Content Outline

Chapter 6
Section 1 The Respiratory System
A. Functions of the respiratory system—supply ___________ to the body
1. ______________ is the movement of the chest that brings air into the lungs
and removes waste gases.
2. _____________ ________________—oxygen is used by the cells to release
energy from glucose
3. The waste products of cellular respiration are ___________ ____________
and water.
B. Organs of the respiratory system
1. The ____________ is a tubelike passageway used by food, liquid, and air;
lower end has a tissue flap called the epiglottis, to prevent food or liquid from
entering the airway.
2. Air passes through the ___________, which contains the vocal cords used
to speak.
3. ____________—tube held open by rings of cartilage;
4. At the lower end of the trachea, two short tubes called ____________
branch into smaller tubes
5. Smallest tubes are bronchioles, which end in clusters of ____________.
6. The alveoli are surrounded by ________________. This is where oxygen
enters the blood and waste products exit the blood.
C. Why do you ____________?
1. Signals from your brain tell muscles in your chest and abdomen to
_____________ and relax.
a. If carbon dioxide levels in the blood increase, your ______________
rate increases.
b. If ___________ ____________ levels decrease, breathing rate
2. ______________—muscle that contracts and relaxes to move gas into and
out of the lungs
D. Diseases and Disorders of Respiratory System
1. Respiratory infections—colds, the flu, ______________
2. ____________ _______________—bronchial tubes become irritated and
swell; too much mucus is produced; excess coughing can damage cilia, form
scar tissue, and reduce respiratory system function.
3. ______________—disease of the alveoli, which enlarge and fail to function
a. Causes shortness of ___________.
b. Can often lead to __________ problems.
4. _________ ___________ uncontrolled cell growth in lung tissue
a. ____________ is the greatest contributing factor.
b. Tar and other ingredients in smoke are ________________
5. ___________—disorder in which bronchial tubes contract quickly, causing
shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing.
Content Outline
Section 2 The Excretory System
A. Functions of the excretory system—remove body wastes through the ________,
and through the _______________, circulatory, ______________, and urinary
1. Urinary system—gets rid of _________ wastes which accumulate in the
____________ and controls blood volume
a. Controls blood volume by removing excess ____________ produced by
the cells
2. The part of the brain called the __________________ regulates amount of
water in blood
a. If too much water, _____________ from the hypothalamus tell
kidneys to increase amount of __________ and return less water to the
b. If too little water, hormones tell kidneys to _____________ amount
of urine and return more water to the blood
3. Organs of the urinary system
a. Two ________________ pass the blood through filtering units
called _______________.
i. Located on the back wall of the __________ at about
waist high
ii. Main function is to __________ the blood that
contains waste collected from cells
iii. In app. ___ minutes all of the blood in your body
passes through the kidney
b. Nephrons – _________ stage filtration system
i. Blood moves from the ________ artery to the
capillaries in the cuplike structure
ii. First – ___________, sugar, salt, and wastes from
the blood pass into the cuplike structure
iii. Next liquid in the cuplike structure is squeezed into
the __________
iv. Capillaries perform the second filtration- Most of
the water, sugar and salts are ______________ and
returned to the blood flow
v. Collection capillaries merge to form a _________
Vein, and return purified blood to the
_______________ system
vi. Liquid, salts and other waste that is not reabsorbed
becomes ___________
vii. An average sized person produces about ___ L of
urine per day
c. Urine drains from kidneys to the bladder through tubes called
d. The _________________ passes urine out of the body.
B. Other organs of excretion—liver produces a chemical called __________ which
ends up in urine
1. ________________ from broken down cells become part of bile, which is
the digestive fluid from the liver
C. Urinary diseases and disorders
1. Infections often occur in the ________________ but then spread to the
2. Ureters and urethra can become ____________, interrupting the flow of
urine and damaging the kidneys. (kidney Stones)
3. _______________ can detect urinary tract disorders and other health
a. Change in urine _________ can suggest kidney or liver failure
b. High levels of ____________ can be a sign of diabetes
c. Increase amounts of the protein _______________ indicates
Kidney disease or heart failure
4. Kidney failure
a. A person with ___________ kidney can live normally.
b. If both kidneys fail, the person might need a ____________ machine
to filter blood.
Discussion Question
What happens if there is too much water in the blood?