Board of Advisors Purpose of Board

Board of Advisors
Purpose of Board
Markeim Arts Center - seeks to increase its effectiveness as a regional arts center. To do so, MAC needs a high
level of local and regional visibility - as a visual arts center, presenter of performing arts, and arts education. Its
mission seeks to contribute to the advancement of the arts as well as to provide a community style facility to be
enjoyed by all. The Board of Advisors (BOA) works closely with the Executive Committee of the Markeim Arts
Center Board of Trustees in establishing strategies to achieve this vision. The BOA provides an opportunity for
Markeim supporters to be involved in the future of the organization. Membership on the BOA is by invitation.
Terms of service are two years' renewable. The BOA meets three times per year.
Highlights of Commitment to Markeim’s Board of Advisors
1. Be present at up to three meetings annually, and enjoy food, drink, and the rewards that come with
supporting the arts.
2. Decide on a passive or active role on the Board
a. Passive – be present when able, add input as appropriate
b. Active – lead or join a suitable committee as indicated below
3. Pay annual dues of $300
Executive Committee of Markeim Board of Trustees and Board of Advisors
Organizational Structure
The Executive Committee consists of the President, Treasurer and Secretary. These members serve as the
Executive Committee of MAC’s Board of Trustees and Board of Advisors. It is the responsibility of the
Executive Committee to review annually, all documents pertaining to the BOA including; the Articles of
Association, By-laws, Financial Internal Controls, and Roles and Responsibilities, the Executive Committee will
make recommendations to the BOA as to any modifications which need to be made in order to keep these
documents accurate and adequate for proper function. These documents may be modified based on these
recommendations. The changes must be approved by the majority of the current BOA.
 Chairman of the BOA and of the Executive Committee
 Conducts all BOA meetings
 Provide general leadership for the Advisors
 Delegate responsibility to Advisor committee chairs
 Responsible for long-term advancement and/or administrative maintenance for the Advisors
 Write monthly or periodic article for inclusion in the MAC web site
 Maintain the financial books of the Advisors
 Collect membership dues
 Disburse payment/reimbursement at the request of the BOA chairs
 Prepare and present report of financial position at tri-annual BOA meetings
 Get each Advisor chair to prepare a budget for their committee
 Maintain minutes of BOA meetings
 Maintain official Advisor files
 Provide official Advisor information at the request of the Executive Committee or BOA
 Submit all official applications
 Maintain list of all current committee chairpersons
Roles and Responsibilities (for those that take an active role)
Advisor Chairs and Board of Advisors Committee Members
Each Advisor Chair, with the exception of the members of the Executive Committee, is the chair of the
committee of the same name. The Chairman of the committee has the responsibility of soliciting committee
members as he/she sees fit in order to conduct the business of the committee. The Advisor chairs and committee
members will work closely with Markeim Staff on decisions and issues pertaining to the art center.
Advisor Chairs
• Become familiar with the MAC’s mission, areas of excellence, goals and needs in order to develop a
compelling case for enlisting support;
• Encourage an active committee that partners with MAC staff to accomplish established goals
• Has overall responsibility for motivating their committee members
• Participates in community solicitation and cultivation activities, that would lead to sponsorships or funds
to create greater opportunities for MAC to meet the goals of its mission
• Makes a personal gift that will inspire others to emulate his or her generosity.
Committee Members
• Become familiar with the MAC’s mission, areas of excellence, goals and needs in order to develop a
compelling case for enlisting support
• Act as spokespersons, ambassadors and advocates on behalf of the MAC in their communities and among
various segments of the MAC constituency
• Recruit individuals to become MAC members
• Recruit individuals to make charitable contributions to the MAC. This includes membership and other
programs such as business partners, sponsorships, special funds or foundations;
• Work closely with MAC staff and Board of Trustees
Sponsorship Advisor / Committee – Develops and maintains wide-ranging partnerships with companies, groups
and other organizations that bring value added benefits to Advisor members. Ideal candidates for this committee
will have broad knowledge about the BOA, some sales or marketing experience, good communication skills and
general business knowledge.
 Seek out opportunities for BOA to partner with primary sponsors and affiliates that brings a wide variety
of benefits to club members.
 Manage sponsor/affiliate relationships.
 Communicate benefits to Advisor members.
 Solicit feedback from the Advisor members regarding past, present and future sponsorship needs and
Communications & Marketing Advisor / Committee - Produces and distributes the Advisor’s newsletter along
with other ad-hoc Advisor and MAC publication needs. Broad responsibility for keeping members informed of
Advisor happenings, which entails working with other committees to stay abreast of communication needs. Ideal
candidates for this position will have broad knowledge about BOA, writing/editing abilities, and excellent
web/internet/computer skills.
 Continually review the MAC Web site for content, look and design.
 Consider new and innovative ways to expand the MAC’s Web presence.
 Monitor the Advisor Forum.
 Consider appropriate means of communicating to Advisor members via electronic technology.
 Publish electronic editions of the Advisor newsletter each month.
 Ensure that both Advisor members and non-members have access to the newsletter.
 Develop additional publications and print materials including press releases as appropriate (i.e. brochures,
flyers, applications).
 Communicate with local and regional press about happening at MAC.
 Solicit feedback from Advisor members regarding past, present and future newsletter/communications
needs and opportunities.
Membership Advisor / Committee – Develops and expands the paid membership and effectively communicates
membership benefits. Plan and execute annual membership/renewal drives. Ideal candidates for this committee
will have broad knowledge about the MAC, good organizational and planning skills, and spreadsheet/database
 Help to maintain official MAC membership roster.
 Respond to questions from current and potential MAC members.
 Issue membership cards and other correspondence.
 Solicit feedback from MAC members regarding past, present and future membership needs and
 Promote membership throughout the year through marketing and promotional efforts.
 Assist in planning the Annual MAC Membership meeting
Community Events & Volunteer Advisor / Committee – Establish presence for the MAC at events throughout
the community.
 Pick events for participation.
 Organize volunteers for events.
 Coordinate and register, if necessary, with the appropriate resources for volunteers and tents.
 Solicit assistance as needed to set up tent, banner, tables and marketing information as needed.
 Store and maintain MAC equipment between events.
Education Advisor / Committee – Works with Markeim Staff to develop and implement art programming and
education, intended to reach and engage our community.
 Find teachers and have ongoing contact with teachers; scheduling; and preparation of contracts.
 Creates publicity for classes
 Research what classes the community in interested in attending
 Coordinates joint education efforts with other organizations.
 Develops other educational programs (e.g., workshops, lectures)
 Coordinate with the Communication / Marketing Committee
Exhibition Advisor – works with the current Exhibition Committee in consultation and with approval of the
Director to consider potential exhibitions for MAC.
• Coordinate with the policies and procedures of current Exhibition Committee
• Present ideas or material related to current or potential exhibitions.
 Coordinate hanging work
 Arrange time for work to be dropped off and picked up
 Assure that all work is in compliance with policies and procedures
 Create exhibition calendar for the year
 Vet artists interested in showing their works at MAC
 Select juror or jury members
 Notify artists of exception or rejection decision
 Coordinate with the Communication / Marketing Committee
Special Events / Fundraising Committee
• Organize special events
• Research and produce fundraising ideas
• Coordinate fundraising activities
• Secure sponsorship from in kind donors for fund raisers and special events
• Obtain and set up refreshments at all appropriate functions
• Inventory wine and paper goods for each event
• Coordinate with the Communication / Marketing Committee