Name _________________________________________ Period _____________ Argumentative Research Essay Brainstorm What is an argument? Elements of the argument: Topic Selection On Your Own – Free Write Make of list of topics you might like to research…issues, concerns, controversies, etc. Brainstorm: Generating Arguments Now, narrow your topic down…select one of the topics you listed above (this may NOT end up being your final research topic so don’t get too attached!). What is your topic? Is this a topic/issue that you are interested in? Is this a topic/issue with two arguable sides or positions? Does it involve a current issue? Using the chart below, list at least 3 distinct arguments supporting each position. Each argument should approach the issue from different angles. As much as possible, the arguments on the LEFT side should be directly “arguing WITH” the ones on the RIGHT. Your argument (essential) question: PROS CONS Argument:: Argument:: Argument: Argument:: Argument: Argument: