MoDOT Project Writing Assistance Program






Sponsored by

Missouri Department of Transportation

& the PedNet Coalition

With support from

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration

Due Date:

February 28, 2014 (5:00 p.m.)

Missouri Department of Transportation

Safe Routes To School Program

Project Writing Assistance Program

Who can apply for SRTS?

State, local, and regional agencies that demonstrate an ability to meet the

SRTS requirements, may apply for funding for schools that provide education for students between the Kindergarten and eighth grade levels.

Who can apply for PWAP?

Applicants must be a city or county government that is partnering with a school that has a free or reduced lunch rate of over 50%. Additionally, the applicant must have participated in one of the SRTS Project Writing Assistance Program (PWAP) workshops hosted by the PedNet

Coalition. The applicant also must be willing to submit their completed application for the next cycle of SRTS funding.

What are the goals of the PWAP?

The goals of the program are to increase the capacity of the applicants to plan Safe Routes to

School projects, and write competitive Safe Routes to School project applications.

What this program isn’t

This is not a program to:

- Improve school pick-up/drop-off areas for the benefit of cars and buses;

- Construct only sidewalks; or

- Install only crosswalks.

This also is not a program for applicants who wish to implement only one strategy.

Eligible programs and projects

SRTS programs and projects are most effective when:

- Focused on elementary and middle schools;

- Developed within a 2-mile radius of the school;

- Focused on an existing school, not a future/planned school; and

- Willing and able to provide a 20% match in cash.

Services available

If your application is selected, the Missouri Department of Transportation and the PedNet

Coalition have enlisted Ms. Michia Casebier, President of M.G. Tech-Writing, L.L.C., to serve as your consultant. All applicants, sites, and needs are different. Depending on the results of initial communications with you, the consultant may recommend that you use any combination of the infrastructure and non-infrastructure techniques, strategies, or assessment tools reviewed during the project development training workshops to solve your particular problems. The tools and strategies could be a mixture of infrastructure (things that could be installed or constructed) and non-infrastructure (education-, law enforcement-, or event-based programs).

The consultant also will provide project application writing assistance for your 2014 SRTS project application, focusing on the infrastructure and/or non-infrastructure remedies you and the consultant have identified throughout the course of your work together. The applicant will be expected to assist the consultant in this task.

Applicant responsibilities

The selected applicants’ SRTS teams will meet via telephone or Skype with the consultant, and provide her with key information and data; e.g., a current list of SRTS team members and their phone and email contact information; responses to a set of SRTS Program Development

Interview Questions; walking/bussing boundaries, enrollment numbers, safety concerns, and travel route issues.

After the initial phone or Skype call, you will need to provide assistance to the consultant in writing your Safe Routes to School project application . If you aren’t able to do this, you should not apply for the Project Writing Assistance Program.

If your request is for infrastructure funding (i.e., engineering, construction), you will need to get the proper permissions from your appropriate public works, engineering, and/or transportation professionals BEFORE you begin the application.

If the applican t’s Project Writing Assistance request is selected, the project described within the draft project application will be submitted for consideration for possible additional funding through the next regular Safe Routes to School funding cycle. If the project is selected, it could result in additional commitments of time and resources by the applicant.

How to apply

Mail and email both a hard copy and an electronic .pdf copy of your completed application to:

Lawrence Simonson, Assistant Director

The PedNet Coalition

P.O. Box 7124

Columbia, Missouri 65205

All applications, including the hard copies, must be received before February 28, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. CST.


All applications for Project Writing Assistance will be judged on the appli cant’s true need for assistance, how well they have described their problems, and if they agree to items 11 and 12 on the last two pages of this application.


To be considered for the Safe Routes to School Project Writing Assistance Program, please answer the following questions:

Project Contact:

Contact name: ___________________________________________________________



Phone number:

Email address:


___________________________Zip code_________________________



1. Describe the problems that you wish to address with Safe Routes to School funding.

Do not list your solutions – just your problems:

(S ee ‘ What this program isn’t ’ above)
















2. Explain specifically how you lack funding, staff, expertise, and/or other resources that prevent you from initiating and sustaining your own SRTS Program and project application:














3. Include a ‘wish list’ of the potential solutions to your problems/challenges listed above:















4. Target School Information:

Please provide the following information on the school(s) that you will include in your Safe Routes to School project:

School name # enrolled % Free/reduced lunch

(To include more schools, print another page and attach to back)

5. Site safety/crash history (200 words max.):

Describe extraordinary traffic occurrences on streets within a 1-mile radius from target school.

You may submit crash reports, news stories, and/or observed/potential conflicts. You will be awarded more points if you 1) provide actual law enforcement crash data reports, or 2) attach a letter from a law enforcement officer at the department head level or above confirming and explaining the situations:
















6. List committed SRTS team/partners. Indicate the Team Champion and an Alternate


Name/Title Organization How they will contribute Email/Phone










7. Date of Your Project Planning Meeting and Attendee List:







8. Attachments (mandatory):

-- Site map (show school site and ¼ mile beyond; show ‘north’ arrow and street names; no larger than 11” x 17”);

-- Photographs of the site and/or related school/community events or issues (no more than 4); and

-- Support letters (no more than 3).


Date of a Safe Routes to School-related event your school, school district, or agency hosted or participated in:


Date/List Event Type

Event examples include: a Walking School Bus, a Walk or Bike to School Day, an International

Walk and Bike to School Day, a bike rodeo, a bike train, etc.


Have you conducted a ‘walkability’ site assessment? (mandatory)

The Walkability Checklist must be held at one of your project’s target schools and attached to this grant application in order to receive consideration for this grant. If you conducted your Walkability

Checklist more than one year ago, you will receive fewer points.

Yes No Date held : _________________________________________________

List names of those who participated in the Walkability Checklist:








11. Read the following and sign below (mandatory):

All applicants must provide all of the following signatures.

This is not a program for applicants who wish to implement only one Safe Routes to School strategy. I understand that the consultant may recommend a combination of infrastructure and non-infrastructure tools and strategies. I am willing to accept and implement a balance of infrastructure and/or non-infrastructure tools and strategies, with the exception of those that violate local ordinances, guidelines, or policies.

Your signature_____________________________________________

Name and title of the appropriate State, local, and regional agency staff administrator. This signature can NOT be that of a school or school district official.

I understand that, if my project is selected, my Safe Routes to School application team will work with the Safe Routes To School consultant to accomplish certain project tasks. Our team will need to provide the consultant with certain information, potentially including, but not limited to:

- Walking/bussing boundaries

- Aerial or other maps

- Program Development Interview Question Responses

- Travel route issues

- Number of students enrolled at the target school(s) - Parent Survey Summary

- Typical student transportation mode (walk, bike, car, bus, etc.) - Student Travel Tally Report

- Typical parent, school, safety issues and concerns - Safety/security problems

At the end of the initiation call, we will provide assistance to the consultant in writing the Safe

Routes to School project application. If our request is for infrastructure funding (i.e., engineering, construction), these items will require the approval of our appropriate public works, engineering, and/or transportation professionals BEFORE we begin the application.


Name and title of the appropriate public works, engineering, and/or transportation official




I also understand that if my Safe Routes to School Project Writing Assistance request is selected, my resulting Safe Routes to School project will be submitted for possible additional funding through the next regular Safe Routes to School funding cycle. If selected for such funding, the project will require that a 20% cash match be made to the total project request, and the project could result in additional commitments of time and resources by my organization.


Your name and title


Your signature


Your supervisor’s name and title


Your supervisor’s signature
