The beginner’s guide to writing BETTER literature essays. INTRODUCTIONS Impress markers with assertive argument and mature vocabulary Set up a thesis (an argument) and establish points to explore in direct response to ALL aspects of the question Display confidence with language e.g.. Use synonyms for key words in the question TEEPEE: As a general template EACH of your paragraphs should include T E E P E E TOPIC SENTENCE EXPLANATION EXAMPLE PURPOSE EFFECT EVALUATION It is not necessary to follow each point as rigidly as suggested above, you should instead look to develop your own style, but do keep in the back of your head these basic requirements….after all you may as well do what the marker is looking for. TOPIC SENTENCES As you all know this first sentence is generally the statement that you will defend in the rest of the paragraph. It should of course directly link to the questions There is no such things as a one-word theme! (I may have mentioned this before!). A more complex statement will of course lead to a more complex argument. E = EXPLANATION Look to include supporting discussion to build upon your argument. E = EXAMPLES Really this should be a given as you absolutely must make regular use of specific quotations and examples in every paragraph. Examples may also include criticisms and opinions voiced by other writers to add weight to your argument. How many per paragraph? … at least one more. P = PURPOSE Why does the writer write? Or What ideas do they want the reader to confront? This is where you must employ those ‘show verbs’ such as highlights/demonstrates/reveals/forces us to consider/ challenges / E = EFFECT 1. What is the effect of this part on the whole text? How does this compare/contrast with other parts of the text or canon? AND / OR 2. What is the effect on the reader? What is the tone? Why don’t you like Joe at this point? E = EVALUATION How successful is the writer in conveying his or her message? What are the strengths or weaknesses of the stylistic technique used by the writer? (and trust me no-one cares that you thought it was boring!) CONCLUSIONS About 4 sentences should be enough Recap the main points you’ve made Present your personal response/evaluation