Ohio SRTS Non Infrastructure Report

Non-Infrastructure Progress Report
ODOT District SRTS Contact Information
Website: www.dot.state.oh.us/saferoutes
Please complete the report by typing in your responses. Boxes will expand as you type.
Time period covered:
Date report completed:
Project Completion Date:
Name of sponsoring agency:
School District:
Name and Title of person filling out report:
PART I. Please report your progress during the past quarter
You are encouraged to send photos of encouragement activities, educational events, infrastructure
projects or anything else related SRTS activities conducted the past quarter.
a. List the organizations represented on your SRTS Team.
b. Did you add any new members to the Team this last quarter?
If yes, what organizations do the new members represent?
c. How many times did the Team meet this last quarter?
d. What were the main issues discussed at the meetings?
a. Describe your educational/encouragement activities for the quarter (who, what, when, where, what
was accomplished):
Which Action Plan strategies do these activities address?
b. Did you use the “Every Move you Make” lesson guides during the last
If yes, when and how did you use them?
Do you have any feedback on the “Every Move you Make” lesson guides?
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c. What other resources, curriculum or educational programs did you use during the last quarter? (ex:
Walking School Bus or Crossing Guard training)
When and how did you use these?
Do you have any feedback on the other resources or program(s) used?
a. Describe any engineering improvements made this past quarter as part of the SRTS program. Who
made the improvements? Were the improvements listed in your School Travel Plan?
b. Describe any enforcement activities conducted this past quarter or implementation of enforcement
strategies from the School Travel Plan.
c. Have you developed finalized and/or updated Walk and Bike to School
maps of recommended safe routes to/from participating schools during
the last quarter? If so, please attach a copy of the map.
If so, how are you using the maps to educate parents on recommended safe routes and to encourage
students to safely walk and bike to school?
a. Does your community have a current account with the National Center
for SRTS Online SRTS Data Entry System?
b. When was the last time your community conducted Parent Surveys and Student Travel Tallies
c. When are you planning to conduct Parent Survey’s and Student Travel Tally’s (ODOT requests surveys
be completed yearly)?
d. If conducted this quarter, what date were forms submitted to the National Center for SRTS?
e. Please describe any other evaluations conducted during the last quarter and attach copies of the
results or explain here.
SRTS Training
a. Have you and/or any other SRTS Team members attended any SRTS or
related trainings or webinars during the last quarter?
If yes, please describe:
Part II. Please answer the following questions regarding implementation of your School Travel Plan
during the last quarter.
a. Have your SRTS efforts improved safety along the routes to school?
If yes, how.
b. Have your SRTS efforts increased the number of children walking and/or biking to school?
yes, please describe.
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c. Have your SRTS efforts decreased traffic congestion around the school?
If yes, how.
d. Have your SRTS efforts improved communication and coordination efforts among the school, parents,
and government agencies?
If yes, how.
e. Is there any technical assistance or resources the Ohio Department of Transportation should consider
as you continue to implement your School Travel Plan?
If yes, please describe
What would you say are your lessons learned in this reporting period?
Part III. Goals for next quarter
a. Briefly describe accomplishments planned for next quarter,
b. Due date of next report.
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