GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE GMEC Responsibilities Legend CC 3 Greenville Health System 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM, Thursday, 9/25/2014 Minutes ATTENDANCE: GME Admin: Family Medicine: Internal Medicine: Med/Peds: OB/GYN: Ortho: Peds: Psychiatry: Surgery: MIS: Vascular: Dev Peds: Sports Medicine: Emergency: House Staff: Quality: Education Asess. Academic Development: Guest: ☒Edward W. Bray III, MD ☒Bruce Hanlin, MD ☒J. Michael Fuller, MD ☒Russell Kolarik, MD ☒Sharon Keiser, MD ☐Scott Porter, MD ☒Kerry Sease, MD ☒Julius Earle Jr., MD ☒Dane Smith, MD ☒Alfie Carbonell, MD ☒Chris Carsten, MD ☒Desmond Kelly, MD ☒Kyle Cassas, MD ☐Melissa Janse, MD ☐Laura Copeland, MD ☒Robert Mobley Jr, MD ☒Ryan Otto ☐Brenda Thames ☒Latonya Garrett ☒Ann Griffith ☒Irfan Asif, MD ☒Derek Payne ☒Jeffrey Elder, MD ☐Kyle Jeray, MD ☐Kenneth Rogers, MD ☐David Cull, MD ☐Jay Crockett, MD AO - Accreditation Oversight of Programs C&E – Curriculum and Evaluation Com – Communication with Medical Staff C/PD – Communication w/Program Directors DH – Duty Hours and Related Issues IA Mgmt –Institutional Accreditation Mgmt. Inno – Innovative Projects/Experimentation IRP – Internal Review Process & Reporting PC – Program Changes prior to ACGME PQ – Patient Safety and Quality R & C - Reductions & Closures RC/B – Resident Compensation/Benefits RS – Resident Supervision R Stats – Resident Status VI – Vendor Interactions ☒Greg Hawkins ☒Sharon Dunning DIALOGUE OUTCOME/ ASSIGNMENTS GMEC CODE Welcome & Review Minutes Dr. Edward Bray Dr. Edward Bray called the meeting to order at 8:07 am. Dr. Bruce Hanlin introduced Dr. Irfan Asif, Vice Chair Academics for Family Medicine and Dr. Sharon Keiser introduced Dr. Jeffrey Elder, Associate Program Director for Ob/Gyn. IA Mgmt AO Duty Hours Report Review Dr. Edward Bray Ms. Griffith reported that Mrs. DaSilva stated that this duty hours period didn’t match our reporting timeline; therefore, duty hours monitoring was postponed this month. Two periods will be reviewed next month. DH House Senate Report Dr. Laura Copeland House Senate report deferred. ACGME Communications Dr. Edward Bray Dr. Edward Bray reiterated the importance of reviewing and updating participating sites in ADS to include required clinics and ancillary training sites. Criteria for a qualified site include having site faculty teaching or instructing the residents. C/PD IA Mgmt AO In lieu of Natalie Carey presenting on Visiting Resident onboarding processes, Dr. Edward Bray asked if any department was having trouble accommodating visiting students and/or residents. He stated that all 3rd year students should be automatically taken from our program, but 4th year students could be with invitation from the Program Director from any recruitment area. Dr. Julius Earle asked if drug screens and fitness for duty screens were completed on visiting students. Ms. Griffith stated that Student Services performs onboarding processes via Natalie Carey. There were no other reports of problems or concerns by the group. Academic Council Update Dr. Desmond Kelly Derek Payne PC Dr. Edward Bray announced the medical school affiliation on the ADS Website has been changed from USC Columbia to now reflect USC School of Medicine Greenville. Medical school affiliation on ACGME ADS has been changed to USC School of Medicine Greenville Dr. Bray reported that the Colorectal Surgery Fellowship initial Site Visit has been scheduled for October 14. Colorectal Surgery Fellowship Site Visit October 14. Dr. Desmond Kelly reported that the last Academic Council meeting was cancelled; however the Transitions of Care and Duty Hours Subcomittee had met since the last meeting. An ADHOC Sub-Committee has been established to address competencies for senior residents, patient handoffs and/or transitions without faculty present as sited by CLER. Dr. Kelly also stated that the committee will also create templates and logos with appropriate standard branding. Derek Payne stated all GME Expansion Residency/Fellowship Programs had been approved except for Emergency Medicine. He explained that the financial forecasting for this program is being revisited and that Dr. Sasser would be working with revisions of the proposal for Emergency Medicine. Mr. Payne stated that FY15 Budget had been finalized and the GME budget was increased. Budget information has been distributed to the coordinators; however, salaries and benefit information would be finalized on September 30th. A motion was made by Dr. Desmond Kelly to approve moving forward with Urology, Child Psychiatry and Colorectal Programs. The motion was second by Dr. Hanlin. All voted in favor of the three new expansion programs. C&E DH GMEC approved the following GME Programs: Urology, Child Psychiatry, and Colorectal Programs IA AO Dr. Julius Earle stated that Dr. Rogers will be the interim Director for Child Psychology Program. 2 CLER Moment: Bringing GME into GHS Quality Agenda Dr. Robert Mobley Dr. Robert Mobley discussed that quality performance hospital-wide was at its lowest and it has lost all its USNews rankings. He provided a handout that identified 17 areas in the GHS Strategic Performance Improvement Initiatives. Dr. Mobley stated that improvements had to be made in processes of reporting. He gave examples where patient complications were being coded instead of progression of patient care, which negatively affects the quality of care rating. He stated that a lot of the negative quality of care coding was a direct result of denial of payment and simplistic statements by the attending physician. PQ Dr. Kerry Sease stated that feedback and education was needed. Dr. Mobley stated that he can work on providing the additional training needed. Dr. Bray stated that it is critical for the organization to improve this prior to the next accreditation visit scheduled for 2016. Event Reporting Sharon Dunning Ms. Sharon Dunning presented the group with a presentation showing trends in event reporting. She stated that reporting had increased among residents, fellows and interns but is leveling. She says that in Risk Management they are more concerned with near misses and serious incidents, but track all reports. Ms. Dunning said that they are able to create specific reports to meet any requests made by the department. She reported that Ob/Gyn is robust in reporting and echoed that serious safety event awareness is crucial. Dr. Sharon Keiser asked why there is no feedback regarding what happened after a report was made. Ms. Dunning stated that they get approximately 1400 reports per month and that there is not a good standard email response that would be appropriate to send out. There is a system generated email distributed to say that the event is closed. Ms. Dunning stated that complaints have a system generated email that they may use as a guide. Dr. Julius Earle expressed a concern that event reporting goes to managers and as a result there is some reluctance by the residents to report. Ms. Dunning stated that all event reporting can be completed anonymously entering a name is not required. Ms. Dunning stated currently events are reported to Physical Managers, Ancillary Manager if there is one and the Director, but can be revised. C/PD IA Mgmt PQ Dr. Bray stated that CLER will look at these numbers as we could be sited for them in the future. 3 Annual Reports Dr. Bray Dr. Edward Bray presented the Orthopaedic Surgery-Annual Report stating that the report in its entirety can be found online. He reported that Orthopaedic Surgery-has not had any attrition in several years, and 100% program completion by residents. Total Joint Arthroplasty and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine will now be a part of GME. It was formerly operated by the hospital is housed over at Steadman Hawkins location. The current Program Directors will be added to GMEC. PGY5 year residents will complete clinical rotations at Blue Ridge Bone and Joint Surgery for Clemson University Athletic Teams. GMEC approved the following Annual Reports: Orthopaedics, Psychiatry, and Ob/Gyn. IA Mgmt IRP Dr. Julius Earle presented the Psychiatry-Annual Report stating that they had received citation in the past for a lack of scholarly activity primarily because they were clinical. They currently have more scholarly activity including directing courses. They have formed a Clinical Competency Committee and is working with