Autumn Term topic web 2015 - Great Alne Primary School

Fiction: Stories linked to topics:
All About Me - Starting School, I’m Special, I’m Me,
Once there were Giants, Funnybones, Titch
Non- fiction: Your Senses, Bones, Our Bodies from
Head to Toe, The Human Body, My Body, All About
The children will also be learning and singing a
variety of nursery rhymes and poems
Castles – The Kiss that Missed, The Princess and
the Dragon, Room on the Broom, In the Castle,
The Princess and the Wizard
Non- fiction: How to be a Knight, 100 facts Knights
and Castles, 1001 Knights and Castle Things to spot
Role Play: Home corner/Castle
Writing: Writing names, writing letter shapes in
response to sounds, writing cards, lists and
Consolidating Phase 1
Beginning Phase 2
Autumn Term 2015
Physical development:
Moving and handling:
Safe use of all equipment and tools
Moving freely in a variety of ways and with
Reception unit 1- Focus on using beanbags
Introduction to gym
Health and self care:
Manage washing and drying hands
Manage toilet routines
Dress and undress with growing independence
All About Me
Expressive arts and design:
Exploring and using media and materials:
Using ICT to create self portraits. Explore a variety
of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting
with colour, design and texture. Sing songs.
Music: with Mrs Brereton.
Exploring beat and tempo (speed), Exploring high
and low sounds, rehearsing and performing our
Christmas play
Being imaginative:
Using role play to act out own stories and re-enact
texts covered
Observational drawings and paintings
Making paper plate faces
Small world play – Dolls house/Castle/lego
Christmas crafts
Role play: Home corner/Castle
Say and use number in songs, rhymes and stories
Recite numbers to 10, then 20+
Recognising numerals 1 to 5, 6 to 10, 10 to 20
Matching numerals to numbers in a set
Count up to 10/20 objects
Order numbers
Partitioning/addition/subtraction (guess how many are
The children will also be learning and singing a variety
of number rhymes
Shape and space:
Describe the shape and size of shapes
Use the language of position
Pattern on fingertips/repeating patterns (two
Height (use language of taller/shorter)
Length (use language of longer and shorter)
Time – days of the week/times of the school day
Understanding the world:
Personal, social and emotional
Much of our PSED will be covered through daily life in
the classroom and use of continuous provisions
around the classroom stations including: Sharing and
taking turns, learning routines of the school day,
following rules, forming positive relationships,
showing sensitivity, knowing about ourselves – what
we can do, feeling positive about themselves.
Circle Time – New Beginnings, Good to be Me
People and communities:
The Royal Family, Celebrations
How castles were used by people in the past
The world:
Humans are animals
Life cycles
Food and drink are necessary for life
Making healthy food choices
All About Me: body parts, senses
Castles: Famous castles
Uses of castles
Different parts of a castle
How to use the mouse, using the drawing program, type
own name and other text, interactive stories and games
Using the digital camera to record own work
Gather information from a variety of sources
(books, CD’s, DVD’s, internet)