wastes made during metabolic reactions is called ______________________.
2. Removing wastes allows the body to maintain is _____________________ and _____________________ balance.
In the space provided, write the name of the excretory organ next to the materials excreted by that organ.
_____________________ 3. cellular wastes in urine
_____________________ 4. carbon dioxide in exhaled air
_____________________ 5. water, salts, and nitrogen wastes in sweat
Complete each statement by writing the correct term or phrase in the space provided.
6. The _____________________ filter wastes out of the blood.
7. _____________________ are small tubes inside kidneys that clean the blood.
8. The water, urea, and various salts that are left after reabsorption and secretion in the nephrons together make up
______________________ .
9. The tubes that carry urine away from the kidneys to the urinary bladder are called ______________________ .
10. The organ that stores urine is called the ______________________ _____________________.
11. Urine leaves the body through the ______________________.
12. Kidney damage can disrupt the body’s ______________________.
13. When both kidneys fail, kidney ______________________ or a kidney transplant can enable the patient to survive.
The figure at right shows a nephron from a kidney. In the spaces provided, label the
following structures: Bowman’s capsule, capillaries, renal tubule, collecting duct, and
14. ______________________
17. ______________________
15. ______________________
18. ______________________
16. ______________________
Read each question, and write your answer in the space provided.
19. Why it is important that the renal tubules be surrounded by a network of capillaries?
20. Predict the effects that reduced blood flow to the kidneys could have on
Self-Quiz. Section: Excretion
In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes each
statement or best answers each question.
_____ 1. Which of the following can happen if the kidneys fail?
a. Toxic wastes can accumulate in plasma.
d. All of the above
b. Blood-plasma ion levels can increase.
c. Kidney dialysis may be necessary.
_____ 2. The elimination of urine from the body is called
a. filtration.
c. reabsorption.
b. urination.
d. secretion.
_____ 3. Urine is normally composed of all of the following except
a. water.
c. blood.
b. urea.
d. salts.
_____ 4. Within each Bowman’s capsule is a fine network of capillaries called a
a. glomerulus.
c. collecting duct.
b. renal tubule.
d. nephron.
_____ 5. Which structure or structures are directly involved in removing wastes from the blood?
a. ureter
c. urea
b. nephron
d. All of the above
In the space provided, write the letter of the description that best matches the term or phrase.
_____ 6. kidney
_____ 7. nephron
_____ 8. ureter
_____ 9. urinary bladder
_____ 10. Urethra
a. hollow muscular sac that stores urine
b. organ that regulates the amount of water and salts in
blood plasma
c. tube through which urine exits the body
d. tube that connects the kidney to the urinary bladder
e. blood-filtering unit of the kidney
Digestive/Urinary System Vocab Review: Complete each statement by writing the correct term or phrase in the space
1. A(n) ______________________ is a substance the body needs for energy, growth, repair, and maintenance.
2. The process of breaking down food into molecules the body can use is called_____________.
3. A(n) ______________________ is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water 1°C
4. Carbon-based substances that are necessary, in small amounts, for the normal metabolic functioning of the body are
called _____________________.
5. Inorganic substances that are necessary to make certain body structures and substances, to continue normal nerve
and muscle function, and to maintain osmotic balance are called _______________________ .
In the space provided, write the letter of the description that best matches the term or phrase.
_____ 6. peristalsis
a. toxic metabolic waste
b. fine, fingerlike projections in the small intestine
_____ 7. esophagus
c. a long tube that connects the mouth to the stomach
_____ 8. pepsin
d. a digestive enzyme secreted by the stomach
e. wave of muscle contractions that pushes food into
_____ 9. villi
the stomach
_____ 10. Urea
Use the terms fromthe list below to fill in the blanks in the following passage.
urinary bladder
The process that rids the body of toxic metabolic wastes and that maintains osmotic and pH balances is called
(11) _______________________. The organs of excretion are the lungs, the kidneys, and the skin. The tiny tubes in the
kidneys with cup-shaped capsules surrounding a tight ball of capillaries that filter wastes from the blood are
(12) ________________ . These tubes retain useful molecules, and they produce (13) _________________ . Urine is
carried from the kidneys into the (14) _____________ ________by tubes called (15) ______________________ . Urine
leaves the body through a tube called the (16) ______________________ .