University of Wolverhampton School of Health and Wellbeing School of Health and Wellbeing (SHaW) Suitability Panel Procedures Introduction Fitness for Practice (Suitability) is defined as suitability to be registered with, or to be recommended for entry onto a professional register without restrictions. This requires registrants and students on professional programmes to be of good character and conduct and who are physically and mentally fit to practise. The School of Health and Wellbeing recognises that academic success does not necessarily equate with the professional requirements for registration, and aims to assure itself that the student has the capability for safe and effective practice without supervision. These suitability procedures should be read in conjunction with course handbooks and regulations and professional codes of conduct relevant to the professional programme of study and the termination and suspension of placement procedures. Terms of Reference 1. Consider the suitability for admission of students onto a professional programme where fitness for practice is called into question. 2. Consider a student’s fitness for practice when they have declared a change in the status of their health or character during the duration of their course. 3. Consider evidence where there are concerns about a student’s fitness for practice and/or serious breaches in code/s of professional practice/placement policies and procedures and decide whether further action is required. See the termination and suspension of placement procedures for examples. 4. Monitor the number of students with disability and the overall support for students in SHaW 5. Monitor the number and reasons for termination and suspension of placement. 6. The Shaw Suitability Panel will produce and annual report of its activity. 7. Provide advice to staff about management of suitability concerns. Related University of Wolverhampton policies/procedures Fitness to Practise Policy and Procedure (2010) Policy Statement on Equal Opportunities (2000) Student Disciplinary Procedure (2006) Student Conduct (1989) Principles i. Reporting a case of unfitness for practice is appropriate if it is believed that the conduct, competence, practice, good health or character of a student is impaired to the extent that the protection of the public and the university community may be compromised. ii. In cases of student discipline and academic misconduct, existing university policies will be applied. However it is recognised that academic and professional conduct are interrelated, for example, some cases of academic misconduct may call into question a student’s fitness for practice/suitability resulting in referral to the panel following the academic misconduct hearing. 1 of 3 Amended August 2012 iii. Repeated incidents of a minor disciplinary nature which are documented may result in referral to the Suitability Panel. iv. Decisions made about a student’s fitness for practice/suitability will be based on relevant university policies and codes, and codes of professional conduct and guidance from the relevant professional or statutory body. Membership Chair/Deputy Chair: Associate Dean Trust Representative Local Authority Representative Independent Agency Representative A specialist from the same field of practice as the student (the midwife representative should be a Supervisor of Midwives) Academic representative from each professional group Student Enabling Centre Representative Student Office Representative The Head of Conduct and Appeals Unit has the right to attend any of the meetings, and will act in advisory capacity to the panel The Head of Conduct and Appeals Unit has the right to attend any of the meetings, and will act in advisory capacity to the panel A note taker will be in attendance. Frequency of meetings The guiding principle determining the frequency of meetings will be the timely processing of cases. The panel will normally meet monthly. Quoracy For consideration of student conduct/suitability the quoracy requirement will be a minimum of: Chair/Deputy Chair: Associate Dean Subject/Programme Leader or deputy Partner/employer representative. For conduct cases, a representative from the same profession/field of practice as the student* (the midwife representative should be a Supervisor of Midwives). * For nursing, depending on the case being considered, the Trust representative may also represent the same field of practice as the student. In exceptional circumstances when the professional representative cannot attend the panel meeting, representation may occur by consultation/correspondence. Referral to the Panel i. Fitness for practice/suitability concerns will normally be referred by the PL for Practice and Innovation or deputy or Subject/Programme leader/Chair of the Social Work Practice Placement Enquiry (PPE) meeting. ii. The panel will be automatically notified of any termination and suspension of placement. iii. The panel will automatically consider all positive CRBs and any self declaration of change to character or health status made during the programme. v. The panel will be notified of any academic misconduct, or disciplinary hearings, and in such cases will consider the implications for professional practice and may consider further sanction. For example, proven academic misconduct in the final year of study, for students 2 of 3 Amended August 2012 enrolled on professional courses leading to registration as a nurse, midwife or social worker, will result in discontinuation from the programme. Investigation i. Following referral or fitness for practice concerns, the Dean of School (or designated deputy) will instigate a preliminary investigation into the allegations made1. The student will be informed of the investigation and may be suspended from the whole or any part of the course pending completion of an investigation. The student will be afforded an opportunity to state his/her case as part of such investigation, and will have the right to be represented at any meetings. ii. The investigation should involve consultation with relevant parties/witnesses who may be asked to provide a statement/report that will considered by the panel. Relevant parties may include senior managers, mentors/practice assessors, practice educators/supervisors, practice managers and HEI staff. iii. The investigation will not normally take longer than 25 working days, but may be extended if further witness statements are required. The student will be notified in cases where an investigation is extended beyond 25 working days. iv. The panel must be able to demonstrate impartiality in any investigation that is carried out. v. The Suitability Panel reserve the right to request additional information. Outcome of SHaW Suitability Panel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The case provided no grounds for concern and the case is dismissed. Grounds for concern are sufficient for referral to the University Fitness to Practise Panel Recommend a course of remedial action that must be monitored and reviewed for an agreed period. For example, students may be asked to complete reflective writing, or comply with an action plan to enhance fitness to practise. In cases of assessment of suitability on entry to the programme, the panel reserve the right to terminate the student’s application/ terminate the student from the programme. Make recommendation to the assessment board to fail the assessment of practice 2 with or without a resit opportunity. For cases where a student’s placement has been suspended or terminated, the panel will make recommendation about whether the student should return to placement or another placement should be offered.3 The professional body will be notified of any serious breach of code/s of professional practice. Referral to the conduct and appeal unit for a disciplinary or academic misconduct hearing. If the case is proven, the suitability panel will consider the professional implications, and may apply further sanction. Students must be informed in writing of the panel’s decision within 10 working days. Appeal There is no right of appeal to the School of Health and Wellbeing Suitability Panel. 1 For Social Work this may be delegated to the Practice Placement Enquiry, and in such cases the chair should be independent, i.e has not had any involvement with the student in relation to the practice issue under investigation. 2 For Social Work, the Practice Assessment panel (PAP) will be notified of the recommendation to the Assessment Board to fail practice. . In accordance with the academic regulations, the Assessment Board reserves the right to withhold the opportunity for reassessment for modules that test professional as opposed to theoretical competence. 3 For Social Work, the recommendation for another placement will be made to the PAP. 3 of 3 Amended August 2012