MINNESOTA SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL 2015-2016 PLANNING ASSISTANCE GRANT APPLICATION Please see the MnDOT SRTS grants page for instructions and resources to fill out this application. Applications are due to saferoutes.dot@state.mn.us by noon on January 8, 2016. PART I: APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Organization Name Applicant Organization Type (city, school, tribal, non-profit (please specify) PART II: PLANNING ASSISTANCE TYPE ___ I live in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Region. I will work with the MnDOT Statewide Planning Consultant. ___ I live in Greater Minnesota. I will work with my local Regional Development Commission. ___ I live in Greater Minnesota. I will work with my local Metropolitan Planning Organization. ___ I live in Greater Minnesota. I will work with the MnDOT Statewide Planning Consultant. PART III: CONTACT INFORMATION Contact Name Contact Title Street Address City ST ZIP Code Phone E-Mail Address PART IV: PLANNING ASSISTANCE REQUESTED Please review the following types of planning assistance available on page 8 of the application guide and on the SRTS planning assistance application page. Rank the following types of planning assistance based on your community needs. #1 is the applicant’s first choice and #9 is your last choice for the type of planning support requested: ___ Walk audit & report ___ Walking Routes for Youth Map ___ Non-infrastructure plan/workshop ___ SRTS planning charrettes/workshops (individual or multi-school) ___ High-school update ___ Minnesota SRTS travel plans (individual or multi-school) ___ SRTS plan update ___ School district or city-wide SRTS plan Other ideas? Please write in a proposal that meets the SRTS planning goals: WHICH PLANNING ASSISTANCE TYPE DID YOU SELECT AS YOUR #1 CHOICE? EXPLAIN WHY THIS IS NEEDED AND WHY YOU BELIEVE IT IS THE BEST TYPE OF PLANNING SUPPORT FOR YOUR COMMUNITY. Please complete the following demographic information for each school applying for planning assistance. PART V: SCHOOL INFORMATION SHEET (15 POINTS) School One School Two School Three School Four School Five School name School population Grades at school City population % students eligible for free and reduced cost meals % students currently walking % students currently biking % of students living within 2 miles of school Distance eligibility for busing % students in hazard bus areas % students living in walk zone 2 School One School Two School Three School Four School Five School name School population Grades at school City population % students eligible for free and reduced cost meals % students currently walking % students currently biking % of students living within 2 miles of school Distance eligibility for busing % students in hazard bus areas % students living in walk zone PART VI: SRTS TEAM MEMBERS & LOCAL SUPPORT 1. SRTS TEAM (10 POINTS) Members of a local SRTS team should be involved before, during, and after the SRTS planning process in your community. Please mark the following individuals currently on your SRTS team. Please provide names where available. Name and title of team leader: Mark X next to team members: Team Members: Please list name and/or title: Role of team member: School Principal School/District Transportation Staff Local Road authority (public works, county engineer, MnDOT) City staff (planners, elected officials, city manager) SHIP/public health practitioners School District Reps Parents, Community Members Students, Teachers Bicycling or walking group representative Law Enforcement Other team members (write-in): 3 2. SRTS PLANNING IS A STRATEGY THAT SUPPORTS HEALTHY AND SAFE COMMUNITIES AND SCHOOLS. DESCRIBE HOW THIS PLAN FITS INTO AND/OR SUPPORTS LARGER SCHOOL OR COMMUNITY GOALS? (10 POINTS) PART VII: EXISTING CONDITIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT 1. USING THE 5E’S- EDUCATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, ENFORCEMENT, ENGINEERING AND EVALUATION- BRIEFLY DISCUSS THE SRTS ACTIVITIES THAT CURRENTLY HAPPEN IN YOUR SCHOOL OR COMMUNITY. (10 POINTS) 2. WHAT IS YOUR TEAM’S VISION FOR A SUCCESSFUL SRTS PLAN? WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO ACCOMPLISH DURING AND AFTER THE PLANNING PROCESS? (10 POINTS) 3. LOOKING AHEAD TO IMPLEMENTATION, WHAT WILL BE THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE FOR SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF YOUR SRTS PLAN? (10 POINTS) 4 4. POLICIES AT THE LOCAL LEVEL CAN SUPPORT AND ACT AS BARRIERS TO SUCCESSFUL SRTS PROGRAMS. PLEASE DESCRIBE ANY KNOWN POLICIES (SCHOOL, DISTRICT, CITY, AND COUNTY) THAT WILL IMPACT YOUR SRTS PLANNING EFFORTS AND IMPLEMENTATION. PLEASE LIST POLICIES THAT WILL SUPPORT YOUR SRTS EFFORTS. EXAMPLES INCLUDE: COMPLETE STREETS POLICIES, DISTRICT WELLNESS POLICIES, CITY BIKE PARKING. PLEASE ALSO LIST POLICIES THAT MAY NEGATIVELY AFFECT SRTS PROGRAMS AT YOUR SCHOOL. WHAT PLANS DO YOU HAVE TO ADDRESS THEM BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER THE PLANNING PROCESS? EXAMPLE: OUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DOES NOT ALLOW STUDENTS TO WALK TO SCHOOL. (10 POINTS) 5. SRTS PLANS NEED MULTIPLE PARTNERS INVOLVED TO ENSURE IMPLEMENTATION SUCCESS. WHO WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN? WHICH AREAS OF IMPLEMENTATION WILL PARTNERS SUPPORT? (20 POINTS) 5 PART VIII: BONUS SECTION 1. PLEASE DESCRIBE ANY EXISTING PLANS TO RELOCATE OR BUILD NEW SCHOOLS IN YOUR COMMUNITY. WHERE ARE YOU AT IN THE PROCESS AND WILL THIS IMPACT SRTS ACTIVITIES AT THIS PLANNING SITE IN THE NEXT TEN YEARS? (SEE EVALUATION CRITERIA) 2. THE 2015 MINNESOTA SRTS VISION STATEMENT SAYS: “MINNESOTA IS A STATE WHERE ALL STUDENTS CAN WALK AND BICYCLE ON ROUTES THAT ARE SAFE, COMFORTABLE, AND CONVENIENT. THAT ALL STUDENTS HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO WALK AND BICYCLE NO MATTER THEIR RACE, E THNICITY, INCOME LEVEL, AGE, ABILITY, OR GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION…”. HOW WILL THIS SRTS PLAN AND FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT THE MINNESOTA VISION? (SEE EVALUATION CRITERIA) 3. SRTS INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS IDENTIFIED DURING PLANNING CAN BE INCORPORATED INTO FUTURE ROAD PROJECTS. PLEASE LIST ANY UPCOMING ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AROUND THE SCHOOL THAT MIGHT BENEFIT FROM SRTS PLANNING OR THAT MIGHT BE A BARRIER TO THE PLANNING PROCESS. (SEE EVALUATION CRITERIA) PART IX: LETTERS OF SUPPORT (5 POINTS) Please attach the following letters of support: 1. 2. Principal or school administrator letter of support Letter of support from the local government 6