Msgr. George A. Wilhelm Knights of Columbus Assembly 1094 1111

Msgr. George A. Wilhelm
Knights of Columbus Assembly 1094
1111 St. Joseph Parkway, Houston, TX 77002
Faithful Navigator SK Dcn. Johnny Salinas
Meeting Minutes 11-04-2014
Faithful Navigator Deacon Johnny Salinas opened the meeting at 7:28pm. 23 Sir Knights were in attendance.
Opening prayer was offered by Faithful Admiral Bill Florez.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Faithful Navigator Deacon Johnny Salinas.
Opening ceremonies were performed by chair officers.
Faithful Scribe read the roll call of officers. Attendance is as follows
V Inner Sentinel
Dcn. Johnny Salinas
P Outer Sentinel
Shawn Reichhardt
P 3-Year Trustee
Bill Florez
P 2-Year Trustee
Michael White
E 1-Year Trustee
Clint Mendonca
P Commander
Bob Cage
P Commander
Leonard Kasowski
H.K. Hogans
Joel Lara
Paul “Yogi” Ybarra
Carl Southern
Kevin Okoli
Joe Escalona
Rafael Canamar
No additional Sir Knights awaiting admission to the assembly at this time.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. No additions or corrections; minutes approved as read.
Faithful Friar position is vacant. Deacon Johnny Salinas reported as follows:
 Be alert and be on watch! This was the message of the gospel this past Sunday, which some of us heard multiple times.
o We are always supposed to be vigilant and alert for when our savior calls.
o Maintain the good dignity and the things we are already doing and continue being watchful.
 During training this week, Cathedral employees were reminded to be careful with technology, especially when
communicating with youth online, such as through Facebook and email.
o Archbishop Fiorenza is old school, not a fan of tech, calls it “voodoo”
o We can use tech for the benefit of ministry, but if you see something that is wrong, report it!
Faithful Navigator Deacon Johnny Salinas reported as follows:
 We have a few turn outs coming up.
o Saturday, Dec 6: Texas Organizational Meeting Mass at Hotel Omni at 8:00am, lineup by 7:00am
o Sunday, Dec 7: Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass at George R. Brown at 5:00pm, lineup by 4:30pm
o Monday, Dec 8: Immaculate Conception Mass at Co-Cathedral at 5:15pm, lineup by 4:15pm.
o Friday, Dec 12: Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass at Co-Cathedral at 7:00pm, lineup by 6:15pm.
 Our District Master said that it’s time for the VAS volunteer of the year award, submit nominations!
Trustees read Bills and Communications as follows:
 $141.64 to Shawn Reichhardt for December meal
 $125.00 donation to Cathedral Centre for December rent
 $169.44 to Bill Florez for raffle supplies
$169.00 to Bob Cage for postage
$93.07 to Bob Cage for printer ink
Faithful Comptroller Bob Cage reported as follows:
 $5,777 so far in revenue having come in from raffle ticket sales, including $600+ from Maxie Mendoza and his crew.
 Our fourth degree “logo + flag” pins are in, they are $5 each, and everything is good.
Faithful Purser Leonard Kasowski reported as follows:
 $36,395 in the bank right now, and all bills are paid.
 YTD we have spent $4k more than we’ve brought in so far. Sell more raffle tickets!
 There’s a scam going around where people call claiming to be IRS, say that you owe money, claim pay now or be arrested.
o It’s a scam, IRS never calls you; they send a letter. If it’s particularly serious, they send a certified letter.
o Don’t give them any info or attempt to pay, just hang up and call your CPA or your attorney.
Faithful Pilot Michael White reported on Turn Outs is as follows:
 No additional turn outs to report right now.
Faithful Captain Shawn Reichhardt reported on the Sick and Distressed as follows:
 List is up to date so far with one addition: SK Oscar “OD” Ochoa, who runs the company that supplies our raffle tickets,
passed away. He was a member of Council 2917 and a parishioner at St. Rose of Lima. Funeral details will be forthcoming
Committee Chairmen reported as follows:
 Pro Life (James Theisen)
o Houston Coalition for Life just received the completed “Baby Blue” bus, about the size of an airport shuttle.
o Equipped with a 4D ultrasound supplied by the Galveston-Houston Knights of Columbus and ready to do good.
o No regular Helper’s Mass this month, there will be an event on December 27 (Feast of the Holy Innocents) with a
Mass at 7:00pm, following which there will be a procession to Planned Parenthood off Gulf Freeway.
 VA Visitation (Kevin Okoli)
o Only 3 Sir Knights showed up to the VA this past Sunday for our turn. We need to get more next time!
o No new schedule for 2015 yet. We will get it next week at the Chapter Meeting from Tido Peralez.
 Christmas Party (Shawn Reichhardt)
o Attire for the evening is social regalia (tuxedo) for Sir Knights and Sunday best for the ladies.
o Will have background music and dancing, but no band this year. Social hour at 2:00pm, dinner hour at 3:00pm.
o Gentlemen please bring a bottle of cheer; ladies please bring a dessert.
o We need to do more to advertise the Christmas Party and make sure people know that it is happening!
Reading of Applications by Faithful Admiral Bill Florez as follows:
 None
Unfinished Business:
 None
Report of Trustees:
 None
New Business:
 None
Report of the Third Degree:
 None
The Good of the Order was conducted by Faithful Outer Sentinel Joel Lara as follows:
 Giving Tuesday is today, we all gave to the 50/50 raffle, and let’s give thanks to Shawn for the wonderful meal!
 Winner of the last drawing (Miguel Navarro) is present and bought a ticket, received his free ticket.
 Drawing for winning ticket: #581953, James Theisen won $26.
Closing ceremonies were performed by chair officers.
Closing prayer (Angelus) was led by Faithful Navigator Deacon Johnny Salinas.
Meeting was closed by Faithful Navigator Dcn. Johnny Salinas at 8:04pm