Bountiful Junior High PYRAMID OF INTERVENTION Renaissance Academy Learning Unit Safe School Referral SPED Placement Reduced Schedule 504 Accommodations 504 or Special Education Testing/Referral At-Risk Documentation (truancy, attendance, discipline, etc.) AFTER SCHOOL INTERVENTIONS: Eagle Academy, tutoring, after school detention, Peer Support, Science Club SCHOOL DAY INTERVENTIONS: Study Hall, Teen Impact, READ 180, Learning Technics, counseling groups, ISS, lunch detention, conference with administrator or counselor, New Friends Club, Advisory LOCAL CASE MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS PRE-SPECIAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENT GRADE LEVEL TEAM INTERVENTIONS: Team discussion, teachers/parent meeting, weekly/daily tracker, adult mentor, contracts, seat away with other teacher, invite parent to sit with student in class, etc. TEACHER/PARENT INTERVENTIONS: Phone calls, email, behavior contracts, tracking with planner, conferences, teach organization skills, parent visits, extended time, alternate assignment/assessment or modify, explain MyDSD to parent/student, etc. CLASSROOM ACCOMMODATIONS/INTERVENTIONS: Best instructional practices, differentiated instruction, technology integration, seating chart, pair with role model, peer notes, reward system, focus on positives, teach social skills, conference with student, contracts, seat away, etc.