All the staff in Year 3 would like to welcome you back to school after the Easter Break. Also joining us, is Miss Anderton, who will be here until the end of the school year. We welcome Mrs Burton to class 10, who has taken over as Teaching Assistant following Mrs Sillence successfully obtaining a new job. We wish her well. Our topic this term is ‘Robin Hood’. Literacy will be based around legends, especially the legend of Robin Hood. The children will be writing scripts to present the news from either ‘Nottingham Castle’ or from ‘Sherwood Forest’. This will be videoed. We are planning an exciting trip to Porchester Castle near Portsmouth later in the term so will be learning all about the different types of castles. This will be related to geography, looking at why castles were built in certain areas. Reminders Please check all of your child’s clothes to make sure they are all labelled, either with a name or with the number. As the weather gets warmer please ensure your child arrives at school with suntan lotion applied. The staff are unable to apply sun cream, however you may send a bottle of lotion into school so that your child can apply it to themselves during the day. The bottle must have your child’s name on it. We also encourage hats to be worn at break times and lunch times. Science is all about plants – plant reproduction and the transportation of water within plants. In art the children will look at sections of the Bayeux Tapestry, discuss how artwork can tell a story. Following on from this the children will be able to create their own stories, look at camouflage and experience weaving. ICT – the children have learnt how to program on the ipad, they will now take these skills to program small Pro bots or Bee bots. Homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be in by Wednesday. PE kits – please ensure PE kits are in school. PE Day – Thursday for those children not going swimming. Jewellery - only stud earrings or watches. The children are expected to read every night, please sign their PACT books as they will get house points each time they are signed! Spellings to be learnt for a test on Friday.