WEEKLY CLASSES FROM RETURN YOGA CLASSES OTHER THAN “FREEWILL DONATION” ARE $8. 30 DAYS OF UNLIMITED CLASSES FOR $40. ALL CLASSES ARE OPEN LEVEL: NO EXPERIENCE WITH YOGA NECESSARY, REGULAR PRACTIONERS WELCOME! SEE BELOW CALENDAR FOR CLASS DESCRIPTIONS. CONTACT KARIN AT 507-3015603 OR RETURNYOGA.ORG AT ANYTIME WITH QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS. SUNDAY 5:30 – 6:30 PM PRAYING WITH OUR HANDS (GENTLE YOGA) FREEWILL St. John’s Lutheran Church, Northfield MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 7 -8 AM FREEWILL DONATION 7 -8 AM FREEWILL DONATION 7 -8 AM FREEWILL DONATION 7 -8 AM FREEWILL DONATION 7 -8 AM FREEWILL DONATION 200 DIVISION ST NORTHFIELD 200 DIVISION ST NORTHFIELD 200 DIVISION ST NORTHFIELD 200 DIVISION ST NORTHFIELD 200 DIVISION ST NORTHFIELD 5-6 PM CLASSIC YOGA 5-6 PM CLASSIC YOGA 5-6 PM CLASSIC YOGA 200 Division St Northfield 200 Division St Northfield 200 Division St Northfield 7-8 PM CLASSIC YOGA 7-8 PM CLASSIC YOGA 7-8 PM CLASSIC YOGA 7:30-8:30 PM CLASSIC YOGA 200 Division St Northfield 200 Division St Northfield 200 Division St Northfield 200 Division St Northfield 5:30-6:30 PM DANCING WITH GOD (CLASSIC YOGA) St. John’s Lutheran Church, Northfield SATURDAY FREEWILL DONATION CLASSES: Open level class, pay what you can. Anyone new to yoga can feel confident in receiving help and feedback, a solid place to begin, no matter what your body type or physical condition. Advanced practioners will be given room to move, with lots of modifications and depth in poses. CLASSIC YOGA: Learn the classic postures, breathwork, and philosophies of yoga without any of the brand names. Again, each class is open level, so those new to yoga are welcome alongside regular practioners. In every Return Yoga class, the focus is on the individual, rather than the class; on personal growth and exploration, rather than reaching the right poses. GENTLE YOGA: Restorative, Yin style class. Poses are mainly done on the floor, sitting or reclining, with longer holds to facilitate healing and deep release. This is a wonderful class for anyone new to yoga or concerned about health issues: the key word is ‘gentle’.