School of Medicine to refine evaluations and competencies Dr. Sharon Keiser presented the Ob/Gyn Annual report stating that they had 1-PGY4 transfer out of the program to repeat the PGY3 year in a slower environment. They had 28 resident articles published in peer reviewed journals. They had received a citation in the past (2 years ago) regarding utilizing simulation and drills. She reports that they have increased in that area as well as in Quality Improvement Projects. AO Dr. Edward Bray asked for a motion to approve the three summations of the Annual Reports. Motion was so moved and was second by Dr. Bruce Hanlin; and all agreed to accept the reports. Business in Medicine Planning Committee Ann V. Griffith Ms. Griffith reports that the committee is working with a financial consultant regarding several topics that would need to be scheduled. She asked when is the best time to schedule those trainings for the departments. Dr. Dane Smith stated Friday mornings at 7 am would be ideal for the upper level residents. Drs. Sharon Keiser and Kerry Sease both agreed and added that Wednesdays at 7 am would be another option as well. PC C/PD C&E Ms. Griffith announced that TEDMED had held seminars last week discussing various medical topics. She stated that there was a link on SharePoint to access the three days of potential business in medicine topics for your departments and personal interest. Dr. Bray added that HR had approved looking at the new proposed disability insurance policy for senior residents. He stated Wake Forrest and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) already utilizes this policy because of its affordability. He stressed that the policy will only be available if there is a high number of participation. 4 Program Coordinator Retreat Ann Griffith Ms. Ann V. Griffith stated that the coordinators will have an offsite retreat/training on Nov. 3rd. The retreat will use the Mice on Main as a learning tool for leadership and teambuilding skills. They will also have speakers to address Conflict Resolution, Business Ethics and Team Building. Program Coordinator Retreat scheduled for November 3, 2014 C/PD Com C&E Resident Meals Dr. Edward Bray Dr. Edward Bray reported that residents had meal purchase overages totaling $3255 for this year. He stated that the residents are given $300 per month to be used whether they are on call or not. The residents are notified at the time of purchase that they are over their limit, but coordinators can give permission to allow. AO IA Mgmt Dates to Remember Dr. Edward Bray AHME Teleconference “The ABC’s of Clinical Competency Committees”- Oct. 7th 1-2 pm Colorectal Site Visit (Oct. 14) ½ day Research Roundtable "eIRB SC Research Software feature”- Oct. 16 at CC2 GME Expansion Requests Updates- The paperwork will be available in Oct. Must have turned into GMEC by Dec 1st AHME Teleconference “GME Financing” – Dec. 2; 1-2 pm Match Deadlines: Jan 31 11:59 pm Quota Change/Rank Order List Feb. 25 ACGME Annual Mtg: Feb 26- March 1, 2015 held in San Diego, CA C/PD AO IA Mgmt wider or/Near Miss Reporting Other Business Dr. Edward Bray Dr. Kerry Sease questioned if EPIC training during Orientation. Ms. Griffith stated EPIC will need 2 days for training. Ms. Griffith stated that hopefully the training will be able to be divided so that EPIC fundamentals can be presented during general orientation and the EPIC representatives can conduct the training in each of the departments for departmental specific needs. IA Mgmt AO C/PD Dr. Dane Smith asked about posters seen throughout the hospital for CBT. He stated that there needs to be direct communication if these CBTs are required. Adjourn Dr. Edward Bray Dr. Bray stated that Orthopaedics receives scholarship grants to sponsor residents to complete AO courses. He asked if any other programs receive these grants. Dr. Chris Carsten stated that they receive grants in Surgery. Dr. Bray explained that the Philanthropy Department had handled these in the past but now you would need to contact the Grant Office regarding this process. Angela Freeman is the contact. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 AM. Next Meeting: 10/23/2014; 8:00 AM in CC3. AO IA Mgmt C/PD 5