Discuss the approach, perspective, research method, issue or a

Section B Part e
In this section you will be asked to discuss and issue or debate in psychology.
There are two ways of getting full marks in this section
Have a well developed argument with
3 or 4 points without examples
Have 2 or 3 arguments with
supporting psychological evidence
Previous essay questions
Jan 10
Discuss the features of the cognitive approach that support the view that
psychology is a science
Discuss the usefulness of field experiments in psychology
June 10
Discuss how the social approach provides a situational explanation of
Discuss whether it is possible to conduct psychological research that is
completely ethical
Jan 11
Discuss how the developmental approach may provide evidence for the
nature/nurture debate
Discuss the usefulness of psychological research that collects qualitative data
June 11
Discuss the usefulness of conducting research which is considered
Discuss whether it is possible to conduct ethical research using the self-report
Jan 12
Discuss how ethnocentrism may be a problem in the social approach
Discuss the extent to which psychology can be considered a science
Approach 1
Define the terms in the question
Approach 2
Define the terms in the question
State what your argument is going to
State your first argument
Give evidence linked to argument
Give a supporting point
Give your second argument
Give a counter point
Give evidence linked to argument
Give a second supporting point
Give a third argument
Give a second counter point
Give evidence linked to argument
Give a conclusion
Give a summary of our arguments