Name:______________________ RAFT: Bill Of Rights In Your World R→ A→ F→ T→ THIS PROJECT WILL GIVE YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS THE OPINIONS OF BOTH SIDES OF A GIVEN ARGUMENT THROUGH ONE OF TWO PROJECT FORMATS. YOU WILL BE GIVEN A TOPIC THAT OFTEN CAUSES ISSUES IN SCHOOL, SUCH AS WEARING SCHOOL UNIFORMS OR GETTING YOUR LOCKER SEARCHED. ALL OF THESE ISSUES RELATE CLOSELY TO YOUR FREEDOMS GIVEN TO YOU IN THE BILL OF RIGHTS! YOUR JOB WILL BE TO CREATE A FAKE FACEBOOK THREAD (ON A WEBSITE WE WILL GIVE YOU) OR CREATE A FAKE TEXT MESSAGE CONVERSATION (ON A WEBSITE WE WILL GIVE YOU) WHERE THE ISSUE WILL BE DEBATED. THIS DEBATE MUST INCLUDE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: ● THERE MUST BE 6 TOTAL EXCHANGES, WHICH WILL INCLUDE AN ARGUMENT FROM ONE SIDE AND A REBUTTAL FROM THE OTHER ● EACH SIDE WILL MAKE 3 ARGUMENTS AND 3 REBUTTALS MAKING A TOTAL OF 6 EXCHANGES ● EACH SIDE MUST REFERENCE AT LEAST 3 OUTSIDE SOURCES ● OUTSIDE SOURCES MUST BE CREDIBLE (NOT WIKIPEDIA) AND LISTED IN YOUR WORKS CITED SHEET ● EACH SIDE MUST REFERENCE AT LEAST 2 INSTANCES OF THIS ISSUE BEING DEBATED IN THE COURTS (COURT CASES) ● AN OUTLINE OF FACEBOOK THREAD/iPHONE CONVERSATION MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE GOOGLE DOCS ● EACH PART OF THE PROJECT SHOULD BE SUBMITTED ON TIME TOPICS: ● UNIFORMS IN SCHOOL ● THE GOVERNMENT LISTENING IN ON YOUR PHONE CALLS/READING YOUR EMAILS/TEXT MESSAGES ● EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR A CAUSE IN SCHOOL (EXAMPLES: BLACK ARMBAND/BANDANNAS) ● LOCKER SEARCHES ● GUN CONTROL ● PETITIONS TO TAKE AWAY MATH CLASSES ● DO YOU THINK THE PRINCIPAL SHOULD HAVE FINAL SAY ON DECISIONS INVOLVING BEHAVIOR? ● EXPULSION FROM SCHOOL FOR MISSING HOMEWORK ● ABORTION ● THE DEATH PENALTY ● ANY OTHER TOPICS OFF OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS SURVEY (PURPLE SHEET) Bill Of Right RAFT Project Rubric 1 2 3 4 Historical Content Neither side of the argument references any court cases or historical evidence to support their argument One side of the argument uses 1 instance of historical evidence Both sides of the argument use 1-2 instances of historical evidence Both sides use 2 or more instances of historical evidence including Arguments Made Only 1 side makes an argument or there are no credible arguments made. Each side makes at least 1 argument supporting their side. Each side makes at least 2 arguments supporting their side. Each side makes at least 3 arguments supporting their side. Research Each side of the argument uses inappropriate noncredible websites (an example of this type of website is Wikipedia). Each side of the argument uses 1 appropriate websites and 1-2 inappropriate websites (appropriate websites are on-topic and credible and end in .edu, .org, or .gov) Each side of the argument uses 1-2 appropriate websites (websites are on-topic and credible and end in .edu, .org, or .gov) Each side of the argument uses 3 or more appropriate websites (websites are on-topic and credible and end in .edu, .org, or .gov) English/Grammar There are more than 5 spelling or grammatical errors. There are 3-4 spelling or grammatical errors. There are only 1-3 spelling or grammatical errors. There are no spelling or grammatical errors. Works Cited No Works Cited is included. Works Cited does not contain all sources. Works Cited is included containing all sources credible and non - credible. Works Cited is included containing all sources and all sources are credible. Creativity Could use improvement. There was no creativity or effort put into work. Fair. Project is put together and meets all other criteria but lacks creativity and lacks original thoughts. Good! Project is well done and shows some creativity and some original thoughts. Outstanding! Project shows a variety of creativity and original thoughts. Presentation to the Class Neither group member seems to know anything about their presentation. One member of the group speaks and is knowledgeable about both members’ court cases and is the only member of the group who presents. One member of the group speaks and is knowledgeable about both members’ court cases but both members are present for the presentation. Both members of the group speak about their project and are knowledgeable about their court cases. On Time Submitted more than 3 days late. Projects will not be accepted any more than 3 days late. Submitted 3 days late Submitted 1-2 days late Submitted on Due Date Score/Level